Letter to the NRSC about RINO's




Surveys are an excuse to ask for money. I sincerely wish you did more than look for a check.. All you read is the front of a check.

Republicans never wanted Trump, They wanted that piece-of-shit Romney who has alrezady failed miserably against an illegal alien for criss sake and now says he won’t even vote Republican. Your still supporting him no-doubt. Trump wasn’t a career politician, nor is he part of the “New World Order” or what-ever you think you are. Trump “worked”, for his living. Trump popularity amongst your voting base with some of the highest ratings for a president, yet some republicans are now starting to call for his impeachment. If you (the Republican party) were worth a shit these so called :”Republicans” would be immediately denounced and kicked out of the Republican party.

The republicans supported two Bushes and McCain and the following RINO’s in congress: Sen Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Susan Collins (R-Main) Lisa Murkowski ( R-Alaska). Cory Gardmer (R-colo) Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Mike Enzi (R-WY) Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Rob Portman (R-OH). Susan Collins, R-Main opposes voting on SCOTUS nominee before election. Dump her!

You knew obama was illegal and you did nothing about it, NOTHING!!! The only thing worse than a liar are the people protecting one. You people have such poor taste in character, probably from licking so many assholes. www.dumbellnebula.com/politicians.htm/eightattempts.htm

We know the typical self serving scum bag politician, is not for a balanced budget despite what they say. Say? What is that politicians says? How much is the check.

HAVE A NICE DAY. May the blessings of koran 8:12 be upon you.

www.dumbellnebula.com/politicians.htm, /republicans.htm /johnmccain.htm /georgewbush.htm /gerogehbush.htm /muslimis.htm /democrats.htm /islam101.htm /islamprime.htm /politics.htm /wuhanvirus.htm