Letter to President Trump 9-19

Red flag laws & gun ownership


Gem Burke
any street
September 5, 2019

President Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Hi, I’ve written you before, I still stand by everything I have said, it is really unfortunate I don’t have your ear. I think you are the man for the job, you got my vote.

I recently read you are hot on this “RED FLAG” gun legislation. I hope you were just playing to the camera, we all know it is BS. Such a slippery slope it is to start restricting personal weapons. Most people are missing the point. Some azzhole getting a gun is a problem but an unarmed public will become subservient to the politicians and everyone will 'be under the gun'.. It happens every time in history a free people let others control their lives. The socialist must first get rid of the guns.


It is not the individual we need to be worried about. There is always going to be somebody, a Hitler, a Stalin, a Mao, a Pol Pot, AOC, a Omar and the fools that follow them. It is the idea that big government is going to 'take care of us' and 'make everything right' that we have to worry about. Government isn't a thing, it is us. I believe right now; it is this standing army of individuals with weapons; that stands between us and total tyranny. Get rid of the arms and people like the Clinton's and Pelosi's will be the one's in control.

Am very concerned none of them are in prison as of yet, I don’t understand. I know it would be difficult but your whole job is difficult. If the Clinton’s never go to prison we will lose our country!!!


Thanks for ‘listening’, or at least the shmuck that does eventually read this, if in fact, anyone does...
Gem Burke