Letter to congressmen Greg Walden concerning the CDC WEB site.

I thought since you were not directly involved in elections you might be able to do something. I got on the CDC WEB site (again) and tried to verify the latest rumor to come out about covid-19 and they have their search engine set up (I believe) to purposely make it impossible to locate something. Ex: I put in 3 items, separated by a +sign and I come up with over 1000 hits. I added a phrase, in quotes which should be treated as a single entity, and I get 1400 hits. More, not less. It is like they are purposely preventing people from finding out facts. Nothing is in chronological order, I can't see their latest "press release" say. I can only think this is complete stupidity or they are hiding something.

They need to get their act together and make their WEB site searchable. They need to be more accessible to the average citizen. Thank You

Gem Burke