Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC Almost Murdered by Her Own Voters

In a recent scare, [no date] AOC was almost murdered by her own voters. At a sparsely attended townhall in the Bronx, several of her own voters took issue. They seemed to have a problem with some of the votes she had been making in congress recently.

Green New Deal

Latest.. 11-25-22 In a recent scare, AOC was almost murdered by her own voters. At a sparsely attended townhall in the Bronx, several of her own voters took issue. They seemed to have a problem with some of the votes she had been making in congress recently.

The Voters yelled at her saying “NONE OF THIS MATTERS IF WE’RE ALL DEAD!” AOC who is known for telling her fans to make people uncomfortable was uncomfortable. She proceeded to call the attendees yelling rude. These voters went on and said she had no principals and Tulsi Gabbard was right.

AOC was experiencing the trifecta of almost murdered by her own voters, Tulsi Gabbard and Ted Cruz. DogFacePonia is not sure how Ted Cruz was involved but we do know that he must have been.

AOC then assured everyone that she was in fact not almost murdered by Nuclear Armageddon. AOC informed DogFacePonia that she had seen the Bruce Willis movie Armageddon and liked it well enough. Because of this she did vote for it. Really, she thought, has anyone ever been hurt by a nuclear bomb or two. AOC as you can expect, just like all other Democrats, voted for more and more money unchecked to Ukraine to keep the war going. We at DogFacePonia prefer not to be nuked or almost nuked.

AOC told The New York Times her office can barely keep up with the “astronomical” level of threats. We are not sure what kinds of threats, but it is hard to even take AOC almost serious. We do know that she is always working hard to defund the police and create experienced people to fill the role of almost protecting her.

GUESS WHO voted against the the bipartisan House amendment that would stop convicted Muslim terrorists from becoming TSA agents?

March 6, 2020

Led by the two radical Muslim Congresswomen, Olhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), as well as jihadi sympathizer, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), 174 Democrats voted against an amendment to the Rights for Transportation Security Officers Act that would keep people convicted of terrorism, sexual assault, and other violent crimes from working for the Transportation Security Agency (TSA). Daily Caller Fortunately, all the […] you will have to search a little.


but @ 29 she wants to tell us what the Government needs to do with our economy!

'White supremacists have done it': AOC compares religious liberty advocates to racists using Bible 'to justify bigotry'

by Anthony Leonardi, February 28, 2020 05:26 PM

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said religious liberty advocates are "weaponizing" the Bible to "justify bigotry," much like "those who justified slavery did."

During a Thursday House Oversight Committee hearing about the Trump administration's "religious liberty assault on LGBTQ rights," Ocasio-Cortez said people using religious exemptions to exclude gay and transgender citizens remind her of those who "weaponized" Scripture to enable slavery, white supremacy, and racism.

"It's very difficult to sit here and listen to arguments in the long history of this country of using Scripture and weaponizing and abusing Scripture to justify bigotry," the New York Democrat said to the panelists present at the committee hearing. "White supremacists have done it. Those who justified slavery did it. Those who fought against integration did it, and we're seeing it today."

AOC Flips the Religious Freedom Argument on Its Head | NowThis


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's, D–N.Y., “Green New Deal” is the most radical and destructive policy proposal offered by a member of Congress in decades. Not only would it destroy roughly 3.4 million jobs related to the fossil fuel industry by eliminating nearly all fossil fuel use by 2030, it would also require “upgrades” to every home and business building in the country and the creation of single–payer health care, a “basic income” program, and a federal jobs guarantee, among many other left–wing policies.

What is the left not telling you about the ‘ Green New Deal’?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Biography.
Member of the The Squad.

Cortez and Omar vow to remove 'senior's entitlements' social security Medicare.

(foxnews dot com/politics/ is now deleting conservative content )5 things you need to know about the New York congressmen.

Who is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

Smiley face

One unconfirmed article says she was fired in 2008 from "Hot dog on a stick" for incompetence. Running that down is like running down some of Pelosi's outrageous statements, the left will do everything possible to change history. They do it all the time.

1) Ocasio–Cortez ran on a far–left platform.
During the campaign, Alexandria Ocasio–Cortez a member of the ‘Democratic Socialists of America,’made several far–left proposals a centerpiece of her platform. In a video posted earlier this month, she said if elected she would fight for a federal jobs guarantee, a $15–per–hour minimum wage, paid family and sick leave, “Medicare for all, ” tuition–free public college and trade schools, a nation–wide 100 percent renewable energy plan by 2035, and abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Medicine is the keystone of the arch of socialism. Vladimir Lenin

2) Ocasio–Cortez didn't take money from PACs–like some other Democrats.
One of Ocasio–Cortez's key platform tenants was not taking money from special interest groups, a move that several other Democrats–including potential 2020 presidential candidates–have moved toward doing since the 2016 election.

3) Ocasio–Cortez didn't have a Wikipedia page until Tuesday's vote.
Her victory on Tuesday night was certainly an upset and has thrust her into the national political conversation. But Ocasio–Cortez, who was born in the Bronx to a Puerto Rican mother and small business owner father, was relatively unknown until Tuesday's vote.

4) Ocasio–Cortez would be among only a handful of millennials in Congress

5) Ocasio–Cortez has ties to some Democrats you might recognize.
Ocasio–Cortez worked as a community organized in in the Bronx before running for office, but she also has ties to several high–profile names in the Democratic party. She worked for former Sen. Ted Kennedy. She also worked as an organizer for Sanders' 2016 campaign.
Alexandria Ocasio–Cortez said billionaires shouldn't exist as long as Americans live in abject poverty.
Staffers and aides to party leadership say they love her enthusiasm. But they're worried her approach will threaten caucus unity.
“She came into Washington like a wrecking ball.”

Democrat Representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, released a summary of her “ Green New Deal” which envisions “ a massive transformation of our society” that includes: rebuilding every home and commercial structure in the US for energy efficiency, ending all traditional forms of energy in the next 10 years, including nuclear energy, within 10 years, building trains across oceans to put an end to air travel, and unionizing all new jobs! She suggests that the Federal Reserve and banks could fund these projects by extending more credit.

by BareNakedIslam

Omar sees fit to compare President Trump to a mob boss, despite the fact that her poor command of the English language makes it difficult to figure out what she's trying to say. But the simpatico relationship between the lowest rated cable news network and Omar, one of the lowest IQ congress members, is truly […]

Politics is a shit fest. My thinking is, if you are going to be in it, be right. Another fact I have noticed, on many of my earlier files, if put a link to a media WEB link where I got the story, if it made the ‘liberals’ look bad, the story would most assuredly disappear, as would a story that made conservatives or conservative issues look good. Since discovering this, I have tried to include at least a snippet of the story I would find, so if it is disappears, you would at least get a sense of what it said. Liberals/Socialist are attempting to change history. What I do is not plagiarism, it trying to save the facts, preserving history. As corny as it sounds, I feel like I'm doing something to help save the country.

AOC's Chief of Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, Is Has Come under Investigation for Possible Illegal Handling of more than $1-million in Campaign Donations – And He Has Resigned

August 7, 2019

Saikat Chakrabarti, the mastermind behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign and proposed Green New Deal, resigned as her chief of staff last week at the same time as coming under federal investigation. Two PACs are being probed, Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats, both set up by Chakrabarti to support Marxist candidates across the country. More than $1-million in political donations was funneled into two private companies that Chakrabarti also incorporated and controlled. Both companies had similar names to the PACs. While PACs must follow stringent federal rules on disclosure of spending and fundraising, private companies are not subject to the same transparency. The $5,000 limit on contributions from PACs to candidates may have been violated. -GEG

Nick Kangadis , @TruthOfChicago, February. 11. 2019

Netflix Buys Rights to Documentary Featuring AOC for 'Record' $10 Million

With former president Barack Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama and former Obama adviser Susan Rice influencing Netflix's programming decisions, the streaming giant's latest purchase should come as no surprise to anyone with two eyes and a brain. This is how the democrats fund many things, it is a Clinton specialty. netflix-buys-rights-documentary-featuring-aoc

“We live in a society where if you don't have a job, you are left to die.” AOC

Bitter Dems Are SICK Of Ocasio–Cortez, Hatch Plan To End Her Political Career

January 30, 2019 Martin

She hasn't even been a member of Congress for more than a month, but bitter Democrats are already reportedly looking to end Rep. Alexandria Ocasio–Cortez's political career.

According to The Hill, a few Democrats are infuriated with Ocasio–Cortez, the 29–year–old socialist from New York who has been the center of attention since winning her election back in November.

The report states that her Democratic colleagues have grown frustrated with her antics and alignment with Justice Democrats, a far–left group who is planning to primary several Democrats in the 2020 election who they say aren't “progressive enough.”
dems hatch plan to end her political career

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool than opening it and removing all doubt.→

The party of death and taxes

AOC's mother, however, isn't so much a fan of taxes. In fact, she told the U.K. Daily Mail that she moved out of New York state because of the insanely high property taxes.

AOC quote:

“ me, capitalism is irredeemable.”