President D Trump


Hi, Not that PDT will ever read this but I have to say something. I’m Not as happy as I would like to be with how things are going. I think things could be better. We need to make converts out of some of the left hence I think answering some questions from the press, no matter how loaded they are might help. You sound angry and evasive, no minds will be changed like that.

Really unhappy with the William Barr appointment and I will be admonishing my one republican senator for confirming him. I understand he is a strong anti-gun advocate. I think the pro-gun lobby is one of your biggest supporters which makes this appointment quite a blow. I won’t go over the multitude of arguments for an armed citizenery but I will say I personally believe they are the only thing standing between this government gone wild and total anarchary. I urge you to make that clear to Barr and you won’t stand for any restrictions to guns. My thoughts anyway. I’m preparing for, when they do call for a ban, you will be able to pick up mine along with a pile of expended ammunition.

Reverse this anti-gun shit with the UN. The civilians need guns to keep congress honest. If congress was not scared of the public, I can’t even imagine the ‘minutes’ it would take the 535 self-serving azz holes in congress to vote themselves riches. Well, there might be one or two that are not corrupt, but you can’t prove it by me.

Thanks for listening...

Answer ?

The White House, Washington

February 21, 2019

Thank you for contacting the White House. We are carefully reviewing your message.

President Donald J. Trump believes the strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to stay informed and get involved. President Trump appreciates you taking the time to reach out.


The Office of Presidential Correspondence