

Surveys are an excuse to ask for money. I sincerely wish you did more than look for a check.. All you politicians read is the front of a check.

Republicans never wanted Trump, They wanted that piece-of-shit Romney who now says he won’t even vote Republican. Your still supporting him no-doubt. Trump wasn’t a career politician, nor is he part of the “New World Order” or what-ever you think you are. Trump “worked”, for his living. Trump popularity amongst your voting base with some of the highest ratings for a president, yet some republicans are now starting to call for his impeachment. If you (the Republican party) were worth a shit these so called :”Republicans” would be immediately denounced and kicked out of the Republican party.

Rep. Justin Amash over the weekend of (May 20, 2019) called for the impeachment of President Trump on Twitter. The only Republican legislator to receive a passing 75 per cent approval rating from the terrorist-affiliated Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR. Why is this guy still considered a Republican?? Why are you not already calling for his (Amish) impeachment and getting a replacement in there? GOP shows true colors, only 22 Republicans vote for plan to balance the budget.

The republicans supported two Bushes and McCain and the following RINO’s: Sen Mitt Romney (R-Utah), Susan collins (R-Main) Lisa Murkowski ( R-Alaska). Cory Gardmer (R-colo) Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), Mike Enzi (R-WY) Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Rob Portman (R-OH). McCain’s wife is now stumpoing for the Democrats... You have to be the stupidest people, or the best paid off, I don’t know which.

You knew obama was illegal and you did nothing about it, NOTHING!!! The only thing worse than a liar are the people protecting one. You people have such poor taste in character, probably from licking so many assholes. www.dumbellnebula.com/politicians.htm/eightattempts.htm

We know the typical self serving scum bag politician, is not for a balanced budget despite what they say. Say? What is that politicians says? How much is the check.

Phony GOP dropped the ball in California. They had a chance to make a great impact. A hundred thousand of acres of forest and homes burned, with a democratic governor that spent the tax money on a doomed high speed train system (pocketing millions in the process, like the Bushes during the war) and not one dime on firefighting equipment, water desalination plants or dam maintenance.

And you want me to give you money... Seriously?? Just print more, that doesn’t seem to be a problem with congress....

HAVE A NICE DAY. May the blessings of koran 8:12 be upon you. www.dumbellnebula.com/politicians.htm, /republicans.htm /johnmccain.htm /georgewbush.htm /gerogehbush.htm /muslimis.htm /democrats.htm /islam101.htm /islamprime.htm /politics.htm

Thanks. Good luck with the election..
