
Dr. Alan Bates
H-485 State Capitol
Salem, OR 97301

In view of a recent and verified magazine article by Schoffro Cook, DNM, DAC & CNC. I was curious if it were possible to really get something done that would help everybody. Now, according to the article; MSG is found in almost 80% of our food. The trick is, they don’t call it MSG but a dozen other names: Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed plant protein, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate, yeast extract, textured plant protein, textured protein, autolyzed yeast hydrolyzed oat flour and corn oil. But that is not all, it can also be called: natural flavor, natural beef or chicken flavor hence store bought soups of any kind are rich in MSG. If I remember right, MSG was taken off the market over 20 years ago because it was bad for you and here it is in 80% of what we eat. The interesting thing about MSG (besides being really bad for you) is they injected it in healthy rats and they became fat. Rats don’t get fat in nature, So perhaps nowhere near the number of people would get fat either if our food wasn’t full of MSG. So how was MSG allowed back on to the markets? I suspect $ had a lot to do with it.

This could be a key to a lot of our health problems if you were really interested in checking some of these out. If you go in Google and type in “MSG” space “health” and you will see hundreds of articles on the subject. MSG is bad, isn’t there something we could do at the state level?
