President D Trump


Hi, Not that PDT will ever read this but I have to say something. I love what you (Donald) are doing by the way, I just thought maybe you were missing an angle.

People giving you crap, like the guy you recently banned from the White House press corps, I think instead of having it a bad thing, turn it around, use their question to bring up shit the liberals do/have done & the bias in the press e.g. “You ask this of me but when obama was here he did this and you said nothing”• • • That sort of thing. When they open their mouth, use it to get back at them. You could have help in the back room passing on facts to an ear piece and really lay into them. My thoughts anyway.

Good show on Kavanagh. He seems like a great guy.

Reverse this anti-gun shit with the UN. The civilians need guns to keep congress honest. If congress was not scared of the public, I can’t even imagine the ‘minutes’ it would take the 535 self-serving azz holes in congress to vote themselves riches. Well, there might be one or two that are not corrupt, but you can’t prove it by what they do.

Re: Obama. I hope you have something in mind to do with him. I looked up the 7 times the democrats tried to make him legal before he was elected and that is just the beginning. I do hope you bring this crocked son-of-a-bitch down..

gem burke..