Chuck Schumer, feckless

Iris Weinshall, Chuck Schumer’s Wife

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) threatened two conservative Supreme Court justices as he spoke at a pro-choice rally in front of the Supreme Court Wednesday as the Court heard a Louisiana case on restricting abortion.

Schumer’s threats were so shocking that Chief Justice Roberts released a rare statement condemning him:

“This morning, Senator Schumer spoke at a rally in front of the Supreme Court while a case was being argued inside. Senator Schumer referred to two Members of the Court by name and said he wanted to tell that that “You have released a whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You will not know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous. All Members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter.”

Jan 8, 2019

Chuck Schumer, in bed with hedge funds.

Schumer does not want these hedge fund guys, who make upwards of a billion dollars per year, taxed like regular folks.

Chuck Schumer has essentially allowed the Federal Reserve Bank, a private bank, to take in very crappy loans and toxic assets from the banks and allow them to have treasury bonds in return. The taxpayer, not the Federal Reserve, is on the hook for these assets. Ron Paul has wanted an audit of the Federal Reserve in order to establish whether the taxpayer was ripped off to the tune of trillions of dollars in this Geithner scheme. The support for the audit has been gaining momentum but Schumer has not supported it.

How much is Chuck Schumer worth? $250,000,000

Chuck Schummer caught taking 6.4 million in expenses! Fined $138,000 and still in the Senate?? For shit sake, so if I rob a bank of $10 million and gave $100,000 back I'm good? Snopes even has a hard time making this look good.

Chuck Schumer, feckless hack

The Week, Ryan Cooper November 16, 2018

Senate Democrats have once again selected Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) as their minority leader without so much as a whisper of a debate or contest.

This is galling. The man is incompetent, has abysmal politics, and as we were reminded in a huge New York Times investigation into Facebook, is extremely corrupt.

In his first two years as Senate minority leader, Schumer had two main priorities. First, preserve his vulnerable moderates running in deeply Trumpy states, like Claire McCaskill in Missouri, Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota, and Joe Donnelly in Indiana. Second, use the Trump presidency to sneak through some odious stuff that most liberals hate.

Schumer definitely succeeded in the latter objective. In keeping with his long career as a Wall Street stooge (and in sharp contrast with his predecessor Harry Reid), he quietly shepherded financial deregulation through. And because he has an almost neoconservative foreign policy, he largely stood aside as Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuclear deal for no reason. He also attacked Trump from the right for not being belligerent enough towards North Korea.

The problem isn't exactly that Schumer is cynical when he should be idealistic. It's that he's just so incredibly feckless. He burns all his political capital on defending despised banks who are no doubt cooking up new schemes to pillage the working class, and a monstrous social media giant that maybe helped Trump win and is hugely biased towards the extreme right in terms of traffic. What does he get in return? Three lost Senate seats.

Let's hope in the next Congress, Democrats can come up with someone who isn't so craven and helpless. If nothing else, I suggest start with drawing names out of a hat.

Complete Article.

feck·less (fĕk′lĭs)
1. Careless and irresponsible: "political prestidigitation designed to distract public attention from his feckless flouting of basic ethical principles" (Doug Ireland).

Corrupt politicians punishment?
Chuck Schummer caught taking 6.4 million in expenses! Fined $138,000 and still in the Senate?? For shit sake, so if I rob a bank of $10 million and gave $100,000 back I'm good?

Senator Chuck Schumer was accused of raping his daughter's 16 year old friend who later committed suicide. Some say this is not true. I don't know. You sure can't trust the "fact Checkers".

The Definition explains it all