Muslims invaded Spain in 711 and the siege of Vienna was broken in 1683. That’s nearly 1,000 years of various Muslim invaders attempting to conquer Europe…. The crusades lasted from 1095 to 1291, so about 200 years.
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Australia’s ‘Imam of Peace’ describes radical Somali Congressmuslim Ilhan Omar (D-MN) as “ISIS with lipstick”
MUSLIM responds to the question no liberal would ever ask…”Why is it that Muslims never want to immigrate to Muslim countries?”
It is the duty of every muslim to spread islam throughout the world. Of course the free food, housing, and long-term welfare benefits provided in the West that they wouldn't get in an islamic country might have a lot to do with it.
Then there is the theological reason called “Hijrah” – the deliberate conquest of non-Muslim countries, the Dar al-Harb (the place of war) via immigration, making it eventually become part of the Dar al-Islam (the place of Islam).
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News of Jihad!
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Poll: 79% of French Believe Islam Has “Declared War” on Their Country
Muslim leader on Al-Jazeera reveals his plan to kill 330,000 Americans, using biological weapons.
Jihadists and Islamists believe that everyone who kills unbelievers and gets killed by them, gets 72 virgins in heaven. This sick belief led to murderous terrorist attacks all over the world.
The media in the West is turning a blind eye to this radical Islamic rhetoric to avoid damaging the image of Islam.
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Twitter Adds Warning Label, Then Removes, Tweet by Malaysian Prime Minister Saying Muslims Have a ‘Right’ to ‘Kill Millions of French People’
Mohamad, who has over 1.3 million followers, sent the hateful message as part of a lengthy thread that detailed his thoughts on a recent murder. He began the series of tweets by writing “RESPECT OTHERS” in all capital letters before explaining that “a teacher in France had his throat slit by an 18-year-old Chechen boy. The killer was angered by the teacher showing a caricature of Prophet Muhammad. The teacher intended to demonstrate freedom of expression.”....
France attack: Deadly stabbing in Nice 'is terrorism', says mayor - BBC News he mayor of Nice says a suspect has been arrested after the attack at the Notre-Dame
German Authorities Find ‘Weapons Of War’ During Raid Near Radical Mosque
A large arsenal of “weapons of war” was found near a radical mosque in Germany, adding to fears that terrorists are well equipped to carry out attacks across Europe.
weapons of war found in mosque.
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Mohammad had few followers, ‥ until he startedKilling people!
Stage One
Stealth Jihad, when muslims are to weak to fight, they pretend to be friends etc., promote peace and tolerance outwardly; but not inwardly, practice Taqiyya, prepare for jihad behind the scenes, they claim ‘victim status’ and seek special privileges for islam.
Stage Two
Victim Jihad, when muslims are strong enough to fight but not strong enough to subjugate the un–believers, terrorize their enemies, murder critics and look for reasons to attack other groups.
Stage Three
Offensive Jihad, when muslims are in the majority they violently subjugate all non muslims, they strive to expand their political dominion, and they rid ‘their’ land of all non–muslims.
Muslims are commanded to fight the unbelievers (of Islam):.
It is believed to be Mercy killing of non–believers for those who do not believe in allah are better off dead.
On November 18, 1990 the 101st congress quietly repealed the McCarran Warner Act of 1952 forbidding "muslims" from holding office:members of that congress were: Dick Cheny, John McCain, Mitch McConnel Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi were pushing the issue. (un-confirmed) As written, that law bans all aliens “who are members of or affiliated with” organizations that advocate for the overthrow of the U.S. government." As the quam specifically says to "fight" anyone who resists (becoming Islamic) I think Islam qualifies.
Sworn Affidavit: What is Taught in Minnesota Mosques and Halal Markets
Sworn Affidavit by Retired Federal Agent Dave Gaubatz
Sep 12, 2019 11:00 am By Dave Gaubatz
Terror-Mosques In Detroit, MI: Firsthand Field Research Conducted by Dave Gaubatz, Founder, America’s Civil War Rising – Commentary By Adina Kutnicki Caution site may be infected with malware, something often done when critical info is being exposed.
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The Islamic ideology is not peaceful; it is violent and dangerous to the world.
There are no safe mosques; there are only various degrees of danger.
When (not if) the Islamic leaders throughout the world (Sunni/Shia/Sufi) determine they are powerful enough to plunge the world into total chaos so as to complete their final objective of an Islamic Ummah (nation) worldwide, all mosques, all Muslims will unite to meet this goal.
There is only Pure Islam and Pure Muslims. There is no such thing as moderate Islam or moderate Muslims. A Muslim in accordance with their Prophet Mohammed must adhere to all aspects of Sharia law. They are not allowed to pick and choose which parts of Sharia to follow and not to follow. Sharia is an all or nothing. If a Muslim does not do this, they are Apostates of Islam. The penalty is death for them, regardless if they are in Saudi Arabia or Cloud, Minnesota.
Islam defined: Islam is a political, economic, and military ideology which uses religion as a tool to achieve their ultimate goal of an Islamic Ummah worldwide and under Sharia law.
Sharia law defined: Sharia is a belief that everything Mohammed said or did in his life is the perfect example to all. What he did and said is Sharia. Sharia covers everything a Muslim does in his/her life from the moment they awake until they fall asleep and even while they are deep in sleep.
Sharia law cannot be changed nor removed from Islam. There is no validity in the reform of Islam. There are Muslims (Apostates) who claim to want to reform Islam, but once you have removed Sharia, you have simply started another religion. You can no more remove Sharia from Islam than you can the 10 Commandments from Christianity.
Evaluate the mosques solely on firsthand evidence and do not rely on 2nd, 3rd, or other sources unless they are validated by an experienced counter-terrorism researcher.
Remain unbiased. If there is no firsthand evidence to support a rating above ‘Dangerous’ then rate the mosque at the lowest level.
Innocent people throughout the world must realize that the Islamic Prophet Mohammed endorsed child marriages and Islamic scholars do not refute this. Mohammed married Aisha when she was six (6) years old and consummated the marriage when she was nine (9). In actuality Mohammed married a 6-year-old child and began sexually assaulting and raping her. Do not get wrapped up in the nice and soft word of consummating. An adult does not consummate with a child, he rapes them. This very act and belief alone makes the whole of Islam dangerous regardless of the millions of peaceful interfaith meetings Islamic leaders may put on. Although Mohammed died over 1400 years ago Muslims firmly believe he is the purest example of all and one who must be followed in every aspect of his life. To this day in 2019 Muslims believe Mohammed was correct in marrying children and raping them. This practice has not been repealed by Islamic scholars and is still conducted openly throughout the world, to include America.
Their definitions
When Islamic leaders say they love America: Most truly love America, but their true meaning is they love America, not Americans. They love the vast resources of America and the millions of square miles of beautiful land. They want America for Islam. They want America under Sharia law.
When Islamic leaders during Dawa (spreading the word of Islam) say there is only one God, their true meaning is that there indeed is only one God, but it is Allah (a Muslim God) and by no means is it the Christian and Jewish God.
When Islamic leaders say they love Jesus, they mean it, but their true meaning is that they believe Jesus and all Christian Prophets were Muslim.
When Islamic leaders use the word convert their true definition and meaning is that they believe ALL people from the beginning of mankind until the present were born Muslim and only because one’s parents were bad or misinformed is the reason a person turns to Christianity, Judaism, or even atheism. In reality Muslims do not believe a person can convert to Islam, they can only revert to Islam. Since all were born into Islam they can only revert back, not convert.
When Islamic leaders say they denounce all forms of terrorism to include suicide bombings they truly mean all violent acts by Muslims toward their enemies are legitimate forms of Jihad and not terrorism. They believe violent acts from Christians and Jews are forms of terrorism.
Muslim leaders do not use the term suicide bombings when they are referring to acts by Muslims against their enemies in which the Muslim for instance used a vest laden with bombs and died in the process. They mean the Muslim died in an act of defensive war against their enemy and is a martyr of Islam and not a person who committed suicide.
Australia: Muslim teen laughs after appearing in court for setting grass fire
Jan 7, 2020 4:00 pm By Robert Spencer
Australia has just arrested a number of arsonists who are accused of setting the wildfires that are ravaging the country. Could they have anything to do with the fact that jihadis have identified setting fires as a tool of jihad?
full article
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Dept. of Education Asked to Remove Islam Materials From Public Schools
Updated linkThe president of the Christian Action Network said his group found that the Department of Education is funding thorough lesson plans on the Islamic faith.
Martin Mawyer said that, through PBS, the DOE is disseminating materials that allow teachers to quiz students on what Muslim prayers sound like and what prayer movements look like.
U.S. Department of Education Indoctrinates Students Into Islam CAN demands Dept. of Education remove Islamic indoctrination ... Teacher spills beans about Islamic classes.
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Liberal Corruption
Posted by layla velasquez
Student Suspended After Challenging Muslim Professor's Attack Against Christianity's Teachings
An Orlando college student was suspended from his classes when he challenged a Muslim professor's anti–Christian views in a class discussion, the Central Florida Post reports. Marshall Polston is a 20–year–old sophomore at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. He was enrolled in a Modern Humanities class taught by professor Areejee Zufari, a professed Muslim.
Her class discussions frequently traversed into murky territory. For one, she claimed that Jesus' crucifixion never happened and that his disciples never believed he was God. Polston was a Christian himself, so he challenged her to provide proof of her statements in a class discussion.
“Whether religious or not,” Polston said, “I believe even those with limited knowledge of Christianity can agree that according to the text, Jesus was crucified and his followers did believe he was divine… that he was ‘God.’ Regardless, to assert the contrary as academic fact is not supported by the evidence.”
Sharia Law
Breaking INDIA : Three Stages of Jihad, Very good 20 minute video.. Until the muslims complain and you tube takes it down.
Sharia law, activist judges are subverting US law saying Muslims may use their own laws!!
“The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a (civilization–Jihadist) process with all that word means."
It says in the Koran 126 times, “convert or die." e.g.:
“Some ye slew and ye made captive some. And he caused you to inherit their land and their houses and their wealth and land ye have not trodden. . . " Koran 33:26–27
“I shall terrorize the infidels, so wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and his Apostle" (Koran 8:12)
“The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them. They are your enemy and Allah's enemy." Koran 8:59
“Your lord inspired the angels with the message: 'I am with you. Give firmness to the Believers. I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.'" Koran 8:12
Their goal is the Islamifacation of the US, of the world.
“We know of no absolute values besides total submission of the will of the almighty. People say: Don't lie!” But the principle is different when we serve the will of Allah. He taught man to lie so that
we can save ourselves at moments of difficulty and confuse our enemies. Should we remain truthful at the cost of defeat and danger to the Faith? We say not. People say: “Don't Kill!” But the Almighty himself taught us how to kill. Without such a skill man would have been wiped out long ago by the beasts. So shall we not kill when it is necessary for the triumph of the Faith?... Deceit, trickery, conspiracy, cheating, stealing and killing are nothing but means. On their own they are neither good or bad, isolated from the intentions that motivated it.”
“Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur'an should be the highest authority in America."
Omar Ahmad, CAIR co–founder, quoted in the San Ramon Valley Herald, July 4, 1998
So what does Obama do about it? You got it, “bring em to America." Obama says “terrorists have constitutional rights." The terrorists don't believe in the constitution and neither does obama.
Obama's plan to get us out of the middle east, bring the terrorists here. (HB1388)
What is multiculturalism and immigration doing to the US?
Astonishing lawsuit: Make book vanish The powerful Washington, D.C., lobby group established as a front for a terrorist group is asking a federal judge to expunge all copies of a WND book that exposes its ties to radical jihad through original documents secured in a daring undercover operation.
Hizb ut-Tahrir: www dot [link missing] Banned in countries around the world-but not in America!
Just what is it they ‘teach' at the mosque?
www dot [link no longer available] Islam, Europe and Philosophical ‘Continental Drift'
www dot"> Texas Sheriff Released Illegal Alien [link no longer available] Jihadist After Arrest. www dot [link no longer available]
A Virus Called ‘Shariah'
www dot index.php/home/ 10-newsmaster/ 1596-suspect-in-illinois-bomb-plot-didnt-like-america-very-much [link no longer available] “Didn't Like America Very Much"
Obama www dot index.php/home/ 10-newsmaster/ 1583-purported-non-muslim-president-obama-makes-high-level-muslim-appointment-to-dhs [link no longer available] makes High Level Muslim Appointment To DHS
www dot index.php/home/ 10-newsmaster/ 1557-i-a-former-islamic-extremist-feel-we-have-given-in-to-the-fanatics [link no longer available] A Former Islamic Extremist, Feel We Have Given In To the Fanatics.
Obama bans national day of prayer but www dot index.php/home/ 10-newsmaster/1550-obama-bans-national-day-of-prayer-but-applauds-islam-ramadan [link no longer available] Applauds Islam Ramadan
www dot index.php/learn/ email-archives/ 1544-shariah-islamic-law-legal-apartheid [link no longer available] Shariah Islamic Law: Legal Apartheid.
www dot index.php/learn/ email-archives/ 1527--rifqa-barys-plight-in-context- [link no longer available]
Rifqa Barry's Plight in Context.
Child Barbarians in Phoenix,www dot index.php/home/ 10-newsmaster/ 1501-child-barbarians-in-phoenix-obama-extends-their-stay [link no longer available] Obama Extends Their Stay.
www dot index.php/home/ 10-newsmaster/ 1471-shia-in-america-adherents-of-many-stripes-debate-whether-to-embrace-or-resist-nation [link no longer available] Shia in America - Adherents of many stripes debate whether to embrace or resist nation.
www dot [link no longer available] The Appeasers.
www dot [link no longer available] Canada's new Taliban-booster says good Muslims ‘love death’.
www dot [link no longer available] More Minnesota home-grown jihadists
www dot [link no longer available] Muslim Colonization of Europe Should Frighten USA.
www dot [link no longer available] views on Islam and the Long War.
www dot [link no longer available] Islamists Sabotage Assimilation of Somali-Americans
/index.php/learn/email-archives/1413-a-call-to-jihad-answered-in-america- [link no longer available] A Call to Jihad, Answered in America
CAIR Official: “I wish Hitler was alive to f*** up the jewish ppl”, Sam Westrop
John Quincy Adams, our sixth President sums up his thoughts about the religion of Islam:
“The natural hatred of the Muslim men towards the infidels is in just accordance with the precepts of the Koran.”
10. Islam commands that drinkers and gamblers should be whipped.
9. Islam allows husbands to hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives.
8. Islam allows an injured plaintiff to exact legal revenge-physical eye for physical eye.
7. Islam commands that a male and female thief must have a hand cut off.
6. Islam commands that highway robbers should be crucified or mutilated.
5. Islam commands that homosexuals must be executed.
4. Islam orders unmarried fornicators to be whipped and adulterers to be stoned to death.
3. Islam orders death for Muslim and possible death for non-Muslim critics of Muhammad, the Quran and even sharia itself.
2. Islam orders apostates to be killed.
1. Islam commands offensive and aggressive and unjust jihad.
Rape in Iran is punishable by death, for the victim, that is.
A woman raped in Afghanistan received a 3 year prison sentence, her family disowned her and her father said he would kill her when she got out of prison.
A woman raped in Islam is treated as a whore, their life is finished. This has not gone unnoticed by terrorists looking for someone to carry the next suicide bomb. Nothing like someone who suddenly has only a life of shame and despair to look forward to to decide the best way out is to kill themselves in the name of their religion.
Islamic schools (in Britain) teaching sharia law.
LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: The British government's looking into reports that Islamic schools are teaching students sharia law punishments, including instructions on how to chop off a criminal's hand.
A BBC investigation has found up to 5,000 students aged between
six and 18 are being taught from Saudi Arabian textbooks.
The books advise that Jews are conspiring to take over the world
and that homosexuality should be punished by death by stoning, fire
or throwing the individual off a cliff.
It (sharia) will be here next if we don't stop it.
Some good Mohammad creepingsharia dot wordpress dot com/mohammed-cartoon-collection {missing link} toons, take a look and share them with your friends. Exercise your free speech while you still have it. However, if you offend a Muslim with a toon an activist judge may hold you for violating a Muslim's religion.
–they actually call it a religion when in reality it is more of a ideology, a way of life. You can call a pig a horse because it has 4 legs, but it is still a pig–
Why America should not profile...(tongue firmly in cheek).
The “JOY” of being a Muslim woman, written by: a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim.
Like classic sharia, fiqh al aqalliyyat is highly illiberal. Unlike classic law, it is only interim: It encourages Muslims to temporarily accept non-Muslim rule but heavily populate the West.
Muslims and Moral Handicaps
April, 7, 2011
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid wants an investigation into Koran burning. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer suggested that this form of free speech could be banned. Senator Lindsey Graham is also looking for ways to limit free speech, saying, “Free speech is a great idea, but we're in a war”.
Free speech is more than a great idea, it's a fundamental freedom untouchable by legislators. But all it takes is a few Muslim murders-- and Reid, Breyer and Graham eagerly hold up their lighters to the Constitution. Free speech has been curtailed before in the United States during a time of war-- but only free speech sympathetic to the enemy. During WWI a suspected German propagandist filmmaker was jailed. But could anyone have imagined anti-German propagandists being jailed? The Wilson administration was behaving unconstitutionally, but not insanely.
Today we aren't jailing filmmakers who traffic in anti-American propaganda in wartime. If we did that half of Hollywood would be behind bars. Instead Democratic and Republican Senators are discussing banning speech offensive to the enemy. Because even though they're killing us already-- we had better not provoke them or who knows how much worse it will become.
Traditionally it's the victors who give their laws to the defeated. But massive immigration at home and nation building occupations abroad mean that the defeated of failed states are imposing their Sharia law on us. We're asked to trade in our Constitutional freedoms out of fear of Muslim violence. And so the murderers impose the terms of peace on us. And then don't abide by them.
Male-on-Female Atrocity in Gaza Ignored by the Western Media
At least eight Muslim Palestinian female journalists were physically beaten with clubs, iron chairs, and fists, stabbed, and tortured with electric shocks by male Hamas security forces in the Gaza strip. Their cell phones, laptops, documents, and cameras were confiscated. They were also arrested. Some were forced to sign a document “pledging to refrain from covering such events again.”
The ‘events’ were a series of pro-unity rallies organized by Palestinian youth on Facebook (!) which demanded an end to the dispute between Islamist Hamas and a presumably more moderate Fatah.
So much for the Arab ‘spring,’ and the purposefully misguided Western (and these heroically naïve youthful demonstrators) belief that the increasingly well organized Islamist Middle East will really rise up on behalf of human rights and women's rights-without which there can be no democracy.
But this is not my main point.
The mainstream media did not cover this male-on-female atrocity in Gaza . In the English–speaking world, only a handful of journalists, including two Israelis, one writing in the Jerusalem Post, one writing at ["" target="_blank">Big Peace, covered it. A few smaller" URL not found on this server?? Liberal edited server??] newspapers in America and an bikyamasr dot com/wordpress/?p=30906">English–language Egyptian paper [link missing] did so as well.
To be fair, Reuters had an uk dot reuters dot com/article/2011/03/19/palestinians-gaza-reuters-idUKLDE72I0C320110319">article [Missing link] which featured their own agency in Gaza having being attacked by ‘armed men.’ Later on, we learn that these ‘armed men’ were Hamas officials. And near the end of the piece, we also learn that Hamas also beat ‘photographers and camera men.’ They do not mention female journalists, nor do they give us their names.
Slate also had an article about how Fatah is undermining Islam–ism on the West Bank. Parenthetically, later on, they mention that Hamas raided the offices of Reuters and destroyed equipment. They do not mention the attack on the Palestinian women journalists.
It did not happen, it is not important. The mainstream media does not really care about what happens to Arabs, Muslims, or Palestinians–not even when they are fellow or sister journalists, women, and feminists. The media only cares when and if Israelis are allegedly the perpetrators, the murderers, the checkpoint “humiliators”. Even when Israelis kill an armed Iranian–backed Palestinian member of Hamas in self–defense, even when Israelis accidentally, with no malice a–forethought, kill a British journalist or an American “activist”, the Israelis are not only blamed–films, plays, and documentaries are made about the “martyred” American Rachel Corrie or the “martyred” British filmmaker James Miller or British “anti–war” activist Tom Hurndall. Countless demonstrations have been held. In Miller's case the British government insisted on an investigation, and his family brought a civil lawsuit against an Israeli soldier.
The media was all over this even though an investigation strongly suggested that James Miller was killed by Palestinians “from the direction of the populated Rafah.” Although people know that Palestinians routinely hide behind civilian hostages, deliberately target Israeli civilians, especially children, create their own “martyrs” (the Muhammad al–Dura case as well as the Rachel Corrie case immediately come to mind) nevertheless, the media refuses to hold Palestinians accountable and refuses to believe that the Israelis are innocent. The media knows full well that they will be killed or not allowed to “report” in Palestinian areas if they publish anything negative, anything true. By now, this habit is ingrained.
One of the recently beaten, tortured, and arrested Palestinian female journalists, Asma Al–Ghoul, is someone whom I first www dot phyllis-chesler dot com/5 8 4/palestinian-taliban-arrest-palestinian-feminist [link missing] interviewed
www dot phyllis-chesler dot com/590/rescue-the-heroes-asmaa-al-ghoul [missing link] in 2009. Al–Ghoul is a secular feminist and a journalist who has written brave articles about honor killings on the West Bank and in Gaza . She asked me to edit and publish some of her work and I proudly did so. Al–Ghoul has been harassed and arrested by Hamas before. Why? Ostensibly because she dared to laugh, wear jeans on the beach, and entered the sea, fully clothed, to swim. These were her crimes–plus the fact that she was a single woman (divorced, actually), out in public, not wearing hijab, and relaxing on the beach with–unbelievably–male friends.
It took the left–wing Mother Jones about a year and half after my interviews to find Al–Ghoul. Guess what the journalist, Ashley Bates, immediately focuses upon? You guessed it. In her third paragraph she writes: ‘For three years, Israel has enforced a devastating blockade of the Gaza Strip aimed at isolating Hamas.’ One might hope that she would leave well enough alone and focus on Al–Ghoul's heroism and Hamas Islamist persecution of women. But not exactly. She sees Al–Ghoul as a heroine primarily because she has remained a “secularist,” and of all the things they may have talked about, Bates instead writes this:
Asma wrote her way through the trauma of the 2008–2009 war between Israel and Hamas militants, which claimed the lives of 13 Israelis and about 1,400 Gazans. Often, she slept at her office for fear of getting killed on the way to her home, a mere five–minute walk away.
“I felt as if Israeli military planes were blind”, Asma recalled. “They attacked everything and everybody. I saw dead children… As a woman and as a human being, I don't believe in revenge, because it just brings more blood. But people said to me during the war, ‘You see? This is your peace.’
While Asma has befriended liberal Jewish activists in Gaza , she has never entered Israel . In 2003 and again in 2006, the Israeli government denied her permission to travel through Israel to the
West Bank, which is territorially separate from Gaza , to receive awards for her writing.
Yes, we know that Mother Jones is a left–wing magazine. But, in case we forget it–the reporter is careful to remind us that, despite Hamas' Islamification, she is pro–Palestinian, not pro–Israeli. When I interviewed Al–Ghoul I was careful not to bring in Israeli–Palestinian politics.
What can one do? How can we be proactive, visual, informative, preemptive?
Earlier this week, www dot phyllis-chesler dot com/681/artists4israel-2-the-rescue [link missing] Artists4Israel and members of the Birthright Israel Alumni Community just did something amazing in Washington Square Park in New York City's Greenwich Village . They erected a bomb shelter and decorated it just as they've done in Sderot , Israel , a city which has absorbed thousands of Hamas rocket attacks in the last ten years, including many after Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza. The graffiti artists and muralists spoke about Sderot and about Israel and talked about how people have only 15 seconds to find a bomb shelter after the “code red” siren goes off. They tal ked about how permanently traumatized the Israeli children are. Here is a video of this wonderful demonstration/performance art, and of the wonderful artists.
Sadly, Artists4Israel were unable to sound the siren every fifteen seconds (to simulate what life is actually like in Sderot and in southern Israel) for more then a half hour. Equally sadly, this brave band of artist–warriors were also forced to contend with an almost immediate, perform counter–demonstration which shouted, yelled, insulted, and behaved in every way like the Arab Street at its bullying worst. The counter–demonstrators were not respectful, did not engage in dialog, and did not listen to anything having to do with the suffering of innocent Israeli civilians at the hands of Hamas.
refugeeresettlementwatch dot files dot wordpress dot com/2016/11/geert-wilders.png?w=380&h=285; Geert Wilders, Cornerstone Church, Nashville, 12 May 2011 Cornerstone Church, Nashville, 12 May 2011 [file is no longer available]
Geert Wilders
Dear friends from Tennessee. I am very happy to be in your midst today. I am happy and proud to be in this impressive church.
My friends, I am here to speak words of truth and freedom.
Do you know why America is in a better state than Europe? Because you enjoy more freedom than Europeans.
And do you know why Americans enjoy more freedom than Europeans? Because you are still allowed to tell the truth.
In Europe and Canada people are dragged to court for telling the truth about islam.
I, too, have been dragged to court. I am an elected member of the house of representatives in the Netherlands. I am currently standing in court like a common criminal for saying that islam is a dangerous totalitarian ideology rather thena religion.
The court case is still pending, but I risk a jail sentence of 16 months.
Last week, my friend Lars Hedegaard, a journalist from Denmark, was fined because in a private conservation, which was recorded without his knowing, he had criticised the way women are treated in islamic societies.
Recently, another friend, Elisabeth Sabaditsch–Wolff, a human rights activist from Austria, was fined because she had criticized islam's founder Muhammad. She had said that Muhammad was a pedophile because he had married a 6–year old girl and raped her when she was 9.
Unfortunately, there are many similar cases.
I am especially happy to be in your midst because here I can say what I want to say without having to fear that I will be dragged to court upon leaving this church.
My dear American friends, you cannot imagine how we envy your First Amendment. The day when America follows the example of Europe and Canada and introduces so–called “hate speech crimes” which is only used to punish people who are critical of islam, that day America will have lost its freedom.
My friends, let us hope that this never happens.
Last week, we celebrated Liberation Day in the Netherlands. We celebrated the liberation from the Nazi occupation in 1945. Many American soldiers, including many young Tennesseans, played a decisive role in the liberation of the Netherlands from nazi tyranny. We are immensely grateful for that. Young Americans gave their lives so that the Dutch might be free. I assure you: The Dutch people will never forget this.
Unfortunately, however, the Europe which your fathers and grandfathers fought and died for is not the Europe we are living in today.
I travel the world to tell people what Europe has become. I wish I could take you all on a visit to my country and show you what Europe has become. It has changed beyond recognition as a result of mass immigration. And not just any mass immigration, but mass immigration driven by the dangerous force of islam.
My friends, I am sorry. I am here today with an unpleasant message. I am here with a warning. I am here with a battle cry: ‘Wake up, Christians of Tennessee. Islam is at your gate. Do not make the mistake which Europe made. Do not allow islam to gain a foothold here.
Islam is dangerous. Islam wants to establish a state on earth, ruled by islamic sharia law. Islam aims for the submission, whether by persuasion, intimidation or violence, of all non–Muslims, including Christians.
The results can be seen in Europe.
Islam is an ideology of conquest. It uses two methods to achieve this goal: the first method is the sword. Do you know what figures on the flag of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a country where Christian churches are banned and Christians are not even allowed to wear a tiny crucifix? There is a huge sword on that flag, just below the Islamic creed. The message is clear. Without the sword islam would not have been able to spread its creed.
The second method is immigration. Islam's founder Muhammad himself taught his followers how to conquer through immigration when they moved from Mecca to Medina. This phenomenon of conquest through immigration is called al–Hijra. My learned friend Sam Solomon has written a perfect book about it.
I had a copy of Sam's book sent to all the members of the Dutch Parliament. But most of them are worse than Saint–Thomas in the Bible. Thomas did not believe what he had not seen. Most politicians refuse to believe the things they see before their very eyes.
“In Europe we have been experiencing al–Hijra for over 30 years now. Many of our cities have changed beyond recognition. In each one of our cities wrote the well–known Italian author Oriana Fallaci shortly before her death in 2006, there is a second city, a state within the state, a government within the government. A Muslim city, a city ruled by the Koran.” – end of quote.
How did the Europeans get into this situation? It is partly our own fault because we have foolishly adopted the concept of cultural relativism, which manifests itself in the ideology of multiculturalism.
Cultural relativism advocates that all cultures are equal. However, cultures wither away and die if people no longer believe that its values are better than those of another culture.
Islam is spreading like wildfire wherever people lack the guts to say that their values are better than the Islamic values.
Islam is spreading like wildfire because the Koran explicitly tells Muslims that they are “the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind” and that non–Muslims are “the worst of creatures.”
Islam is spreading like wildfire everywhere in the West where political, academic, cultural and media elites lack the guts to proudly proclaim, as I believe we all should proclaim:
Our Judeo–Christian Western culture is far better and far superior to the islamic culture. We must be proud to say so!
Multiculturalism is a disaster. Almost everyone acknowledges this today, but few dare say why. Let me tell you why: Multiculturalism made us tolerate the intolerant, and now intolerance is annihilating tolerance.
We should, in the name of tolerance, claim the right not to tolerate the intolerant. Let us no longer be afraid and politically correct, let us be brave and bold. Let us tell the truth about islam.
Before I continue I want to make clear that I do not have a problem with people. I always make a distinction between the people and the ideology, between Muslims and islam.
Indeed, I have no problems with Muslims, but I do have a problem with the totalitarian Islamic ideology of hate and violence. The fact that there are many so–called moderate Muslims, does not imply that there exists a moderate islam. A moderate islam does not exist and will never exist.
And because there is no such thing as a moderate islam, the islamization of our free Western societies is an enormous danger.
Only two weeks ago, the British press revealed how the so–called “London Taliban” is threatening to kill women who do not wear veils in the London borough of Tower Hamlets.
In some neighborhoods Islamic regulations are already being enforced, also on non–Muslims. Women's rights are being trampled. We are confronted with head scarves and burqa's, polygamy, female genital mutilation, honor–killings where men murder their wives, daughters or sisters because they do not behave in accordance with Islamic rules.
Polls show that the influence of those Muslims who live according to islam's aggressive requirements is growing, especially among young people.
Among 15–year–old German Muslims, 40 percent consider islam more important than democracy.
Among Muslim university students in Britain, 40 percent support sharia. One in three of those students considers it legitimate to kill in the name of islam.
Christians are asked to follow the example of Jesus. Muslims are ordered to follow the example of Muhammad. That is why islam is dangerous. While Christianity preaches love, islam preached hatred and practices violence. Hatred and violence for everyone who is not a Muslim.
Muhammad personally participated in the ethnic cleansing of Medina, where half the population once was Jewish. Muhammad helped to chop off their heads. On his deathbed, he ordered his followers to cleanse Arabia of all Jews and Christians.
To this very day, Christian symbols are prohibited in Saudi–Arabia. If you wear a cross in Saudi Arabia, they sent you to jail.
And now, Europe is beginning to look like Arabia.
Just today, a poll revealed that in Brussels, the capital of the European Union, half the islamic youths are anti–semitic. It is dangerous for Jews to walk the streets in Brussels.
If you wear a cross or a kippah in certain urban areas in Europe today, you risk being beaten up. In the capital of my own country, Amsterdam, a tram driver was forced to remove his crucifix from sight, while his Muslim colleagues are allowed to wear the veil.
In June 2008, the Christian church authorities in the Danish town of Arhus decided to pay so–called ‘protection money’ to islamic so–called ‘security guards’ who assure that church goers are not harassed by islamic youths.
On March 31st, 2010, Muslims entered the Roman Catholic cathedral of Cordoba, Spain, and attacked the guards with knives. They claimed the cathedral was theirs.
Last month, the bishops of Sweden sent out a letter to priests advising them to avoid converting asylum seekers from islamic countries to Christianity, because the converts would risk losing their lives.
In the Netherlands, the city authorities in Amsterdam register polygamous marriages. The authorities in Rotterdam serve only halal meals in municipal cafeterias. Theaters provid separate seats for women who are not allowed to sit next to men. Municipal swimming pools have separate swimming hours for men and women, Muslim lawyers do not have to stand when the judges enter court rooms.
Meanwhile Jews are no longer safe on our streets. In Amsterdam, the city of Anne Frank, Jews are again being harassed in the streets. Even political leaders acknowledged that life has become unsafe for Jews in Holland. Do you know what they said? They advised Jews to emigrate. Jews are already running for Israel. But I say: Jews must not leave, violent Muslims must leave!
What is needed, my friends, is a spirit of resistance.
I repeat: What we need is a spirit of resistance.
Why? Because resistance to evil is our moral duty. This resistance begins with expressing our solidarity to Christians, Jews, indeed, to all people worldwide, who are the victims of islam. There are millions of them.
We can see what islam has in store for us if we watch the fate of the Christians in the islamic world, such as the Copts in Egypt, the Maronites in Lebanon, the Assyrians in Iraq, and Christians elsewhere.
Almost every day, churches are arsoned and Christians are assassinated in islamic countries.
In a report on the persecution of Christians in the world, Archbishop Twal of Jerusalem, wrote recently – I quote: “In the Middle East to be Christian means accepting that you must make a great sacrifice. All too often and in many places, Christians suffer various threats. On some occasions, their homes and churches are burnt, and people are killed. How many atrocities must we endure before somebody somewhere comes to our aid?” – end of quote.
Indeed, how many atrocities before we come to their aid?
Rivers of tears are flowing from the Middle East, where there is only one safe haven for Christians. You know where that is. The only place in the Middle East where Christians are safe is Israel.
That is why Israel deserves our support. Israel is a safe haven for everyone, whatever their belief and opinions. Israel is a beacon of light in a region of total darkness. Israel is fighting our fight.
The jihad against Israel is a jihad against all of us. If Israel falls, we, too, will feel the consequences. If Jerusalem falls, Athens, Rome, Amsterdam and Nashville will fall. Therefore, we all are Israel. We should always support Israel!
Today, we are confronted with political unrest in the Arab countries. The Arab peoples long for freedom. However, the ideology and culture of islam is so deeply entrenched in these countries that real freedom is simply impossible as long as islam remains dominant.
A recent poll in post–revolution Egypt found that 85 percent of Egyptians are convinced that islam's influence on politics is good, 82 percent believe that adulterers should be stoned, 84 percent want the death penalty for apostates. The press refers to the events in the Arab world today as the Arab spring. I call it the Arab winter.
Islam and freedom, islam and democracy are not compatible.
The death of Osama bin Laden last week was a victory for the free world, but we will be confronted with Islamic terrorism as long as islam exists, because islam's founder Muhammad himself was a terrorist, worse than Bin Laden.
And here is another truth: The rise of islam means the rise of sharia law in our judicial systems. In Europe we already have sharia wills, sharia schools, sharia banks. Britain even has sharia courts.
In my own country, the Netherlands, sharia is being applied by the courts in cases relating to divorce, child custody, inheritance, and property ownership. Women are always the victims of this because sharia discriminates women.
This is a disgrace. This is not the way we should treat women.
My friends, I told you that we have just remembered Liberation Day to commemorate the young Americans and all the heroes who offered their lives to free the Netherlands from nazi tyranny. It would be an insult to them if we Europeans would give up that precious freedom for another totalitarian ideology called Islam.
That is the goal for which my party and I work day after day. And we are having success.
In the Netherlands, we are successfully starting to roll back islam. The current Dutch government is a minority government which can only survive with the backing of my party, the Party for Freedom.
We have 24 seats of the 150 seats in parliament and we support the government, in return for measures to prohibit certain aspects of sharia law.
We have achieved that the Netherlands will soon ban the burka and the niqaab.
We will also restrict immigration from non–Western countries by up to 50% in the next four years. We are not going to allow islam to steal our country from us. It was the land of our fathers, it is our land now, our values are based on Christianity, Judaism and Humanism and we will pass this on to our children with all the freedoms that the previous generations have fought for.
Let those who want to rob us from our freedoms, stay in their own countries. We do not need them. If you want to wear a burqa, stay in Saudi–Arabia. If you want four wives, stay in Iran. If you want to live in a country where the islamic ideology is dominant, stay in Pakistan, if you don't want to assimilate in our society, stay in Somalia. But don't come over here.
We are also going to strip criminals who have a double nationality – for instance Dutch and Moroccan, and who repeatedly commit serious crimes, of their Dutch nationality. We will send them packing, back to their homeland.
My friends, what the Party for Freedom has achieved, shows that it can be done. We can fight the islamization of our societies.
Dear friends, here is my warning. Make no mistake: Islam is also coming for America. In fact, it is already here. America is facing a stealth jihad, the islamic attempt to introduce sharia law bit by bit. Last March, a judge in Tampa, Florida, ruled that a lawsuit against a mosque and involving the control of 2.4 million dollars, should proceed under Islamic law.
My friends, be aware that this is only the beginning. This is also how it started in Europe. If things continue like this, you will soon have the same problems as we are currently facing.
Leaders who talk about immigration without mentioning islam are blind. They ignore the most important problem Europe and America are facing. I have a message for them: it's islam stupid!
My friends, fortunately, not all politicians are irresponsible. Here, in Tennessee, brave politicians want to pass legislation which gives the state the power to declare organizations as terrorist groups and allowing material supporters of terrorism to be prosecuted. I applaud them for that. They are true heroes.
Yesterday and today, I met some of those brave legislators. They told me that Tennessee in particular is a target of islam. Help them win their battle.
They need your support.
While Tennessee is in the frontline, similar legislative initiatives are also being taken in the states of Oklahoma, Wyoming, South Carolina, Texas, Florida, Missouri, Arizona, Indiana. It is encouraging to see that so many politicians are willing to resist islam.
This gives us hope and courage. I am not a pessimist. We can still turn the tide – even in Europe – if we act today.
There are five things which we must do.
First, we must defend the freedom of speech.
Freedom is the source of human creativity and development. People and nations wither away without the freedom to question what is presented to them as the truth.
Without freedom of speech we risk becoming slaves. Frederick Douglass, the 19th century black American politician, the son of a slave, said – I quote – “To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.”
I have already told you about my court case. This legal charade will not, however, prevent me from saying the truth. Never. I will speak out, even if they drag me before 500 courts and threaten to jail me for a thousand years.
The fact that we are being treated as criminals for telling the truth must not deter us.We are doomed if we remain silent or let ourselves be silenced. Let us not forget, this is our first and most important obligation: defend the right to speak the truth.
Second, we must end cultural relativism and political correctness. We must repeat it over and over again, especially to our children: Our Western culture based on Christianity and Judaism is superior to the islamic culture. Our laws are superior to sharia. Our judeo–christian values are better than islam's totalitarian rules.
And because they are superior and better, we must defend them. We must fight for our own identity, or else we will lose it. We need to be warriors for the good, because the good is worth fighting for. Neutrality in the face of evil is evil.
Third, we must stop the islamization of our countries. More islam means less freedom. There is enough islam in the West already. We must stop immigration from non–Western countries, which are mostly islamic countries. We must expel criminal immigrants. We must forbid the construction of new hate palaces called mosques.
We must also close down all islamic schools because educating children in a spirit of hate is one of the worst things imaginable. We must introduce anti–sharia legislation everywhere in the free world. Enough is enough.
Fourth, we must take pride in our nations again. We must cherish and preserve the culture and identity of our country. Preserving our own culture and identity is the best antidote against islamization.
And fifth, last but certainly not least, we must elect wise and courageous leaders who are brave enough to address the problems which are facing us, including the threat of islam.
Politicians who have the courage to speak the truth about islam.
Politicians who dare to denounce the devastating results of the multicultural society.
Politicians who – without political correctness – say: enough is enough.
You and I, Americans and Europeans, we belong to a common Western culture. We share the ideas and ideals of our common Judeo–Christian heritage. In order to pass this heritage on to our children and grandchildren, we must stand together, side by side, in our struggle against Islamic barbarism.
That, my friends, is why I am here. I am here to forge an alliance. Our international freedom alliance. We must stand together for the Judeo–Christian West.
We will not allow islam to overrun Israel and Europe, the cradle of the judeo–Christian civilization.
My friends, we will stand together.
We will stand firm.
We will not submit. Never. Not in Israel, not in Europe, not in America. Nowhere.
We will survive.
We will stop islam.
We will defend our freedoms.
We will remain free.
Thank you.
Re–classify Islam
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ISLAM must be reclassified as an ideological (death) CULT. It is as much of a religion as Branch Davidians, Heaven's Gate, People's Temple and the K.K.K.
To define a Cult:
In the sociological classifications of religious movements, a cult is a social group with socially deviant or novel beliefs and practices, although this is often unclear.
Additional features include a “no way out”, “their religion is the one–and–only truth”, “no room for disagreeing with the cult's rules or doctrines”. All are pillars of islam.
The fact that Islam supports many archaic penalties for failures related to the following of their precepts. Including beheadings, loss of limbs and hands, stonings, genital mutilation, wife beatings, caning, disfiguration with acid, and more, speaks to the realization that life itself is not valued in Islam.
Even animals must be sacrificially killed and drained of blood to be considered pure (Hala) before consumption. Dogs, are exclusive to work, and shall not be kept as pets or as a companion. And more..
Many definitions of the concept of Cults, also consider Cults to be relatively small in group size and numbers of members. Here is the one point that Islam has transcended over 1,400 years. It is on the way to become not just one of the largest, so called, religions in
the world, but actually THE largest.
This is where the study of history and Islam's effects on the world is of utmost importance. Invasions, mass murders of non–islam followers, slavery, destruction of historical buildings, statues and artifacts are the tip of the iceberg.
I ask you, find one positive thing Islam has done for the world or mankind for that matter... Even the Golden Age of Islam was when they had accumulated so many spoils from invasions, pirating of merchant ships and the occupation of other countries, that what was
the world's was now theirs....
Western Civilization MUST do everything in its power to halt the spread of this black plague across all of the continent's The only workable solution is to outlaw the Cult for what it is... and control it's future expansion.
Tom Weiland
Islam denies the holocaust
Canadian Woman Arrested in Germany for Questioning Holocaust
In Video Made in Canada Monika Schaefer, a woman from Alberta, Canada, was arrested in Germany, a country that forbids questioning the Holocaust, and is facing a 5–year prison term. The Jewish group, B'nai Brith, filed complaints with German officials against Schaefer because she committed “anti–Semitic incitement.” This was because Schaefer had made a video in 2016 entitled “Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong about the Holocaust.” In the video (click on link), she says she regrets reproaching her German mother for not doing something to stop the death camps.
Students for Justice in (so–called) Palestine
SAFE SPACES FOR HATE: “Students for Justice in (so–called) Palestine” are allowed to spew their murderous Jew–hatred across 189 college campuses in North America.
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is the primary student organization engaging in anti–Israel activity on 189 North American college campuses. Watchdog Canary Mission has released a shocking new report on campus group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and its activists.
The report exposes:
29 students affiliated with SJP who have mocked the Holocaust, shown support for Hitler and wished death on Jews.
SJP chapters found to have been complicit in abuses of the Holocaust. This includes disrupting Holocaust memorial days, comparing Jews to Nazis on social media and hosting radical speakers who make light of the national Jewish tragedy.
SJP founder, UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian, who has repeatedly abused the memory of the Holocaust in order to promote his anti–Israel agenda.
Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) members shocking antisemitism includes Holocaust denial, praising Hitler, laughing at the genocide of 6 millions Jews in Nazi concentration camps, and calling for the murder of Jews.
C0–founder of SJP, Hatem Bazian, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) calls for an ‘intifada’ (mass killing of Jews) in the United States. Some of Bazian’s retweets that fixate on the Holocaust include comparisons between Israeli soldiers and Nazis, between Gaza and a Nazi extermination camp and comparing Jews emigrating from Germany to Nazis.
HATEM BAZIAN. The most dangerous professor in America.
Amatul–Wadud first Muslim running in Massachusetts.
BREAKING: Mueller May Have Helped Cover Up Connections Between Saudi Family And 9/11 Attacks
Posted on January 25, 2018 by Joe
Special Council Robert Muller may have helped cover up connections that existed between the Saudi family, and the 9/11 terror attack, according to a report from Judicial Watch on Tuesday.
Court documents obtained by Judicial Watch indicated that Robert Muller, while FBI director, was ‘likely involved’ in releasing intentionally deceptive statements in an attempt to cover up a connection between a Saudi Arabian family living in Florida and the 9/11 hijackers.
The statements released by Muller were meant to discredit an ongoing FBI investigation into the family who was living in Sarasota, Florida at the time. Investigations into the Saudi family took pace when it was discover that they abruptly left Saudi Arabia 2 weeks before 9/11, reportedly leaving behind their cars, furniture, clothes, and other personal items.
“Though the recently filed court documents reveal Mueller received a briefing about the Sarasota Saudi investigation, the FBI continued to publicly deny it existed and it appears that the lies were approved by Mueller,” Judicial Watch wrote. “Not surprisingly, he didn’t respond to questions about this new discovery emailed to his office by the news organization that uncovered it.”
Republicans have been clamoring for Trump to fire Robert Muller, who some have said is no longer credible after this news, and the news that he had agents on his team that were pro Clinton.
According to those close with the matter, more than half of Muller’s team has worked for Clinton, or Clinton’s foundation at some point. Most of Muller’s team are also Democrats or have a history of donating money to the party.
Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit in early December demanding that Muller release hundreds of anti–Trump messages from employees, but of course, a lot of those messages went missing. Muller’s investigation is looking less and less credible as time goes on.
In London, sex with Muslim refugees “which usually means rape” is being promoted in billboards
Considering the never–ending Muslim “grooming (rape and forced prostitution of young white girls) gang” scandals that have been making the headlines for several years in London, why is such a billboard in Shoreditch even allowed?
Artist Robert Montgomery said that his ‘artwork’ on this billboard has been ‘grossly misjudged.’ ARTWORK? Why not ask the Muslim refugee girls who are victims of high levels of exploitation and rape as it is if they think this is “artwork?”
Locals have expressed their anger as Rochdale grooming gang member is spotted back on the streets where he used to stalk his victims. Many of their young victims still live there. One has told how she came face to face with her tormentor. A worried resident said: “A lot of girls they abused will still be living here. People need to know they are back.”
One thing you can always be assured of is: Islam Lies, it is in their laws.
Where–as you are dirt, a dog, you can tell un–truths to dogs, it doesn't matter to them.
Valrie was Hillary Clinton's chief of staff
It's actually a misconception that women have to wear a burka.
Yeah, if you don't mind being raped or stoned depending on the country, time and place.
Islamic coverings
In Islam the only thing that is required is the hijab, the scarf wrapped around the head to cover the hair and chest. The burka also includes a viel that covers the face, which is not mentioned in the Qur'an.
O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.
Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do.
And tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their head–covers over their chests and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands fathers, their sons, their husbands sons, their brothers, their brothers sons, their sisters sons, their women, that which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let them not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment. And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed.
What does the word hijab mean?
The word “hijab” is never used in the Qur'an in the context of women's dress. This word is used only in its general meaning of “barrier”.Yet it has developed completely unique applications among the majority.Let's understand the word hijab first.The triliteral root is ḥā jīm bā (ح ج ب) =hinders/prevents/precludes/conceals/covers/protects/intervenes, hid, seclude, to veil/conceal/cover/hide a thing, intervene between two things.
What the Qur’an says about Hijab?
The word “Hijab” appears in the Quran seven times, five of them as “Hijab” and twice as “Hijaban”. See 7:46, 17:45, 19:17, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51. None of these “Hijab” words are used in the Qur’an in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today as the dress code for the Muslim woman. Hijab in the Qur’an has nothing to do with the women’s dress code.
India must wake up to the REALITY of Islamic Political aspirations. Kashmir and Punjab are the most recent example of it.
A Muslim refugee kid in Saskatoon asks his mother, "Mama, what's the difference between Democracy and Racism?"
Mother (in burka) - "Well, son, Democracy is when Canadian taxpayers work hard every day so that we can get all our benefits .... you know, like free housing, free health care, free education and grants to build mosques and community centers, more welfare payments than Canadian pensioners get, and so on and so forth. That's Democracy."
"But Mama, don't the Canadian taxpayers get angry about that?"
"Sure they do. That's what we call Racism.
The Difference between democracy and racism has never more clearly and simply explained.
Never let this happen in the United States! It is already starting, but it can still be reversed!
Yusuf Qaradawi's U.S. minions
The real aim of the Fiqh Council of North America
File muslimjudge.htm appended here
Creeping Sharia
Female Muslim Judge Sworn in on Quran
Rejoice Obama supporters! Your dream of destroying America is coming true.
The first Muslim woman judge - Carolyn Walker - was hand-picked by President Obama and sworn in as judge of the 7th Municipal District, Brooklyn, choosing to swear her oath of office holding the HOLY QURAN at the Brooklyn Boro Hall on December 10, 2015. It was a historic day!
Oddly enough, there was almost no media coverage of this event . . . .
Since the Quran forbids all law but Sharia Law, isn't it reasonable to assume that Her Honor will head the first federally sanctioned SHARIA COURT.
Makes one proud, doesn't it? "Gives me chills up my legs" said Chris Mathews.
Another little chink in the armor? A small, quiet erosion here and there. No one cares, until it's too late. Step by step by step....this is how American culture will end.
Rejoice Obama supporters! Your dream of destroying America is coming true.
From Truth or Fiction:
It's true that Carolyn Walker-Diallo was sworn in as a municipal judge using a Quran, but she isn't America's first female Muslim judge.
Carolyn Walker-Diallo was elected as civil court judge in Brooklyn's 7th Municipal District in 2015. Walker-Diallo www dot [server missing] referenced her faith in a post on her campaign website after she was elected to the bench:
Then, in December 2015, Carolyn Walker-Diallo took the oath of office on Quran while wearing a traditional hijab. Photos showing Walker-Diallo holding the Quran at the swearing-in ceremony quickly ignited controversy on social media and blog sites:
Carolyn Walker-Diallo drew anti-Islamic criticism after photos of the ceremony went viral, and her supporters "feared for her safety," the New York Daily News www dot [link missing] reports. She has since declined to comment on the matter.
But contrary to viral reports, Carolyn Walker-Diallo was not the first elected official to take the oath of office on the Quran. The honor belongs to U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) who was sworn into office in 2007 on a Quran once owned by Thomas Jefferson, USA Todayreports.
Carolyn Walker-Diallo wasn't the country's first female Muslim judge, either. Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm appointed Charlene Mekled Elder to sit on a U.S. federal court as judge in April 2006. A press release said that she was the first female Muslim judge to hold a judicial position in the country.
Free and democratic societies take chances. They guarantee freedom of speech and of the press, despite the risk that harmful, foolish, or depraved ideas may be promoted. They require due process of law before an offender can be punished, even though some who are guilty may go free as a result. They give citizens the power to elect their rulers, notwithstanding the strife election campaigns generate -- and the possibility that voters will choose officials who are corrupt or incompetent.
But there are limits. "Liberty and justice for all" does not require empowering even those who seek to do away with liberty and justice. In his famous dissent in the 1949 Supreme Court case of Terminiello v. Chicago, Justice Robert Jackson warned against interpreting the First Amendment so categorically as to fortify "right and left totalitarian groups, who want nothing so much as to paralyze and discredit . . . democratic authority." A commitment to liberal democracy is not an obligation to open the democratic process to parties that reject liberal democracy itself. Jackson cautioned the court's majority to "temper its doctrinaire logic with a little practical wisdom," lest it "convert the constitutional Bill of Rights into a suicide pact."
If even in America, where democratic institutions are old and firmly rooted, it is important to guard against antidemocratic cancers that latch on to political freedoms in order to destroy them, how much more important must it be in Egypt, where a democratic republic is still struggling to be born?
This is why the question of the Muslim Brotherhood -- officially banned in Egypt, but nevertheless the country's largest opposition group -- is so crucial.
The Brotherhood is the world's most influential Islamist organization, and Islamism -- the radical ideology that seeks the submission of all people to Islamic law -- is perhaps the most virulent antidemocratic force in the world today. In Daniel Pipes's phrase, "it is an Islamic-flavored version of totalitarianism." Like other totalitarian cadres, Islamists despise democratic pluralism and liberty in principle. But they are quite ready to make use of elections and campaigns as tactical stepping-stones to power.
As with Adolf Hitler in 1933 or the en dot [heavily liberal edited wiki, link unavailable] Czechsolovak communists in 1946, Islamists may run for office and hold themselves out as democrats; but once power is in their grasp, they do not voluntarily relinquish it. Just months after Hamas, a self-described "wing of the Muslim Brotherhood," won a majority of seats in the Palestinian elections in 2006, it violently seized control of the Gaza Strip. More than 30 years after Ayatollah Khomeini took power in Iran promising representative democracy, the Islamist dictatorship he built instead remains entrenched.
In Turkey, where secular democratic norms were long enforced by the military, the Islamist Justice and Development Party, or AKP, won the 2002 elections on a platform of moderate democratic conservatism. Since then, however, the www dot [missing link] AKP has shed its moderate coloration. "The party has turned authoritarian toward the opposition," writes Soner Cagaptay, who heads the Turkish Research Program at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. "Anti-government protestors are beaten up by security forces, opposition figures are wiretapped, and independent papers get slapped with punitive tax fines. . . . The AKP has effectively neutered the military. Not just high-ranking officers, but also the government's critics among academics have come under assault, ending up in prison."
If Egypt is to have any hope of a transition to a genuine constitutional democracy, the Muslim Brotherhood must not be treated as a legitimate democratic partner. For more than 80 years, it has been a fervent exponent of Islamic, not secular, rule; of clerical, not popular, sovereignty. Its credo could hardly be more explicit, or more antidemocratic: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Koran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."
In 2008, the Muslim Brotherhood's supreme leader publicly called for raising young "mujaheddin" -- holy warriors -- "who love to die as much as others love to live and who can perform their duty towards their God, themselves and homeland." This week, senior Brotherhood figure Kamal al-Halbavi said babulilmlibrary dot com/news/muslim-brotherhood-hails-imam-khameneis-support-of-the-egyptian-revolution [link unavailable] his wish for Egypt is "a good government like the Iranian government, and a good president like Mr. Ahmadinejad, who is very brave."
Democracy is flexible, but even in the best of circumstances it is incompatible with religious totalitarianism. What the Muslim Brotherhood seeks is the very antithesis of democratic pluralism and a free civil society. Egypt's friends must not hesitate to say so, clearly and emphatically.
"missing link" or something to that effect means it was there when I originally made the file. Evidence damning the liberals especially, is being erased as fast and thoroughly as possible.
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ISIS: The Fourth Reich
Article borrowed from "ACT for America"
This is a tremendous essay by Nobel Prize Winner V.S. Naipual. His thesis, that the
Islamic State is the biggest threat to the world since the Nazis, is born out by ISIS's love of propaganda, hatred of Jews, and desire to dominate the world.
If the world truly treasures freedom, the Islamic state must be annihilated by military force, he
03-25-15, By V.S.Naipaul
... It was an article of 6th and 7th Century Arab faith that everything before it was wrong, heretical. There was no room for the pre-Islamic past.
So an idea of history was born that was fundamentally different from the ideas of history that the rest of the world has evolved.
In the centuries following, the world moved on. Ideas of civilization, of other faiths, of art, of governance of law and of science and invention grew and flourished.
This Islamic ideological insistence on erasing the past may have survived but it did so in abeyance, barely regarded even in the Ottoman Empire which declared itself to be the Caliphate of all Islam.
But now the evil genie is out of the bottle. The idea that faith abolishes history has been revived as the central creed of the Islamists and of Isis.
Their determination to deny, eliminate and erase the past manifests itself in the destruction of the art, artifacts and archaeological sites of the great empires, the Persian, the Assyrian and Roman that constitute the histories of Mesopotamia and Syria.
They have bulldozed landmarks in the ancient city of Dur Sharukkin and smashed Assyrian statues in the Mosul museum. Destroying the winged bull outside the fortifications of Nineveh satisfies the same reductive impulse behind the destruction by the Taliban of the Bhumiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has described this destruction of art, artifacts, inscriptions and of the museums that house them not only as a butchery of civilizational memory but as a war crime.
It is telling that the victims of Wednesday's barbarous shootings were visitors to the great Bardo Museum in Tunis, a repository of art and material from Tunisia's rich, pre-Islamic past.
... Isis is dedicated to a contemporary holocaust. It has pledged itself to the murder of Shias, Jews, Christians, Copts, Yazidis and anyone it can, however fancifully, accuse of being a spy. It has wiped out the civilian populations of whole regions and towns. Isis could very credibly abandon the label of Caliphate and call itself the Fourth Reich.
Like the Nazis, Isis fanatics are anti-Semitic, with a belief in their own racial superiority. They are anti-democratic: the Islamic State is a totalitarian state, absolute in its authority. There is even the same self-regarding love of symbolism, presentation and propaganda; terror is spread to millions through films and videos created to professional standards of which Goebbels would have been proud.
Just as the Third Reich did, Isis categorizes its enemies as worthy of particular means of execution from decapitation to crucifixion and death by fire.
Whereas the Nazis pretended to be the guardians of civilization in so far as they stole art works to preserve them and kept Jewish musicians alive to entertain them, Isis destroys everything that arises from the human impulse to beauty.
Suchbarbarism is not new to history and every nation has suffered mass murder and barbaric cruelty in the past. That a European country in the 20th Century launched a holocaust on the basis of race is a matter of the deepest shame.
That Isis has revived the religious dogmas and deadly rivalries between Sunnis and Shias, Sunnis and Jews and Christians is a giant step into darkness...
...The process of decolonization in the 20th Century gave rise to the idea that every advance in
civilization, scientific or democratic, was to be condemned as 'colonial'. There may be no ideological answer to such bigotry.
The Islamic world does contain currents that are opposed to the interpretations that Isis gives to the Koran, the Hadith and to sharia. These are yet to declare themselves.
Though the appeal of Isis can be challenged by other strands of Islam, its murderous presence persists in the failed states of Iraq and war-torn Syria and threatens to spread through northern Africa.
The crippled Iraqi government has launched its reluctant armies against Isis. The Iranians, being Shias opposed to Sunni Caliphates, are supporting the Iraqi army and the Shia militias, who are a considerable force independent of the Iraqi government, are in a coalition to fight Isis on the ground. With air support from the West, they may manage to push Isis back.
Such an offensive, with the immediate objective of regaining Iraqi territory has to be urgently expanded. Isis has to be seen as the most potent threat to the world since the Third Reich.
Its military annihilation as an anti-civilizational force has to now be the objective of a world that wants its ideological and material freedoms.
The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends, Haj Amin al-Husseini told the Nazi leader in 1941, because they had the same enemies — namely the English, the Jews and the Communists. In 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini fled to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. He wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis’ anti-Jewish program to the Arab world.
erased as fast and thoroughly as possible
The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin Al-Husseini
Paperback – August 10, 2010, by Chuck Morse (Author)
This is the remarkable story of Haj Amin al-Husseini who was, in many ways, as big a Nazi villain as Hitler himself. To understand his influence on the Middle East is to understand the ongoing genocidal program against the Jews of Israel. Al-Husseini was a bridge figure in terms of transporting the Nazi genocide in Europe into the post-war Middle East. As the leader of Arab Palestine during the British Mandate period, al-Husseini introduced violence against moderate Arabs as well as against Jews. Al-Husseini met with Adolf Eichmann in Palestine in 1937 and subsequently went on the Nazi payroll as a Nazi agent. Al-Husseini played a pivotal behind-the-scenes role in instigating a pro-Nazi coup in Iraq in 1941 as he urged Nazis and pro-Nazi governments in Europe to transport Jews to death camps, trained pro-Nazi Bosnian brigades, and funneled Nazi loot into pro-war Arab countries.
In 1941, Haj Amin al-Husseini fled to Germany and met with Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. He wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis’ anti-Jewish program to the Arab world.
The Mufti sent Hitler 15 drafts of declarations he wanted Germany and Italy to make concerning the Middle East. One called on the two countries to declare the illegality of the Jewish home in Palestine. Furthermore, “they accord to Palestine and to other Arab countries the right to solve the problem of the Jewish elements in Palestine and other Arab countries, in accordance with the interest of the Arabs and, by the same method, that the question is now being settled in the Axis countries.”1
On November 28, 1941, the Mufti met with Hitler, who told him the Jews were his foremost enemy. The Nazi dictator rebuffed the Mufti’s requests for a declaration in support of the Arabs, however, telling him the time was not right. The Mufti offered Hitler his “thanks for the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially Palestinian cause, and to which he had given clear expression in his public speeches....The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely....the Jews....” Hitler replied.
Germany stood for uncompromising war against the Jews. That naturally included active opposition to the Jewish national home in Palestine....Germany would furnish positive and practical aid to the Arabs involved in the same struggle....Germany’s objective [is]...solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere....In that hour the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. The Mufti thanked Hitler profusely.2
Two German historians say that Hitler had a plan to extend the Holocaust to the Middle East and had forged an alliance with Arab nationalists. This is perhaps why Hitler met with the Mufti and provided him a budget of 750,000 Reichsmark per month to foment a jihad in Palestine. The alliance did not alter Hitler’s racist views toward Arabs reflected in his refusal to shake the Mufti’s hand or drink coffee with him.3
In 1945, Yugoslavia sought to indict the Mufti as a war criminal for his role in recruiting 20,000 Muslim volunteers for the SS, who participated in the killing of Jews in Croatia and Hungary. He escaped from French detention in 1946, however, and continued his fight against the Jews from Cairo and later Beirut. He died in 1974.
A document attesting to the connection between Nazi Germany and the Mufti was released in March 2017. In the letter published by the National Library of Israel Archives, SS Chief Heinrich Himmler heaps praise upon Mufti al-Husseini, stating that the Nazi leadership " has been closely following the battle of freedom-seeking Arabs - and especially in Palestine - against the Jewish invaders." Himmler ends the letter by bidding the Mufti "warm wishes for the continuation of your battle until the big victory." This letter was delivered in the Fall of 1943, two years after the Mufti's famous meeting with Adolf Hitler.4
What the mufti said to Hitler, "The Arabs were Germany’s natural friends, Haj Amin al-Husseini told the Nazi leader in 1941, because they had the same enemies — namely the English, the Jews and the Communists.
Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam
Hardcover – June 24, 2008, by David G. Dalin (Author), John F. Rothmann (Author)
A chilling, fascinating, and nearly forgotten historical figure is resurrected in a riveting work that links the fascism of the last century with the terrorism of our own. Written with verve and extraordinary access to primary sources in several languages, Icon of Evil is the definitive account of the man who during World War II was called “the führer of the Arab world” and whose ugly legacy lives on today.
In 1921, the beneficiary of an appointment the British would live to regret, Haj Amin al-Husseini became the mufti of Jerusalem, the most eminent and influential Islamic leader in the Middle East. For years, al-Husseini fomented violence in the region against the Jews he loathed and wished to destroy. Forced out in 1937, he eventually found his way to the country whose legions he desperately wished to join: Nazi Germany.
The Muslim Brotherhood Project is unusual not because it out lines a strategic plan to establish a world Islamic caliphate but because it includes methods other than violence, to implement cultural jihad. One of the hallmarks of the Muslim Brotherhood is to use two principles: Taqiyya and Da’wa.
Taqiyya is the Islamic practice of “concealing or disguising one’s belief, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions and/or strategies at a time of eminent dangers, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury. Taqiyya is also used as justification for lies and deceit to advance the cause of Islam.
Da’wa is the act of inviting non-Muslims to accept the truth of Islam. Da’wa involves both words and actions and is frequently practiced in public schools in America and Western communities.
Both manipulate Westerners to make them believe that Islam is a peaceful religion and its doctrines are written to help all mankind. In contrast to this Islamic principle, people raised in Judo-Christian cultures are taught from childhood that lying is bad and honesty is good. So when Westerners here Muslims heads say the Muslim religion is all about peace we tend to believe them. It is not lying to them, they would probably pass a lie detector test with flying colors, telling the untruth to an infidel is not a lie. In our ignorance we support the spread of Islamic practices and culture in the West, and do so in the name of tolerance, understanding and multiculturalism. Another way to put it is we are getting taken over slowly, with a smile and a lie.
This is a documented fact according to both ancient and modern scholars of Islam. The renowned classical Islamic scholar and theologian Abu Hamid Mumammad al-Ghazali (1058-1111) instructs that “speaking is a means to achieve objectives” and that “it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible.” More recently Amir Taheri states that according to Islam, “muslims have every right to lie and to deceive their adversaries and a promise made to a non-muslim can be broken whenever necessary.”
According to Abdullah al-Araby: within Islam there are certain provisions under which lying is not simply tolerated, but actually encouraged. The book The spirit of Islam by the Muslim scholar Afif A Tabbarah, was written to promote Islam, On page 247 Tabbarah stated: “Lying is not always bad, to be sure, there are times when telling a lie is more profitable and better for the general welfare, and for the settlement of conciliation among people, than telling the truth. To this effect, the Prophet says: ‘He is not a false person who [through lies] settles conciliation among people,, supports good or says what is good.
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In November 2001 (just after 9-11) a detailed document was found in a villa in Switzerland by Swiss authorities. This document outlined a 100 year plan for radical Islam to infiltrate and dominate the West and “Establish an Islamic Government on earth.”
“The Project.”
The 26 points:
Networking and coordinating actions between like-minded Islamists organizations.
Avoiding open alliances with known terrorists organizations and individuals to maintain the appearance of “moderation.”
Infiltrating and taking over existing Muslim organizations to realign them toward the Mualim Brotherhood's collective goals.
Using deception to mask the intended goals of Islamist actions, as long as it doesn't conflict with Sharia law.
Avoiding social conflicts with Westerners locally, nationally, or globally that might damage the long-term ability to expand the Islamists power base in the West or provoke in back-lash against Muslims.
Establish financial networks to fund the work of conversion of the West, including the support of full-time administrators and workers conducting surveillance, obtaining data, and establishing collection and data-storage capabilities.
Putting into place a watchdog system for monitoring western media to warn Muslims of international plots fomented against them.
Cultivating an Islamists intellectual community, including the establishment of think tanks and advocacy groups, and publishing academic studies, to legitimize Islamist positions and to chronicle the history of Islamist movement.
Developing a comprehensive hundred year plan to advance Islamist ideology throughout the world.
Balancing international objectives with local flexibility.
Building extensive social networks of schools, hospitals and charitable organizations dedicated to Islamists ideals so that contact between the movement and Muslims in the West is constant.
Involving ideologically committed Muslims in democratically elected institutions on all levels in the West, including government, NGOs, private organizations and labor unions.
Instrumentally using existing Western institutions until they can be converted and put into service of Islam.
Drafting Islamic constitutions, laws and policies for eventual implementation.
Avoiding conflict within the Islamist movements on all levels, including the development of processes for conflict resolution.
Instituting alliances with Western “progressive' organizations that share similar goal.
Creating autonomous security forces to protect Muslims in the West.
Inflaming violence and keeping Muslims living in the West in a jihad frame of mind.
Supporting jihad movements across the Muslim world through preaching, propaganda, personnel, funding, and technical and operational support.
Making the Palestinian cause a global wedge issue for Muslims.
Adopting the goals of the total liberation of Palestine from Israel and the creation of an Islamic state as keystones in the plan for global Islamic domination.
Instigating a constant campaign to incite hatred by Muslims against Jews and rejecting any discussions of conciliation or coexistence with them.
Actively creating jihad terror cells within Palestine.
24. Linking the terrorists activities in Palestine with the global terror movement.
Collecting sufficient funds to indefinitely perpetuate and support jihad around the world.
I hope reading this snippet will encourage you read the entire text of Gabriel's Book(s), “THEY MUST STOPPED” your life may depend on it, your congressmen certainly are not aware of any of it or are getting too many kickbacks to care.