Republican National Committee

Gem Burke
1150 Applewood Ln
August, 2019

Once again you request money. Let me give you some financial advice that will save far more than what I could send.

Stop supporting Senators Mitt Romney and Mike Lee (UT). They are publicly going against President Trump, calling for his impeachment. Lee and Romney have co-sponsored legislation blocking Trumps efforts to build a wall along our souther border. Why are they still called republicans? Why haven’t you denounced their actions? Are you still supporting them? If you (the Republican party) were worth a shit these so called “Republicans” would be immediately denounced and kicked out of the Republican party.

Republicans never wanted Trump, They wanted that piece-of-shit Romney who even now says he won’t even vote Republican. Trump wasn’t a career politician, nor is he part of the “New World Order” or what-ever you think you are. Trump “worked”, for his living, WTF did Rummy ever do? Trump is popular amongst your voting base with some of the highest ratings for a president and you don’t f*** get it.

Former Rep. Tom Coleman calling for Trump’s impeachment. You ass holes say because of some conspired shit in the Muller report he should be impeached yet Obama was clearly illegal and you lined up to suck his dick.

The republicans supported two Bushes and McCain. Why?? McCain had to be pardoned and his exploits in Viet Nam classified.! He later threw his support to Biden for Criss Sake. Dead now, else you would run him again no doubt.

You knew obama was an illegal and you did nothing about it, NOTHING!!! The only thing worse than a liar are the people protecting one. /politicians.htm /republicans.htm

We know the typical scum bag, self serving politician, are not for a balanced budget despite what they say. Guessing that is your position too..

Phony GOP dropped the ball in California. A hundred thousand of acres of forest and homes burned, with a democratic governor that spent the tax money on a doomed high speed train system (pocketing millions in the process) and not one dime on firefighting equipment or water desalination plants. There should be 24/7 ads pounding that point in to the California Democrats. Yet all republicans do is ask for more money. For What?? Parties? Vacations?

GOP shows true colors, only 22 Republicans vote for plan to balance the budget. and you want me to give you money... Seriously?? you socialist dickheads...

And you want me to send you money????

HAVE A NICE DAY. May the blessings of koran 8:12 and 9:5 be upon you and your family.