Who is RFK Jr?

borrowed from "Newsstation" Check there for complete story.

The son of former U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated while running for president in 1968, Kennedy struggled with drug addiction in his younger years. After being convicted of possession of heroin, Kennedy completed drug treatment and volunteered with the Natural Resources Defense Council as part of his probation.

Kennedy has a medical condition called adductor spasmodic dysphonia, which affects his speech. Court documents also revealed he had neurological issues caused by parasitic worms in his brain and mercury poisoning.

RFK Jr. and Abortion

Kennedy, who referred to the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump as “depressing”, said that abortion should be the choice of the woman. In his real-time response to the debate, Kennedy said that state intervention on the issue of abortion should not happen until a fetus reaches viability. He also said that he does not support late-term abortions.

RFK Jr. and Vaccines

Kennedy pushes back against critics who say he has anti-vaccine views. During a June 23 town hall hosted by WMUR-TV, Kennedy said if he were president, he would mandate pre-licensing safety trials for vaccines and “allow parents to make of their minds about whether they want to use vaccines for their children.”

RFK Jr. and Foreign Policy

Kennedy has made peace a priority when it comes to foreign policy, promising to “end the proxy wars, bombing campaigns, covert operations, coups, paramilitaries, and everything else that has become so normal most people don’t know what’s happening.”

Border Crisis

Kennedy visited the nation’s southern border last year, calling it a “dystopian nightmare.” Kennedy said during his real-time response to the presidential debate on Thursday that the U.S. Mexico border must be sealed.

Economy and Healthcare

Kennedy has said he will enact policies that favor “small and medium businesses” and break up “too-big-to-fail” banks and monopolies.

Transgender Athletes

The question of trans athletes in gender-restricted sports has received more attention amid a wave of proposed legislation this year.

Kennedy is opposed to transgender athletes competing in sports outside of the sex they were assigned at birth. During a podcast that has since been removed from YouTube for sharing misinformation, Kennedy leaned into the baseless theory that chemical exposure to herbicides causes “sexual dysphoria,” Politifact reported.

Jan.6 Capitol Riot

Kennedy called the events of the Jan. 6, 2021 a “protest that turned into a riot” in an appearance on “CUOMO,” adding that his belief on whether it was an insurrection depends on how the word is defined.

“If your definition is armed men who are intending to take over the United States government, then it wasn’t that,” Kennedy said.

Gun Control

Kennedy said during WMUR-TV’s town hall that he believes in gun control but won’t “take people’s guns away.”

Climate Change

Kennedy references himself on his campaign site as “the best environmental president in American history,” pledging to protect the environment from “corporate corruption” and contamination.

Social Security

Kennedy has promised to cut military spending in half and instead put that money into government-subsidized child care and Social Security funding.

Opioid Crisis

Kennedy says he would end “the failed War on Drugs,” grant amnesty to nonviolent drug offenders, and transition prisons to strive for rehabilitation.

To see complete story please visit News Nation
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US Bio Labs & the Fake Pandemic

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Corruption Starts at the Top


Closed door speech by RFK regarding US Bio Labs and fake Wuhan pandemic.
Rough Transcript

RFK (Robert F. Kennedy Jr) talking with Stephan Gardner pod caster about a book he wrote at a closed door meeting re: 'The History of the US Bio Labs Program' and from the beginning the CIA was running the BIO labs program. Why? Because we didn't have a bio labs program after WWII.

The CIA's first operation was called Operation Paper Clip and it was an operation to get all the bio weapons, nuclear, and top personnel out of Germany and Japan. He tells about the horrible things Japan did with bio and instead [of prosecuting them] the CIA brought them here and made them heads of bio companies etc. “Than they did all these experiments on the American public ... 60 million Americans, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Norfolk, Virginia all the seaside towns were dosed from the air and a lot of western cities were also dosed” ((Now I have heard this from other sources several times.)) “Over 200 times on Americans unwittingly. They developed bio weapons and by 1969 they had a nuclear equivalent. They can kill people @ 29 cents per death according to a CIA study which they are bragging about. Than in 1969 President Nixon shocks the world by going to Ft. Detrick and ending the bio weapons program. He was worried that we were producing bio weapons that could be reproduced for nothing that were like a poor man's nuclear bomb. Anyone could reproduce them and we were publishing how we did it. So they were giving blueprints to foreign nations to create these things that could be used on us. And Nixon said ‘Why are we doing this, we have nuclear bombs, we don't need these things - - - we don't give them to anybody else, why are we letting these guys have this? It could be turned against us.’ so he shut down the whole program. The Pentagon destroyed all its weapons but the CIA went into Ft Detrick and took cultures of every thing developed. And hid them in a warehouse. We signed a bio weapons treaty, ((one of the few accomplishments of Nixon)) and we got the nations of the world to sign it and we signed the Geneva convention after delaying it for 50 years. The CIA was breaking the laws the entire time.

Than in 2001, June, the CIA sponsors the first of its pandemic simulations. It simulates a biological attack on Washington D.C. by Saddam Hessian. This is in June 2001. That simulation got a lot of press and a lot of people like Judith Miller from the NY Times was promoting it going around to the talk shows, it triggered two Senate hearings, one by Joe Biden and his committee, and that happened in Sept 2001? 9-11 So the hearing was going on during 9-11. As soon as 9-11 happened the neocons which were working on all this stuff for the CIA pulled out the Patriot Act, a 350 page statute that had been sitting on a shelf where it had been waiting for a while and it passes in one week and there is only one member of congress that read it and that was Dennis Kurcinich, he went crazy, he said you have no idea what you are doing, this allows the CIA to spy on the average citizen. One of the things it did, is it didn't get rid of the Geneva Convention or the Bio Weapons ban, but states no federal official can be prosecuted for violating those two statutes. So it re-opened the arms race globally.

The week after, The patriot act was being debated, and it was being held up by two senators, there was an anthrax attack on the US capitol. It was blamed on Saddam Hussain, they said; ‘see, we were right with the simulation, Saddam Hussein attacked us and we use that as a justification to go to war against Saddam’ and within two days they passed the Patriot Act. Who got sent the two doses of Anthrax? Two offices, Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, the two senators who were blocking the Patriot act.”

“The FBI did a one year investigation and they said the Anthrax was unique, it was Aims Anthrax and there was only one place it could have come from, Ft. Detrick, the CIA lab. So we went to war and passed the Patriot Act and immediately we started giving 2 billion dollars to Bio Weapons development. The Pentagon didn't want to do it because of the legality, it was a death penalty to violate the Geneva convention, or you would have been committing a war crime even if somebody todl you it was ok. It wasn't. So they funneled it through DETRA and DARPA, they funneled all that money to the NIH which became the primary spear tip of bio weapons development So Tony Fauchi became the Bio Weapons Guy. 2001, his budget went up by 2.1 billion dollars, he was personally given a 68% raise from the military. That is why he was the highest paid individual in the federal government.” Note; Fauchi is making more than the president of the US. And the pentagon is terrified what he might be doing with bio-weapons (Stephens words)

“Because he was getting this 68% bonus from the military-- But it meant that he could not stop, and the thing the military wanted was ‘Gain of Function’ studies where they could take wild viruses and turn them into bio weapons and bio weapons development always includes vaccine development. Because unlike chemical weapons, there is always blow back. It is called the boomerang effect. If you give the enemy the Bubonic Plague, your guys are going to get it too. ?? So the only way you can deploy bio weapons is if you already have a vaccine. Blah blah blah

So in 2014, 3 of Fauci's bugs escaped from federal labs and their escapes were public and it caused a large brew-ha-ha. There were senate hearings and people were immensely upset and 300 scientists wrote a petition to President Obama saying you need to shut down Fauci he is going to cause a Pandemic. Obama declared a moratorium and told Fauci to shut down the 18 studies he was in. As I show in my book, he didn't do it. So that is when he took that science and moved it offshore to the Wuhan lab and the Ukraine. When he did that, he was not the only one that did it-??? Tony Fauci spent about 29 million dollars on gain-of-function science in Wuhan, but the CIA spent over 100 million dollars and the military spent about 64 million. The CIA funneled the money mostly through USA??. We now know the CIA was running this organization called ??? which Fauci was funneling his money through, it was like a laundromat where they funneled federal money so their fingerprint wouldn't be on any of it.”

Stephan - - “Money laundering, cover-up, trying to operate in the dark, so that president Obama and the Senate and the pentagon and the American people would be completely in the dark, gain of function Frankenstein viruses Fauci was creating in Ukraine ((I've heard this before)) and also in China, makes you wonder why we are really fighting in Ukraine, right? But we know this did come out of Wuhan China.”

So that is important to understand just to get to the final thing, in my book if any of you end up reading it, the last chapter in the book talks about all these pandemic simulations. I've been studying the CIA for much of my adult life blah blah blah 60 year fight with the CIA blah blah blah”

Stephan - - “RFK's grand father (hoover administration) and Jack Kennedy's father were trying to get the government to dismantle the CIA.”

... got manuals from MK Ultra, MK stands for mind control... All these collages where they study how to control mass behavior... Mass psychosis, how do you... How do you impose centralized foreign control on indigenous populations... by using propaganda, by using fear by causing chaos, destroying relationships, destroying faith in institutions, driving people apart so they will invite in an authority that will give them peace and safety.

Stephan - - OK, he is describing the past but listen to everything he is saying about using authority, fear, limited time lines, lack of knowledge in order to control people, and than scare the living crap out of them, so that they will comply, so that they will be awful to each other, so that they will rat each other out, and if this doesn't sound like the lock-downs go back and watch this again.

All of these mind control techniques are designed to accelerate that process, and they studied the Stockholm Syndrome for example, ‘if you lock people down, they become grateful to their captors and they become angry at the people that criticize their captors and the only way they can escape this confinement is through total obedience and total compliance to their jailers.

But one of the most interesting experiments was called, 'Milgram experiment', was assigned to a sociologists who was part of the MK Ultra program and he conducted this experiment where he requited subjects from every walk in life, from the New Haven area, and they would put these subjects in a chair with a dial in front of them that would administer and electric shock to someone who was tied to a chair in the adjoining room. So if he turned the dial up he heard the person in the next screaming, shouting, begging, struggling, begging, crying [to stop] and most of the people who participated in this experiment begged to stop.. The alleged doctor behind kept telling them to turn it up, turn it down turn it up further up to a point on the dial that said 250v lethal and most of them finally reached this point. It is on wikipedia. But.. 33% of the people got up and walked out. What milgram said is for 67% of the people, if you have an authority figure, like a doctor, a title, that 67% of people will take his orders even if it means violating their most scared values, something that goes against everything they believe in. It occurred to me that we were all involved in this milligram experiment. Anthony was Doctor Milgram, you can violate the constitution, You can censor speech, you can close churches, you can shut businesses, you can ban jury trials, you can tell people what they can and cannot do, and you can gaslight them and marginalizes them vilify them, no cruelty is too great ???? What I would say to you is that 33% of the people walked out and the people in this room are the 33% that couldn't be told what to do.

Our job is now is to fight for the 67% until they wake up and are able to fight for themselves. There is no other freedom all of us believe in. ((Political talk)) I'll leave you with three thoughts.

  1. Any power the government takes from the people, it will never return voluntarily.
  2. Every power the government takes it will ultimately abuse to the maximum extent possible.
  3. No one ever complied their way out of totalitarianism, the only thing we can do is resist.

Stephan has a final comment, but watch the video, as long as it lasts.

Gem - - I was a bit surprised to hear that Nixon did anything good, or at least tried too. I find it very interesting that Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, both of which I have elsewhere labeled as bad people were the only ones to protest the Patriot Act, which is constitutionally illegal and a major blow to individual rights.

Note: 2 or more "??" means I couldn't understand what was being said, unintelligible.
I have not changed single idea in what anybody said. I made a couple ((comments)) and skipped some text, ... is indicating missing text