President D Trump

Gem Burke
1150 Applewood Ln
August, 2019

President Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Hi, I was reading recently where you support “Hate Crime” legislation. I'm sure your aware what a dangerous road this is to take. The left has decreed anything that they don't believe in, is a hate crime. I'm guessing you think you have that covered, but I doubt it. I have to think of what is going to happen when your gone, I don't even have a lot of faith in Pence. The very idea of a “Hate Crime” is racist. It is basically used to stifle criticism of the left.. There is virtually no limits on what blacks can call whites but there are very few things a white dare call a black without being called racist. For shit sake, some black Democrat Councilman¹ in Seattle doesn't want “black” rubber hoses used to clean the feces off the streets because it is racist. Can you see this has gone way too far?? Can you see where it is headed? Shouldn't we be addressing why there is feces on the street? This liberal stronghold it turning into Beirut.

I've written you before, I still stand by everything I have said, it is really unfortunate I don't have your ear. I think you are the man for the job, you got my vote.

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