He dropped out of two presidential races for plagiarism and racist comments
His daughter, Ashley, says he molested her in the shower as a child, new info, it is in a
diary she accidentally left behind at a previous residence. Joe sent the FBI to retrieve it if you want authentication.
In the 1987 presidential race, Joe Biden claimed to have earned three college degrees, attended law school on a full scholarship, and graduated near the top of his class at Syracuse Law, all of which are a lie. Than after getting caught plagiarizing his speeches, he dropped out of the race.
In December of 2024, after insisting he would not pardon his son, Joe lied again.
In Last Hours as President, Biden Pardoned His Family, Anthony Fauci and Liz Cheney and anyone else that was involved in his corruption
January 22, 2025 Modernity News addn BBC
In the final minutes of his presidency, Joe Biden preemptively pardoned several family members, including his brothers James and Frank Biden, and sister Valerie Biden Owens, Jan 6 committee. He previously issued a pardon for his son, Hunter Biden, who was facing sentencing for two criminal cases. Biden said the pardons were intended to shield his family from politically motivated attacks, which is ironic following the weaponization of lawsuits and against Trump under Biden’s Department of Justice.
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Did Joe Biden use an autopen to sign the Pardons?
If so, does that make them invalid?
“The ‘pardons’ that Sleepy Joe Biden gave to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, and many others, are hereby declared VOID, VACANT, AND OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT, because of the fact that they were done by Autopen,” Trump said on Truth Social early Monday.
you need to read the whole story, actually there are many pardons.
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He is a liar, a cheater, and a loser.
No Character
It was miraculous,
It was almost no trick at all, he saw
To turn vice into virtue
and Slander into truth,
Impotence into abstinence,
Arrogance into humility,
Thievery into honor,
Blasphemy into wisdom,
Brutality into patriotism,
and Sadism into justice.
Anybody could do it:
It required no brains as all.
It merely required "NO CHARACTER"
Joseph Heller, Catch 22
Joe Biden
Deemed mentally unfit by a liberal judge to stand trial but they allow him to:
Send billions overseas
authorize missile strikes
Pardon Hunter Biden for 10 years of un-listed crimes
Pardon Edward Kenzakoski, the ‘Kids for Cash’ Judge Who Made Millions on Imprisoning Children
Pardon 2 Chinese spies with 47,000 files of child pornography
Commute sentences of 3000 criminals
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First to Oversee $1 Trillion in Improper Payments in a Single Term
A loss of over $7,500 tax dollars every SECOND in 2023!
The Biden-Harris administration is fond of marking historic firsts, but this will be a rather ignominious one. No sitting president has ever admitted to $1 TRILLION in improper payments during a single four-year term, but President Biden is on pace to do just that before he leaves office.
Federal agencies threw out over $764 billion on improper payments in fiscal years 2021-2023, or $801.4 billion after adjusting for inflation.
Barring something unprecedented, the total will cross the trillion-dollar mark by the time President Biden’s term ends. It would be a nearly $200 billion increase in improper payments from President Trump’s administration, adjusted for inflation.
Biden Pentagon Caught in New Scandal – They Worked to Hide Damning Evidence on Top Official
Under President Biden, the Pentagon has faced a series of missteps and failures that have raised serious concerns about America’s national security. It was responsible for the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and the ongoing gross politicizing of the Armed Forces. Critics have blasted Biden and his top officials for such a sloppy and pathetic U.S. military.
But, once again, it only gets worse the more you look at it.
This Pentagon embarrassed the nation earlier this year when the Secretary of Defense was hospitalized without anyone’s knowledge. Not even top officials knew he was ill, including the White House. Now, we are learning that the Pentagon’s obsession with identity politics led to a shocking cover-up. A commander was outed for gross incompetence. But she got off, it seems, because she was a woman.
From Daily Caller:
The Biden Pentagon reportedly worked behind the scenes to throw out investigation findings into wrongdoings committed by a top commander…
The California National Guard’s investigation — conducted with dozens of confidential interviews and an extensive examination of records and documents — focused on the conduct of Col. Lisa Nemeth after she was appointed commander of the 146th Airlift Wing in California in 2020, according to the Times. The investigation revealed Nemeth had tried to keep a pilot from getting fired after he was arrested for drunk driving, asked her subordinates to conduct her personal errands and created a culture of poor morale at the wing.
But the investigation was never fully completed because it was ripped up by the Pentagon in 2022, according to the Times.
Col. Lisa Nemeth was appointed commander of the 146th Airlift Wing in California. Soon after, though, she was accused of misconduct, including suppressing the criminal behavior of subordinates and the misuse of staff. An investigation was conducted and found that she had created a culture of “poor morale” at the wing.
But by the time this investigation reached the Pentagon, it was thrown out. A higher-up discredited the investigation, despite dozens of interviews and evidence. He claimed that a woman should have investigated Col. Nemeth’s behavior, suggesting she was the victim of sexism.
So, all the reports by people pointing to Nemeth’s poor behavior don’t matter, because she is a woman? Has the Pentagon become so toxically leftist, that a woman or person of color can get away with anything and not face the consequences? I guess being a “diversity hire” has its perks!
Ironically, the lead investigator in Nemeth’s case was a woman, provign the Pentagon has become so politicized, it doesn’t even know its rear end from a hole in the ground. Apparently, there has been a string of complaints about female leaders creating a “toxic climate.”
This seems to confirm claims that women shouldn’t serve in the military. But what the heck do we know?
Biden’s Pentagon is covering up incompetence and corruption in the name of “equality.” This will only serve to undermine America’s national security.
Key Takeaways:
•Biden’s Pentagon covered up an investigation that accused a female commander of mistreating her •staff and subordinates.
•Reports indicate that the military threw out the investigation to protect the woman.
•Several reports have come out exposing female commanders for creating toxic climates.
Source: Daily Caller
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DEVINE OP-ED: Joe Biden Has Been President-in-Name-Only Since He Was Inaugurated
posted by Hannity Staff - 12.23.24
Napped for hours while grieving military families to wait for hours on the tarmac,
The thoughtless three-hour delay of the dignified transfer ceremony at Dover,
talked about himself when he met the relatives of 13 military members killed by a suicide bomber,
onset of his cognitive decline, G2 Summit had to take their group photo without him,
held just nine Cabinet meetings in four years,
aides secretly rescheduled national security briefings if Biden was having a “bad day.”
responsible for embarrassing setbacks, from Afghanistan to the ill-fated Gaza pier and the friendly-fire shoot-down of a US Navy fighter jet in the Red Sea,
The mendacious minders around Biden, including his ambitious wife, were having too much fun abusing the powers of his presidency.
They justified their malfeasance by giving the president free rein on his “good days.” Considering Biden in his prime was an incompetent blowhard, dire consequences for America and the world were inevitable.
But he had enough “good days” to know what he was doing when he walked into the Oval Office and issued the orders to unwind Trump-era border protections, abandon Bagram Air Base, defy the Supreme Court, propel inflation, weaken the military, project weakness to our adversaries, pressure the DOJ to protect his wayward son, and use lawfare to come after his political opponents, all while making divisive speeches attacking half the country.
Joe Biden sucking up to Islam
Biden Regime orders Intelligence officials not to use words like “Islamic terrorism” for Islamic terrorism as it might hurt the feelings of Muslims in America. The Obama Regime did the same thing. How much lower will Biden stoop to get back those radical Muslim votes in Michigan and Minnesota? Internal documents show the entire Intelligence Community has been warned to avoid using “problematic phrases” for Islamic terrorism such as “Islamic terrorism.” And staff must avoid calling terrorists “radical Islamists,” “Muslim extremists,” or “violent Jihadists.”
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Joe Biden pick for the Supreme Court
March 20, 2024
Ketanji Brown Jackson ‘Concerned’ First Amendment Is ‘Hamstringing’ Government from Censorship. “My biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods.”
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Biden used private email and fake names for official business, shared White House comms with family
The National Archives have only turned over 60 of the 82,000 secretive -- and possibly illegal -- emails preserved in its records, which frustrated Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, who vowed to use the “power of the gavel” to obtain the records. A former FBI intelligence officer said "Not only does it violate federal records laws [...] Gmail is not a secure government communications system. And especially not for White House business.”
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Remember?? Joe said?
Joe Biden said multiple times that a policeman died because of the J6 uprising and of course Trump was at fault. Multiple times, multiple places he said that. What in fact happened, is said policeman died of a stroke the following day and it had nothing to do with J6. Jerk-off Joe knows this, but all you have to do is say it once and the left believes it no matter.. It is what the left does.
What do you call someone that lies??
I call them a liar and this is only one of many times jerk off got caught in a lie.
Arellano gave an interview about the horrors of Biden’s open border and Unaccompanied Children policy and explained that children are being given away to human traffickers and pedophiles."
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House Oversight Committee Reveals New Evidence CONFIRMING Direct Payments To Joe Biden
According to the newly released documents, one of Hunter Biden’s business entities, Owasco PC, deposited money directly into Joe Biden’s bank account.
Those same sources explained that Owasco did business with CCP-controlled companies and organizations.
☠ $$$ ☠
The Biden family's net worth tripled in value while he was VP
Video, youtube, it probably will get taken down real soon.
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Joe Biden not only left behind in Afghanistan $85 billion in U.S. weaponry, military vehicles, helicopters, and equipment, he forced US Marines to pick up human feces and other disgusting trash at the airport so as to leave it pristine for the Taliban.
The Kabul airport passenger terminal was filthy on Aug. 28, 2021, after the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, where 13 U.S. servicemen and women were killed by a suicide bomber. FrontpageMag - Daniel Greenfield More than 120,000 Afghans had camped there for a week, “defecating and leaving trash, bags, clothes, and other unspeakable things.” Marines at every level were infuriated at being “forced to scoop up human poop.” The order to clean “came with a threat that we would not leave at all if it was not completed,” one junior Marine told authors Jerry Dunleavy and James Hasson.
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In another not so shocking revelation:
--The Biden administration has sent more than $1 billion in taxpayer dollars to a Palestinian relief organization that has previously been accused of providing safe harbor to terrorists in Gaza, drawing increased scrutiny amid Hamas' attacks on Israel.
In a report exclusively obtained by FOX Business, watchdog OpenTheBooks.com found that the taxpayer money was sent to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), whose schools were accused in a recent report of being complicit in teaching children to hate Jewish people and praising terrorism.
Critics and watchdog groups also say UNRWA resources may help Hamas with recruitment and storage for weapons, along with other support.In 2014, the left-leaning New Republic described UNRWA as "effectively a branch of Hamas."
UNRWA acknowledged in 2014, and condemned, Hamas missiles that were found at one of its schools in Gaza twice in one week.--Meanwhile Biden authorized another $100 MILLION for "humanitarian aid" that will end up in the wrong hands and the Biden Administration KNOWS IT!
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New Files Show Biden Admin Forced Facebook To Censor “True Information” On Vaccine Side Effects
July 31st 2023,
Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan released a second batch of files Friday showing that the Biden administration was forcing Facebook to censor content relating to COVID vaccines, including what employees there described as “true information”.
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Investigators Obtain Biden Financial Records Showing ‘Transactions From Ukraine And Russia’: Oversight Chairman
By Daily Wire News, • Jul 21, 2023 DailyWire.com
House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said during an interview this week that congressional investigators have obtained financial records that will allegedly show transactions from Russia to the Biden family.
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Linkedin Co-Founder Reid Hoffman went to Jeffery Epstein Island!!
after his child prostitution convection!! He just became one of the largest donors to Joe Biden's 2024 campaign.
Joe Biden told the Harvard University at a commencement speech that; “White supremacy... is the single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland.”
June, 26, 2023
Biden went on to say; “There are those who demonize and pit people against one another, There are those who would do anything and everything, no mater how desperate or immoral, to hold onto power.”
That odious, highbinder, machiavellian, cockwomble, traitorous piece of crap must have been looking into a mirror. This proves that they are blaming others for their own corruption.
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FBI Document from Informant Alleges Joe and Hunter Biden Each Took $5 Million from Burisma in Ukraine
June 11, 2023 Washington Examiner and Fox News
Installed President Joe Biden‘s alleged “criminal bribery scheme” is tied to payments reportedly made by the Ukrainian energy company Burisma to members of the Biden family, GOP House Oversight Committee members said Thursday after viewing an FBI document related to the claims.
Amid the threat of being held in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a subpoena, FBI Director Christopher Wray allowed members of the committee to review the FBI-generated FD-1023 document regarding the alleged bribery scandal on Thursday.
The document, consisting of allegations relayed to a paid FBI informant, is currently being used in an active and ongoing investigation, committee chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said. The information comes from a “trusted, highly credible” paid FBI informant, according to Republicans, including Comer.
Hunter Biden held a lucrative position on the board of Burisma while his father was vice president. The GOP said Thursday that the scheme was related to Joe Biden’s efforts as vice president to pressure the Ukrainian government to fire Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. Republicans said the FBI form indicated Ukrainian businessman and Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky allegedly told the FBI informant that he paid $5 million apiece to Hunter and then-Vice President Biden to shake off a corruption investigation.
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A Whopping Nine Members of jerk-off Joe’s Family Have Foreign Money!
watchdog news, posted 5-16-23
House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer found that nine members of our [ link problems watchdognews dot org]installed president’s family have received foreign payments at least once in their lives.
WASHINGTON – Former Obama White House stenographer Mike McCormick tells The Post that he wants to testify before the federal grand jury in Delaware considering charges against first son Hunter Biden, saying he has relevant information – ignored by the FBI – that implicates President Biden in a foreign influence-peddling “conspiracy.”
“Joe Biden committed crimes in Ukraine in a conspiracy with [current national security adviser] Jake Sullivan,” McCormick said.
“I’m a witness to that happening.”
McCormick visited Ukraine with then-Vice President Biden three times and says that on a 2014 trip, Sullivan – then a Biden national security aide – briefed reporters aboard Air Force Two as an anonymous “senior administration official” about how the US was interested in helping Ukraine’s natural gas industry.
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Why Did Alex Soros Visit The Biden White House 14 Times?
Alex Soros, son of George Soros, visited the White House 14 times. It appears that he will continue using monetary influence over government to enact his father’s policies that include open borders, the destruction of Western Civilization, and upending the US justice system through buying district attorneys. Author Matt Palumbo said, “George Soros, over his career, has spent around $20 billion, his Open Society Foundation, which is the vehicle by which he makes this spending, has around $20 billion on its balance sheet. So when Alex takes over, he has a war chest that is basically able to, I would say, at a minimum, double the amount of damage his father is going to do and probably more.”
full article
April 12, 2023 Fox News and ZeroHedge
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State of the Union address 02-23
‘Who Can Blame Him?’: Biden Lies, Steals Trump’s Accomplishment Of Cutting Costs Of Insulin During State of the Union.
Political News
February 9, 2023
President Joe Biden stole an accomplishment from 45th President Donald Trump and credited it to himself and the Democrats during his State of the Union address on Tuesday, which made history as the lowest viewed SOTU address in over 30 years.
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Hunter Biden recorded rent payments of $49,910,
according to a document unearthed by New York Post’s Miranda Devine.
Jan 15, 2023 Breitbart
Update: Breitbart News has learned Hunter Biden’s $49,910 Rent Exactly Matches Deposit on Office Shared with Chinese Energy Company. Breitbart News also has learned the $49,910 rent payments were quarterly, not monthly as shown in the background check document allegedly executed by Hunter Biden. Our story and headline have been updated accordingly.
On a document titled “background screening request,” it appears Hunter paid $49,910 in “monthly” rent for one year. Hunter listed his rental tenancy from March 2017 to February 2018, the document shows. The document is signed July 2018.
The document also shows that Hunter checked a box on the form claiming to own Joe Biden’s home. It is unknown why Hunter would have indicated that he owned the home.
It should be noted Joe Biden’s 2017 tax return on Schedule E only listed $19,800 in “rents received.” In 2018, Biden listed no rents received.
Joe Biden just compared illegal aliens–lawbreakers who have been found to be terrorists, drug dealers, and bad actors – to Jews fleeing Germany during the Holocaust.
Sam Bankman-Fried Met with Biden Aides in White House Four Times in 2022
"FTX was laundering money from Ukraine and moving millions to donate to Democrats in the 2022…
By: Daily Mail, Gateway Pundit and Jesse Waters, January 03, 2023
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Gain of Function=Bioweapon.
Posted on January 3, 2023 by Angry Webmaster.
Twitter Files: Twitter rigging the Covid debate | Musings of the Angry Webmaster
Good day all. No sooner had I posted something about Twitter censoring medical information, out comes yet another drop from the Twitter Files with a great deal more detail. This data dump was written by David Zweig and details how the United States Government pressured Twitter to suppress any discussions that didn’t follow the narrative…
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Global Geopolitics and Socioeconomics
Globalist RINO McCarthy(CA) Bid for House House Speaker Devolves Into Chaos as He's Nothing More than Echos from the Past
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
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DOJ Blocks 400 Pages Of Hunter Biden FOIAs About China, Russia, Ukraine.
This is exceptionally bad timing on the DOJ’s part. With current events as a backdrop for what went before, the DOJ’s stonewalling of this FOIA looks REALLY bad.
America has been reeling from revelations about just how dirty our law enforcement and intelligence agencies have been in recent years.
Most of us knew it was pretty bad. But few of us anticipated the degree to which DOJ and the IC have been weaponizing the power of Big Tech to silence opinions that ran counter to narratives of the administrative state. Worse still, they have played the role of Wormtongue using alleged Terms of Service violations as a plausible work-around to punish right-leaning accounts guilty of Orwellian wrong think.
The most egregious example was seen in the Twitter files showing how they probably cost Trump re-election by discrediting the authentic Hunter Biden laptop story days before the 2020 election.
In other words:
Law enforcement was sitting on the Hunter Biden laptop story since before COVID. They knew it was real. They knew there was evidence of criminal activity in those videos – if nothing else, the drug use.
There were concerns voiced about the age of some women depicted in the x-rated footage Hunter had filmed.
But most relevant to the longstanding allegations that the Biden family has been involved in some sort of political quid pro quo pay-for-play schemes was the trove of emails showing business dealings with foreign countries like China, Russia, and Ukraine. (Recall the ‘perfect’ phone call Trump had with Zelenskyy, asking to find out whether Joe Biden had acted corruptly in getting the Ukraine prosecutor fired.)
It was information about Hunter Biden’s dealing with foreign governments that was the focus of a FOIA request initiated in November of 2020. Having not received a timely answer to his query, in March of 2022, the plaintiff went to court to get the information.
The DOJ’s response to this question has been, to say the least, curious.
The Justice Department is concealing a trove of sensitive information on the business dealings of Hunter Biden in China, Russia and Ukraine, a Colorado-based lawyer has accused. Kevin Evans. who has sued the DoJ over its alleged withholding of sensitive records on Hunter Bide, said nearly 400 pages of sensitive information on the gifts received by President Joe Bide’s son are being withheld by the Justice Department.
Evans, who is an expert in Freedom of Information Act, had demanded documents related to “any relationship, communication, gift(s), and/or remuneration in any form between the president’s son Hunter or brother Jim, and China, Russia or Ukraine.”
According to the lawyer, government attorneys had earlier accepted that the 400-page trove of documents contained potentially relevant documents in the Hunter Biden case, However, the establishment is now dragging its feet, saying that they can ‘neither confirm nor deny’ the existence of the records, he alleges. – IBTimes
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I just wanna make sure I understand this correctly, the FBI is refusing to hand over a document that was subpoenaed by the judiciary committee which is evidence that a sitting US president took bribes from foreign leaders in exchange for policy decisions, and the reasons they are refusing to turn over this document is because turning it over would threaten national security?
So the act of taking bribes for policy decisions doesn't threaten national security, but exposing it is what threatens national security.
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16 March, 2024
Hunter Biden Tried to Help CCP-Linked Company Purchase U.S. Maker of Nuclear Reactors
Hunter Biden tried to help Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-linked entity CEFC China Energy Co. purchase a maker of U.S. nuclear reactors in 2016, a strategy memo and testimony given to the House impeachment inquiry shows.
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Hunter Biden ADMITS Abandoned Laptop Was His, DEMANDS Investigations Into Those Who Shared His Personal Info With Media..
Story by Radar Online, MSN.
Hunter Biden took a sudden 180 this week and admitted the abandoned laptop at the center of numerous scandals into the first son was, in fact, his, RadarOnline.com has learned.
In a surprising development to come more than three years after President Joe Biden’s son’s “laptop from hell” first surfaced in October 2020, Hunter’s lawyers not only admitted the computer belonged to the first son but they also called for investigations into those who shared the personal information found on the abandoned laptop with the media.
What do we know about these 400 pages? They are pages that the DOJ initially said would be ‘potentially relevant’ documents tat would be responsive to his FOIA query. But then, something changed.
Evans said he sought documents “pertaining to any relationship, communication, gift(s), and/or remuneration in any form” from China, Russia or Ukraine.
He said lawyers for the federal government admitted in court to having at least 400 pages of “potentially responsive” documents but are now saying they can “neither confirm nor deny” whether the records exist. -NY Post
Either it’s content responsive to a lawful FOIA, or it’s not. The entire point of FOIA requests is so that the government is obligated to open its books to public scrutiny.
Even when opening those books exposes something embarrassing to the current administration? Yes. ESPECIALLY then.
This is the very reason the press has special protections under the law – because our system of government is predicated on an educated citizenry making informed decisions about who is (and can reasonably be) entrusted with the responsibilities of legislating in service of the public good.
The IC lying to the public about the validity of Hunter’s laptop was a gross violation of such transparency and accountability. The DOJ’s sweeping possible evidence of the President’s family taking money from foreign governments in exchange for … who knows what … is a whole other degree of corrupting a system that was designed to enforce the law, not protect partisans of one party, while running roughshod over the rights of people on the other side.
Every law enforcement agency with the remotest claim at investigating Trump has been looking for angles to do so.
But possible criminal conspiracies on the part of elected Democrats are something the DOJ is sweeping under the rug.
This is exactly the reason House oversight needs to dig into what’s really going on here. And if it turns out Garland is helping orchestrate a criminal cover-up, then a compelling case should be made against him in the court of public opinion before any talk of formal censure ever comes up.
Before elected officials of both parties turned against Nixon, the public was first convinced of his wrongdoing. If holding anyone on the left will be accountable, elected Democrats will have be dragged, kicking and screaming, to the position of holding their own party’s feet to the fire.
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Biden says 'let me give you the facts.' Then Twitter fact-checks his misleading claim that bashes corporations.
Jerk-off Joe Biden tried to give Americans “the facts” about how the Inflation Reduction Act stops big corporations from skirting tax laws.But he was quickly fact-checked by Twitter for pushing a misleading claim.What did Biden claim? On Friday, the president claimed that 55 corporations that earned over $40 billion in rev ... Read more
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New NBC Report Offers Powerful Evidence Biden Lied About Hunter and China During Trump Debate
Now, after two years of refusing to report the facts about the Bidens, some in the establishment media are beginning to roll out evidence that the president might have lied.
less than two weeks after joe and Hunter visited China,
Hunter's firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners, finalized a deal to open a massive investment fund, called BHR Partners - - even though Hunter Biden lacked the relevant experience as an investor.
Judicial Watch March 2020
Delaware Supreme court Demands More answers on Biden Senate Document Secrecy Victory for JW, the Delaware Supreme court ruled that the University of Delaware Supreme court ruled that the U of D must provide more information justifying its decision to keep secret its deal to house and restrict the access to the U.S. Senate records of President Biden...
So, a democrat presidents history in congress is some sort of secret?? Why?? Should not be, shouldn’t have to go to court to get a politicians records...
Biden Tells Businesses to Ignore Courts, Obey His Order
11-19-21 (VIDEO) Joe Biden is telling companies to ignore the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and to obey his order on mandating the vaccines, a tyrannical move that sounds like something from China, Iran, or Russia. As you know, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has put a hold on President Biden’s mandatory vaccine policy for businesses.
Despite two court orders to stop the OSHA federal vaccine mandate, the White House Press Secretary says, "Nothing has changed."
Biden Administration Drops Charges for Dozens of ANTIFA Rioters Who Laid Waste to Portland
The federal Department of Justice (DOJ) has dismissed cases for 31 ANTIFA thugs who were charged with crimes related to rioting in Portland, Ore. ( see also Kate Brown )
Four defendants who were charged with felony assault of a federal officer had those charges dropped. More than half of the charges were “dropped with prejudice,” meaning that those cases cannot under any circumstances be brought up again in court.
Joe's election
Remember what the (liberal) media said about him?? "He's moderate." "He's not beholden to the radical left wing of the Democrat party." "All he wants is a return to normalacy." The media are such liars..
Remember "jerk-off" joe biden said about Trump? 'pushing one's agenda via executive order is the hallmark of a dictator. Than once in office he issued 30 executive orders.
Odious cockwomble Joe Biden to a taxpayer:
“I don't work for you!”
Comment made by then vice president ‘jerk-off’ Joe Biden
Judge Orders Biden To Re-implement Key Trump Border Policy As Biden’s Border Catastrophe Worsens.
“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f- -k things up,” Barack Obama reportedly said.
Then there’s Robert Gates’ charge that Biden “has been wrong on nearly every major foreign-policy and national-security issue over the past four decades.”
Biden demands data on ALL citizens' financial transactions. Groups push back against Biden's plan to grant IRS access to your bank account (and PayPal) transaction data.
Joe Biden’s Train Goes off the Track and Exposes the Sheer Lunacy of His Sloganeering
September 8, 2021
PRES. BIDEN: "You gotta build better so if the storm occurred again, there would be no damage - there would be. But that's not gonna stop us though, because if we just do that, it's just gonna get worse and worse and worse."
White House CUT OFF Joe Biden’s Feed Again
September 14, 2021
Today, Biden was in California stumping for Gov. Gavin Newsom while Americans remain trapped in Afghanistan. In doing so, he held a briefing regarding the wildfires occurring in the state and began to go off-script, trying to ask questions of one of the officials present. It was at that moment that the White House felt it necessary to just completely cut the feed. Biden's own people cut his feed so is idiotic babbling will not be broadcast.
Biden Inc.
The Bidens Earned More Than $3 Million While They Were In The White House (as vice president)
Over his decades in office, ‘Middle-Class Joe's family fortunes have closely tracked his political career.
By BEN SCHRECKINGER August 02, 2019 Politco Magazine
The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one.
In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden's son Hunter and Joe's younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe's other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund's chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present.
After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund's president out of the firm's midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund's future. “Don't worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We've got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.” By BEN SCHRECKINGER August 02, 2019 Politco Magazine
Biden's Russian Lobbyist Funding Slips Out
Months After He Received Cash, He Dropped Russian Sanctions
6-15-21, [ Link no longer available proudamerican dot com] Proud Americans/Fox News [exact story missing]
A man named Richard Burt gave Joe Biden $4,000 in October and then gave another $10,000 to a leftist PAC earlier in the year.
Oh, and this man happens to be a lobbyist for the very Russian company that is building the pipeline to Germany.
Now, it's important to note the Biden campaign gave those funds back around the time he was lifting sanctions on Russia's Nordstream 2 pipeline. But that doesn't exactly clear him.
We’ve seen Biden compromise his values (if he has any) in the past for Russia and Ukraine. He’s leaned on Ukraine to fire a man–the same man who was investigating his son’s Ukrainian company.
And he’s been pretty soft on China–a country accused of pumping millions into the Biden family for years.
Why should we be surprised that, before Biden shocked the country by lifting sanctions on a Russian project, he got money from a man fighting for that project?
Is there anyone on the left not totally corrupted by special interests or foreign lobbyists?
OAN News Report: Court Filing Shows Hunter Biden Earned $156 Million From Ukraine Corruption
December 28, 2019
Hunter Biden is facing new accusations of money laundering from Ukraine in the ongoing court case against an alleged mother of his child. One America's Kristian Rouz looks into the matter.
full article
09-16-20 Biden supports support of the destruction of the gig economy through a national measure similar to California's AB5. and we all know how well California is doing. <sic>
March 2, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden, whose infamous gaffes include firing shotguns to warn intruders and telling a paralyzed supporter to stand, recently claimed 150 million Americans were killed by gun violence.
March 2, 2020 The Daily Caller reported Biden appeared to forget the words to the preamble of the Declaration. “We hold these truths to be self‐evidence,” he said. “All men and woman created by you know, you know the thing.”
The report noted Biden was “roundly mocked.” pic.twitter.com/Hq6dLUbXLC
On Twitter, 1st Responder PTSD Advocate said, “At first I thought all the @Joe Biden gaffes would make a great @realDonaldTrump commercial, but at this rate it'll have to be a half hour infomercial.”
Joe Biden's son, married his brothers widow, cheated on her with a stripper, got the stripper pregnant and he refuses to pay child support. But likes to go around talking about how immoral Trump is.
“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” a Joe biden quote
“During my 12 and a half years as a member of this body, I have never believed that additional gun control of federal registration of guns would reduce crime. I am convinced that a criminal who wants a firearm can get one through illegal, nontraceable, unregistered sources, with or without gun control.” Joe Biden, 1985
BIDEN LIED! State Department official admits that “there are no guarantees that US financial aid given to the Palestinians won’t end up with the terror group Hamas”
Tue, May 25
Recently, Joe Biden said that in addition to the $235 million already on its way to the Palestinians, his administration would “put together a major financial aid package to rebuild the homes destroyed in Gaza without providing Hamas the opportunity to rebuild their weapon system.” NY Post A senior State Department official admitted Monday “there are […]
"https://barenakedislam.com/2021/05/26/biden-lied-state-department-official-admits-that-there-are-no-guarantees-that-us-financial-aid-given-to-the-palestinians-wont-end-up-with-the-terror-group-hamas/ full article {Oh shucks <sic> another article that made liberals look bad is missing.}
Former FBI Director Donated $100K To Biden Grandchildren's Trust While He Was Soliciting Biden For Work: Report
In an investigative piece published Thursday, the Daily Mail's Josh Boswell reports that former FBI Director Louis Freeh donated $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren in 2016, when Biden still served as vice president, but during that same year he was soliciting Biden’s son Hunter and possibly Biden himself about future work, telling Hunter Biden, “I would like to talk with you and Dad about working together next year.”
Despite his past affiliations with segregationists, his offensive, racist rhetoric, his cheating in law school, and plagiarism during his presidential campaign, "Liar-in-Chief" Joe Biden just keeps getting a pass with mainstream media, asserted BlazeTV host Mark Levin on the latest episode of "LevinTV."
"He's a man with a massive ego and a very low IQ ... but he found that in politics that could work," Levin said of Biden. "And this has carried him through most of his life."
Levin exposed a laundry list of "Jim Crow Joe's" lies, scams, cover-ups, and hypocrisy – not to mention his many blatantly racist statements and actions throughout his lifelong career in politics.
Then, with an eye-opening exposé about voter ID from Ami Horowitz, he revealed the disgusting lies and rhetoric spread by the Democratic Party and their contempt for people of color.
Let us also not forget that he dropped out of two presidential races for plagiarism and racist comments.
In his run for president, Joe Biden is being heralded as a champion for equality and racial justice, but his long career in politics directly contradicts this, as it has been marked and ultimately defined by six straight decades of segregationist policies, hostility towards minority communities, and outright racism.
After he was first elected to the Senate in 1972 at the age of 30, Biden abruptly changed course on an issue on which he had campaigned: School integration through busing. Biden joined with the segregationist bloc of the Democratic caucus and actively worked to oppose school busing.
“I think the concept of busing that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn to grow up with one another and all the rest, is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride,” he told National Public Radio in 1975. “[Desegregation] is a rejection of the entire black awareness concept, where black is beautiful, black culture should be studied; and the cultural awareness of the importance of their own identity, their own individuality.”
That year, Biden sponsored a bill that would limit the power of courts to order school desegregation through busing.
He even said he would theoretically support a Constitutional amendment to stop busing and, amazingly admitted that he was siding with racists in the Democratic Party.
Biden’s legislation passed the Senate on a 50-43 vote, and Biden championed his anti-busing legislation throughout the 1970s. In 1977, he co-authored a bill that dramatically limited the ability of federal courts to order busing. To get it passed, he actively sought the support of leading southern segregationists.
A report from the Civil Rights Commission released later that year determined that Biden’s efforts had badly hindered school integration. Even his now-running mate, Kamala Harris, then a young girl, was impacted, and she let Biden know during the first Democratic Presidential Primary Debate last year.
Biden Daughter’s Diary Details ‘Not Appropriate’Showers With Joe As Child
October 26, 2020
National File has obtained what a whistle blower has identified as a copy of the complete diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, dating from during the 2020 presidential campaign. National File also knows the reported precise location of the physical diary, and has been told by a whistle blower that there exists an audio recording of Ashley Biden admitting this is her diary.
In the diary, which our source says belongs to the former vice president’s daughter, the author writes of her struggle with drug abuse. Ashley Biden’s struggle with drugs was widely publicized in 2009.
According to our source, the diary also details Ashley Biden’s unhealthy relationship with sex, and the “probably not appropriate” showers she shared as a young girl with her father, Joe Biden.
full article
Also on a tweet: "Ashley Biden’s leaked diary that detailed how Joe Biden took inappropriate showers with her when she was a child is confirmed as authentic."
New findings around #HunterBiden alleges that the President’s son has a long history of criminal activity; foreign pay-to-play deals, and some of the crimes could implicate President Biden. @EpochTV
Obama Blocked State Dept Attempt To Look Into Hunter Biden in 2015
October 18, 2019
On Thursday, the Washington Post confirmed that the Obama Administration deliberately ignored a corruption warning raised in 2015 by top State Department official George Kent regarding Hunter Biden's involvement with Burisma, a large gas company in Ukraine.
The report reveals that the Obama administration allowed Hunter Biden to hold his board position at Burisma even thought they knew that his involvement with the company was corrupt.
[link missing trendingpolitics dot com]report obama blocked
By Andrea Widburg, February 17, 2021
In Milwaukee, Biden dropped two giant lies.
In 1860, Americans elected Honest Abe Lincoln. In 2020, Americans theoretically elected one of the most prodigious and infamous liars in modern American history. Joe Biden has a sterling reputation for routine dishonesty. He's plagiarized, slandered, and prevaricated his way through 48 years of politics, before which he was a known plagiarist as a student. During a CNN town hall in Wisconsin, Biden went into dishonesty overdrive, spewing two major lies.
I wrote here about Biden's most recent lie. During the debate in Georgia alone, Biden lied to or misled Americans another 33 times. In 2008, McCain's campaign was able to identify Biden's 14 major lies during the vice presidential debate. Then there are the self-aggrandizing lies Biden tells whenever he gets a mic in his face.
And of course, there are the lies and plagiarism that got Biden kicked out of the 1988 presidential race (as well as a bonus lie about the Civil Rights Movement). If Diogenes had ever run into Biden, he would have tossed his lamp into the nearest gutter, gone to a bar, and drunk himself to death out of sheer despair.
Tuesday was an especially rich day for Biden lies, because CNN hosted a "town hall" for him in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In that supportive environment, Biden was able to get away with two blatant lies.
1. Biden lied that, when he entered office in January, his administration "didn't have" a vaccine (emphasis added):
There's just not all of a sudden 600 million doses are going to appear. What's going to happen is it's going to continue to increase as we move along, and we'll have reached 400 million by the end of May and 600 million by the end of July. The biggest thing, though, as you remember, when you and I– I shouldn't say it that way as you remember– when you and I talked last we talked about, it's one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn't have when we came into office, but a vaccinator. How do you get the vaccine into someone's arm?
In fact, even media outlets trying to show that Trump failed to get the vaccine roll-out started had to concede that, when he left office, 13.5 million Americans had already been vaccinated.
2. Biden lied that Trump never condemned the Proud Boys. This is an extension of Biden's oft-repeated lie that Trump said white supremacists and neo-Nazis are "fine people." Thus, Biden claimed during the CNN town hall that, during his first debate with Trump, "I asked him to condemn the Proud Boys. He wouldn't do it. He said stand by, stand ready or whatever."
This is a twofold lie. First, Trump explicitly condemned the Proud Boys, not just at the debate, but in the next days. Trump has probably condemned extremist groups more than all presidents put together – and Biden just keeps denying it.
Second, to the extent Trump said "stand by," he was echoing the execrable Chris Wallace's phrasing. Wallace, who knew that Trump had condemned extremist groups because Trump had done so in an earlier interview with Wallace, nevertheless asked Trump to "say that they need to stand down," so Trump did.
None of us is so naïve that we think politicians should never lie. We understand that the nature of politics is that, sometimes, the truth must be buried or, at least, softened, especially in the context of dealing with hostile or less than friendly foreign nations. And the first casualty of war is truth.
But Biden is in a class by himself. He lies endlessly and effortlessly, always comfortable in the knowledge that the mainstream media won't call him on it and that no one in the swamp will care that conservative media outlets are challenging his dishonesty.
What Biden does is not just immoral, offensive, and distasteful; it's profoundly damaging. Our American system is based on faith. It's based on faith in the Constitution – namely, that the government will abide by the limitations the Constitution imposes on it – and faith that our governing class, no matter what it needs to say to other nations in both peacetime and war, will deal honestly with the American people. A government that is unconstrained by the Constitution and truth is a danger to the American people.
JOE BIDEN CLAIMS ‘Not One Single Whisper of Scandal During Obama Years’
People expressed their objection to Biden's claim on social media:
If Obama didn't have "one single whisper of scandal," explain this:
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"
Iran deal
Spying on Trump's campaign
Hillary's private server
Fast & Furious
IRS targeting conservatives
VA abuse https://t.co/QIwhadhJq8
– Bradley Byrne (@BradleyByrne) April 26, 2019
#Joe2020 is correct -- four dead Americans in Benghazi was not a scandal. It was a national disgrace. RIP Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. https://t.co/kirjOQfnJY
– Mike Opelka (@stuntbrain) April 26, 2019
&ldquo"Not one single whisper of scandal” https://t.co/LrBKoeU4sV – David Rutz (@DavidRutz) April 26, 2019
This is literal propaganda from the Obama administration. It was plagued by scandal. That is why they feel the need to say it so much: "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth." https://t.co/Km2NAFIkU8
– Jon Miller (@MillerStream) April 26, 2019
Biden, who launched his campaign on Thursday, has yet to receive Obama's endorsement. Biden explained he asked the former president not to endorse him because the nominee should win based on their own merit.
Former Vice President Joe Biden was on ‘The View’ speaking about his eight years with President Barack Obama's administration:
“I'm incredibly proud to have served with him. The thing I'm proudest of is we were each in a different part of the country and we were each talking to groups of people that were being televised. Purely coincidentally we said the same thing. We were asked what are you proudest of from your administration? You know what I said…he said the same thing as I did. Not one single whisper of scandal. That's because of Barack Obama.” – Joe Biden
[video has been pulled due to its incriminating evidence] Video of Biden actually saying there was not one whisper of a scandal (during the obama administration). The closer we get to elections the more damning Biden links disappear.
So fearful are journalists of being tagged as enablers, that they've been willing to embarrass them selves whenever they get a chance to speak with Biden.
The scandals Joe Biden so conveniently forgot about
Operation fast and furious deliberately put guns in the hands of Mexican drug loads. This is a fact, even the left doesn't dispute it. Arizona Sheriff explains youtube file missing youtu . be/IC2C2lIwNSAFast and Furious. This was an Erick Holder snafu and he had to lie his way out of it.
Obama Care. It did everything they said it wouldn't and did everything they said it wouldn't.
Obama was caught spying on journalists.
The IRS scandal. Obama using the IRS to target conservatives. (and this was but one thing he did. Don't forget he illegally closed hundreds of car dealerships and all but one was a conservative.)
Benghazi. Nothing can change the absolute fact that the Obama administration's story for the first few weeks after the attack was false, and they knew it was false.
Iran nuclear deal and ransom payment. Everything about Obama's dealings with Iran has been scandalous, beginning with his silence while the Green Revolution was brutally put down by the mullahs in 2009. The Iran nuclear deal was pushed with lies and media manipulation. The infamous pallet of cash that wasn't a ransom has become symbolic of Obama's mendacity, and penchant for breaking the rules, when he thinks following them is too much trouble. Obama trying to explain damning you tube file missing youtu . be/pxeFFAHCWo8" Benghazi.
Bowe Bergdahl and the freeing of the top muslim prisoners..
Joe Biden voted for NAFTA (which was started by Bush).
Tara Reade
Shortly after Biden had secured the nomination, his former staffer Tara Reade reemerged with a more detailed allegation that while she was working in his Senate office in the 1990's, Biden pinned her against the wall and penetrated her with his fingers. After having spent the fall of 2018 pushing the "believe all women" standard during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, the media spent weeks digging up dirt on Reade, helping not only to discredit her but to intimidate any other potential accusers from coming forward.
Joe Biden has never worked a real job, has always sucked off the government teat. Joe Biden: ‘I've Never Been Gainfully Employed’.
Joe Biden paid his female Senate staffers much less than men for DECADES,
analysis finds – despite his campaign claim that gender pay equity is ‘common sense’
11 December 2019
New analysis examines staff pay records from Biden's 35–year Senate career
Finds he paid women 67 cents on average for every dollar male staffers made
In some years, the pay for women dropped to less than half that of men
Biden has bemoaned gender disparities in wages on the campaign trail
Joe Biden Has Spent $924,000 on Private Jets … To Tell America About Threat From Global Warming
Biden and his campaign have blown more than $924,000 on private jets during their campaign, which is just five months old.link and photos".
JOE BIDEN'S Youngest son CONFESSES Most Of Biden Family Voted For Trump
Joe Biden Talks About Kids Rubbing His Hairy Legs and Jumping in His Lap at the Pool
Mack Cogburn – December 1, 2019
“And by the way I sit on a stand, I got hot, I got hairy legs that turn, that, that, that, turn blond in the sun,” Biden told the crowd. “And the kids used to come up and reach in and pull and rub my legs, and watch the hairs rise up again. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping up on my lap. And I love kids jumping on my lap.”
Burisma Holdings Paid Joe Biden $900,000 For Lobbying Activities: Ukrainian MP
October 9, 2019
Former Vice President Joe Biden was personally paid $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Holdings, according to Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach.
Word for word with Joe Biden
“We cannot let this we we've never allowed an any crisis from the civil War straight through to the pandemic of seventeen all the way around sixten we have never ever let our democracy sakes second fiddle way they we can both have a democracy and elections at the same time.”
Facebook 'content regulation manager' Anna Makanju advised jerk-off joe biden on Ukraine.
Facebook's global policy manager for content regulation, Anna Makanju, advised Joe Biden on Ukraine policy during his time as Vice President. She also defended Biden from charges of wrongdoing with regards to Ukraine. ☭ ☭Note how Leftist Facebook will limit the reach of this critical post just days before the Election. https://www.breitbart.com/
NY Post: ‘Profiles in Corruption’ Reveals How the ‘Biden Five’ Made Millions Off Joe Biden Connections
The New York Post reports:
The Biden family's apparent self–enrichment involves no less than five family members: Joe's son Hunter, son–in–law Howard, brothers James and Frank, and sister Valerie.
When this subject came up in 2019, Biden declared, “I never talked with my son or my brother or anyone else — even distant family — about their business interests. Period.”
OAN News Report: Court Filing Shows Hunter Biden Earned $156 Million From Ukraine Corruption
December 28, 2019
ONE AMERICA NEWS: Hunter Biden is facing new accusations of money laundering from Ukraine in the ongoing court case against an alleged mother of his child. One America's Kristian Rouz looks into the matter. xxxx/www dot realclearpolitics dot com/video/2019/12/28/oan_news_report_court_filing_shows_hunter_biden_earned_156_million_from_ukraine_corruption.html [article now missing]
Biden Speeches
Biden: “Undocumented children become Americans before a lot of Americans become Americans.” Interestingly enough, I heard that very speech. gb
During a 2008 campaign rally in Missouri, Biden asked the audience to applaud State Senator Chuck Graham. “Stand up, Chuck, let 'em see you,” Biden said, gesturing for Graham to stand. Graham, a paraplegic following a car accident, is confined to a wheelchair.
“Oh, god love ya, what am I talking about,” Biden said, realizing his mistake. “I tell you what, you're making everybody else stand up though, pal. Thank you very, very much...You can tell I'm new.” (He has been in politics 40 some years and this is his first speech?)
During a 2008 campaign rally, Biden said: “Look, John's last–minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three–letter word: Jobs. J–O–B–S.”
Plagiarized a law school paper
At Syracuse University College of Law, Biden “used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution,” according to a faculty report. He cited the source in only a single footnote.
In a letter to law school faculty pleading not to be dismissed, Biden wrote, “if I had intended to cheat, would I have been so stupid? ... I value my word above all else.”
“In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking.” — Joe Biden on multicultural communities.
The list goes on. Taken from the liberal publication “Newsweek”.
Joe Biden personal History
Joe Biden and his first wife, Neilia, had three children: Hunter, Beau and Naomi.
In 1972, Neilia and Naomi, died in a car accident. Joe eventually married a woman named Jill (his current wife). He already knew her because she had been Hunter's babysitter at the time of the car accident. (Yeah, THAT seems normal- marry the babysitter). They had a daughter named Ashley. Ashley lives 'a quiet life' and is frequently in and out of rehab for various substance abuse issues.
Now sadly, the sanest, most normal one of the 3 surviving kids, Beau, dies in 2015 from a brain tumor. He had been married to Haillie and they had 2 children, a boy and a girl named Natalie, who was 11 yrs old when her dad died.
Enter Hunter Biden, in 2015, to "comfort" his brother's widow. Mind you, Hunter is married at the time, to Kathleen Biden, since 1993. He starts screwing around with his dead brother's wife in 2015...his wife Kathleen finds out about it and they separate. Hunter moves in with his dead brother's wife, Haillie,and her two kids and they have a grand old time. He ultimately gets divorced from Kathleen in 2017. Meanwhile, he starts screwing around with a stripper, while still shacking up with his dead brother's wife, before his divorce is finalized, and gets the stripper pregnant. Haillie kicks his butt to the curb supposedly for this indiscretion in 2018. He denies the stripper's baby is his, although a paternity test proves otherwise and eventually he marries a woman named Melissa in 2019 after knowing her for 6 days...
Does the tale end there? Why no, no it doesn't.
That just sets the stage...
Enter the laptop from hell...loaded with emails, text messages, photos, child pornography, videos, and other sordid digital images of drug use and rampant weirdness....
Hunter Biden dropped the laptop off in Delaware, his home state, to get it repaired. It seems he dropped it in some water while in a meth-induced state of mind. He then neglected to pay the $85.00 repair fee and the laptop became the repair shop owner's property for non-payment. When the owner saw what was on it, he was ao disturbed that he contacted the FBI. No response. The DOJ? No response. Eventually, it landed in Rudy Giuliani's possession and he turned it over to the Delaware State Police AFTER making 4 copies of the hard drive. Turns out, there's quite a lot of child pornography on there...much of it involving children on Hunter's many trips to China. The Chinese Communist Party uses this as a blackmail tactic... They supply the young girls, they film you, unknowingly, and then they can keep you "in line", while paying you the big $$$ to do their bidding, like lucrative deals with your VP father.
Millions of dollars were paid to Hunter Biden for favors with the US Govt while Joe Biden was VP under Obama. For 8 years Hunter made the contacts and split the money with his father, referred to as the "Big Guy" in all emails detailing how their ill gotten gains would be split up amongst all the criminals involved. oe Biden sold out his country and used his meth head son to do it. ...
But, IT GETS WORSE. Today, on the laptop, emails were released between Beau Biden's widow, Haillie, and Joe Biden in 2017 and more in 2018 when she and Hunter were still living together. They were casually talking about the continual "sexually inappropriate behavior" she had witnessed from Hunter toward her 14 year old daughter, Natalie, HIS NIECE!..
She told Joe that she felt she had put her children in a dangerous situation by getting involved with Hunter Biden. Joe knew his son was screwing around with his niece and he advised his daughter-in-law to go to therapy.....No one went to the police and the abuse escalated. THAT is the main reason she broke off her relationship with Hunter. Among the pictures of Hunter having sex with young Asian children, there were hundreds of provocative pictures of a 14 year old girl, mainly topless, and hundreds more of Hunter Biden, in sexual poses with her, HIS NIECE. She was 14 yrs old and HE WAS 48!!
BOTTOM LINE: ANY MAN WHO CAN'T TAKE CARE OF HIS OWN HOUSE, HAS NO BUSINESS BEING IN THE WHITE HOUSE. THE END.....but, is it? Nope. Rudy says there is more to come, primarily involving Joe Biden getting rich off laundering foreign money through our country, using his son as intermediary. Biden is as dirty and crooked as they come. Hillary looks clean compared to him. Now it makes sense why Obama REFUSED to endorse him as the DNC candidate until he was the last man standing!
A list of Joe Biden’s political accomplishments since entering office in 1973.
Detailed and significant!
1973 Biden enters politics...
1977 ☭ ☭*Biden fights to keep schools segregated because in his own words, “allowing blacks to integrate would create a racial jungle”...
1983 Biden voted in favor of taxing 50%
1988 ☭ ☭*ran for president but had to end his campaign after getting busted for plagiarism...
1990 Hang on almost there...
1993 Biden casts deciding vote in raising taxes on social security from 50%
to 85%
1994 ☭ ☭*Biden writes the "Stop and Frisk" law which is what blacks blame for "systemic racism" today. This law took millions of black men from their homes and transplanted them into prison. Way to go Joe.
This was Biden's biggest accomplishment, in 47 years of elected office. Fact check me.......it's true.
1997 Almost, not yet...
2008 calls Obama an “articulate” and “clean” person...
But that wasn’t all. Hunter had multiple meetings and business dealings with a Russian oligarch who was close to Vladimir Putin: Vladimir Yevtushenkov. Hunter and his partners were trying to court Yevtushenkov to invest in their real estate company in 2012 and 2013. Hunter met with him in Moscow for dinner at his company Sistema on February 16, 2012. Journalist Vicky Ward allegedly has further calendar entries from Sistema that indicate Yetushenkov thereafter met with Hunter Biden in New York on March 14 at the Ritz-Carlton and then had another breakfast with Rosemont Realty on March 15 in Texas.
Hunter Biden was not the only Biden who cashed in on Joe Biden's vice presidency
There is also evidence that Hunter Biden moved large sums of money from his firm, Owasco, to James Biden's consulting firm, the Lion Hall Group.389 Between Aug. 14, 2017 and Aug. 3, 2018, Owasco sent 20 wires totaling $1,398,999 to the Lion Hall Group, a consulting firm that lists James Biden and his wife, Sara Biden, on the bank account.390 This transaction was identified for potential criminal financial activity.
Global Spending Spree
Hunter Biden and his family, to include James and Sara Biden, associated with other Chinese nationals such as Gongwen Dong. In one case, the three of them went on a $100,000 global spending spree after Gongwen Dong and Hunter Biden opened a joint account. In addition, Hunter Biden received millions of dollars over a period of years from Gongwen Dong's companies. According to records acquired by the Committees, many of these transactions involved potential criminal financial activity.
We’ve reported in the past about Hunter Biden’s Russian connections, including that the firm he co-founded Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC allegedly received $3.5 million from the wife of the former Mayor of Moscow, Elena Baturina. We also noted how ironic it was that while Joe Biden was communicating with his son and others he used the secret name “Peter Henderson” – the name of the Soviet spy in the Tom Clancy novels – an interesting choice of names given the Russian connections.
Hunter Biden Emails Show Deal They Were Working On Included Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Pamela Geller - on October 27, 2020
The more material we see off Biden's laptop, the more we understand just how deep and far-reaching the corruption of the Biden criminal syndicate.
The more material we see off Biden's laptop, the more we understand just how deep and far-reaching the corruption of the Biden criminal syndicate.
The Hunter Biden Scandal Has Exposed The Corporate Press's Corruption And Condescension
Major U.S. media outlets are living in an alternate fantasy world in which the Biden scandal is a ‘miasma’ meant to confuse and mislead gullible Americans.
By: The Federalist, October 27, 2020;
It's hard to read Anne Applebaum's recent article on the Hunter Biden scandal at The Atlantic without guffawing at the outlandishness of her argument, which is that the whole thing amounts to a shadowy “psy-op” that's too complicated to understand–a “miasma” conjured up by unreliable Fox News characters trying to create a “foggy world in which misdeeds might have taken place, and in which corruption might have happened.”
Applebaum's approach is emblematic of the mainstream media's collective refusal to cover the Hunter Biden story. She spends zero time discussing the actual facts that have come to light through the reporting of the New York Post and a handful of other news outlets, and instead opens her essay with a lengthy anecdote about herself that serves as an ad hominem attack on a reporter she dislikes.
We are meant to understand that this reporter, Matthew Tyrmand, is a creep, not a real journalist, and not to be trusted. For this reason, Applebaum tells us, you can ignore the trove of emails Tyrmand got from an erstwhile business partner of Hunter Biden's that implicates former Vice President Joe Biden in foreign influence-peddling schemes similar to those uncovered by the Post.
Hence Applebaum makes no mention of Tony Bobulinski, Hunter's former business partner who came forward last week claiming he met with Joe Biden about China, that Biden is indeed “the big guy” referenced in an email about a proposed equity split in a deal with CEFC China Energy, a Shanghai-based conglomerate. She makes no mention of the text messages between Bobulinski and James Gilliar, another Hunter associate, that clearly show the deal was an influence-peddling scheme that relied on the Biden name. She makes no mention of a recent Senate report detailing millions in payments from CEFC to a company controlled by Hunter and James Biden, Joe's brother.
All of this, writes Applebaum, is just noise. Smart people who “live outside the Fox News bubble” do not “need to learn any of this stuff” – it's all just a vague conspiracy theory meant to rile up the unwashed rubes. Pay it no mind.
You might expect this from a writer whose latest book is about how she lost all her friends because they went crazy — a writer, that is, whose elite sense of European morality led her to the conclusion that Roger Scruton was a fascist for supporting Brexit but the arrest of Roman Polanski for raping a drugged 13-year-old was “outrageous.” Yet Applebaum's aggressive incuriosity about the Hunter Biden story is typical of top writers and reporters at America's most prestigious outlets.
The idea is to disparage the source of the information rather than grapple with what the information reveals. This of course has been the media's posture toward the Post's reporting from the outset: pay no mind to the laptop or the emails, uniformly referred to as “documents of questionable provenance,” because it all came from Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon, and they aren't trustworthy. Real journalists, you see, only investigate and report on information that's verified and trustworthy — you know, like the Steele dossier.
Hunter Biden–Linked Firm Reportedly Got $130 Million from a Federal Bailout Loan Program When His Dad Was VP Under Obama
November 22, 2019
An investment firm linked to Hunter Biden received over $130 million in federal bailout loans while his father Joe Biden was vice president and routed profits through a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands, according to federal banking and corporate records reviewed by the Washington Examiner.
Head of Burisma Holdings Indicted in Ukraine! Claims Hunter Biden and Partners Paid $16.5 Million
Jim Hayek November 20, 2019
The head of Burisma Holdings was indicted this week in Ukraine!
Ukrainian Prosecutor General indicted Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevsky.
The claim alleges that Hunter Biden and his partners received $16.5 million for their ‘services’
Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden took a lucrative post on the Burisma Board in 2014. Hunter Biden was making millions from the corrupt Ukrainian oil and gas company.
"https://americantruthtoday.com/left-news/2019/11/20/breaking-head-of-burisma-holdings-indicted-in-ukraine-claims-hunter-biden-and-partners-paid-16-5-million American Truth today now missing...
Leaked Bank Records Show Payments of $3.5 Million from Burisma to Hunter Biden's Company. Obama–Appointee Judge Overturned Fraud Conviction of Biden's Partner, Devon Archer
November 15, 2019
Documents allegedly leaked by the Ukrainian General Prosecutor's office to CD Media show payments of $3.5 million from Burisma Holdings to Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC, a corporation controlled by Hunter Biden's partner, Devon Archer. Both Hunter Biden and Archer sat on the board of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company.
Last year, Devon Archer and two other men were convicted in a $60 million bond fraud scheme that induced pension funds to invest in an investment company they controlled, and then they misappropriated the funds. Archer's conviction was later overturned by Judge Ronnie Abrams, who felt that Archer may not have willingly participated in the scheme. Judge Abrams is an Obama appointee, she is married to Greg Donald Andres, who served as an Assistant Special Counsel in the Mueller investigation, and is the younger sister of Dan Abrams, a legal analyst for ABC and owner of Mediaite. full article
Joe Biden ‘Steered $1.8 Billion’ to Ukraine While His Son Bagged a ‘Sweetheart Deal’ from Their Government
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior editor–at–large at Breitbart News, recalled how Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's second son, received millions of dollars from Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings while his father directed $1.8 billion in aid money to Ukraine as vice president during the Obama administration.
Apparently, he lied, it seems he is still on the board
November 2, 2019
Hunter said that he resigned from his position as a board member of a Chinese private equity firm in October but business records accessed by the DCNF show that he is still on the board.
Hunter Biden was listed as an active director of BHR Partners in the firm's file on China's National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System when accessed on Nov. 1 by the DCNF.
WASHINGTON — Hunter Biden is stepping down from the board of directors of a Chinese–backed private equity firm.
That's according to a statement from Biden's attorney, George Mesires.
Hunter Biden's business dealings in China and Ukraine have become an issue in the 2020 presidential race with President Donald Trump and his allies pressing unproven corruption allegations again Hunter Biden and his father, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
Hunter Biden Business Associate Flips From Prison, Releases Emails Detailing China Influence-Peddling Operation
Fri, 10/16/2020
Emails from a former business associate of Hunter Biden's inner-circle who's serving time in prison for a 2016 investment scheme reveal that Hunter and his colleagues used their access to the Obama administration to peddle influence to potential Chinese clients and investors - including securing a private, off-the-books meeting with the former Vice President. full story
For those of you wondering what hunter Biden did wrong, let me break it down for you... here is a simplified version so you can understand it...
The Obama administration helped remove the leader of Ukraine and replace him with someone essentially handpicked. After this, two major things happened... the creation of an oil and gas company AND the creation of a new bank. Joe Biden's son Hunter was placed on the board of directors for the oil and gas company... a company in charge of energy in the country while his dad, Joe Biden was the Vice President and oversaw diplomatic relations between the US and Ukraine. Moving forward, the newly created bank just happened to be funded by 1.8 billion in US taxpayer money... my money, your money... Anyway, that money goes into the bank. The bank mysteriously “looses” every penny of it. $1.8 billion lost. Fast forward again, Hunter Biden magically ends up with $1.5 billion. That's a lot of money for someone making $50,000 a month for a Ukrainian company. See the connection here?
NEW Photo Casts Doubt on Biden's Ukraine Claims
Fox News host Tucker Carlson revealed a photo of Joe Biden, his son Hunter, and another board member of the Ukrainian gas company which casts doubt on Biden's fervent claim that he never discussed his sons foreign business dealing with him.
According to The Daily Wire:
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden claimed earlier this month that he never discussed business with his son, Hunter, as questions continue to mount over the allegations surrounding his Ukraine corruption scandal.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson revealed a photograph allegedly from 2014 on his show Monday night that showed then–Vice President Biden playing golf with his son and his son's business partner, Devon Archer, who both served on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma at the time that the photo was taken. trumptrainnews dot com/articles/new-photo-casts-doubt-on-biden-s-ukraine-claims link and photo [unavailable} they say.
Wheeling & Dealing While Joe Was Veep
Story #1 – Hunter’s Good Buddy, Obama’s Ambassador to China.
Emails between Hunter and his (now-convicted) business partner Devon Archer explicitly show that they were working political connections. [Note Baucus was Obama’s ambassador to China.]:
On April 21, 2014, Hunter Biden sent an email to Archer insisting that he was really close with Baucus and “can ask anything we need” after Archer said he had an upcoming dinner with the then-ambassador’s “best friend.”
Hunter wrote, “On Baucus- we have a very very good relationship and I can ask anything we need- don’t need his best friend if that’s why you are mtg him.” – FoxNews
Another part of that same story explains why those relationships were useful:
Less than two months after former Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., was sworn in by then-Vice President Biden as the U.S. ambassador to China in late February 2014, Hunter and his business associates at BHR Partners began arranging meetings with Baucus.
BHR Partners, a Beijing-backed private equity firm controlled by Bank of China Limited, was formed in late 2013 when Jimmy Bulger’s Boston-based Thornton Group LLC joined forces with Hunter’s now-defunct Rosemont Seneca to launch its joint-venture with Chinese investment firm Bohai Capital.
On April 2, 2014, Hunter’s business partner, BHR co-founder Devon Archer, said in an email to Alwen Liu of Bohai Capital that he was “currently arranging a meeting with the new US Ambassador to China Max Baucus for late April / early May to meet our leadership team in Beijing.” –FoxNews
Story #2 – The brother’s role in secret negotiations with Saudi Arabia
The NYPost story closed with a significant quote:
“Evidence continues to mount that the Biden family used Joe Biden’s name to secure deals around the world to enrich themselves,” Comer told The Post Tuesday. “The Treasury Department must provide the suspicious activity reports generated for the Biden family and their associates to inform our investigation about the Biden family’s business schemes and Joe Biden’s involvement. If Joe Biden is compromised by his family’s deals, this is a national security threat.” –NYPost
What was so serious that the phrase ‘national security threat’ is being invoked in connection with Biden family deals?
National Post has court documents claiming that Joe Biden’s brother was involved in negotiating a secret deal with the Saudis during the Obama years.
The 2017 admission by James Biden, referenced in two affidavits from May 2021, is certain to draw the attention of the GOP-led House Oversight Committee as it investigates the first family’s influence-peddling dating back years. –NYPost
One affidavit was signed by a Private Investigator looking into a dispute involving former partners in a company that James Biden had past dealings with.
That firm, Lankford & Reed, claims that Hill International also hired James Biden, now 73, in 2011 to negotiate a secret deal with the Saudis to settle the dispute – and get out of paying Lankford the 40% cut outlined in their contract.
…In July 2017, Thomas Sullivan, a former Treasury Department official-turned-private investigator hired by Lankford, drove to James Biden’s home in suburban Philadelphia to discuss his role with Hill.
According to Sullivan’s sworn statement, James Biden said he was hired to handle Hill’s “business development” and had been assigned to help with the company’s interests in Saudi Arabia.
The first brother added that he was often tapped to represent Hill in meetings “because, of course, the name didn’t hurt,” Sullivan recalled.
James Biden also told Sullivan he had attended a February 2012 meeting with Saudi officials at which Hill would receive “final payment” for the desalination plant. Biden added that he had attended the meeting “because of his position and relationship” with his older brother, then Barack Obama’s No. 2 –NYPost
Exclusive: DNA Confirms Hunter Biden Is Father of Arkansas 1–Year–Old – 99.9% Match, Say Mother and Lawyer
The Western Journal has exclusively learned that Hunter Biden, son of former vice president and current Democratic presidential primary front–runner Joe Biden, is the father of a 1–year–old love child, according to the child's mother and her lawyer. It is on multiple sources.
full article
You forgot his dropping out of a former election for cheating and plagiarism, and his writing/sponsoring that disastrous bill that BLM blames for increases in black incarceration.
Chinese energy Tycoon gives Hunter a 3 caret diamond and offered him 30 million dollars just to make some introductions.
So, just in case I'm gone tomorrow, please know this: I voted against that incompetent, lying, flip-flopping, insincere, double-talking, radical socialist, terrorist excusing, bleeding heart, narcissistic, scientific and economic moron currently in the White House! Regards, Clint (Eastwood), Make my day, Pass it on Snopes says Clint E did not say this, but snopes also says there was no election fraud, the pandemic is real, obama was a christian and a legal (citizen), and the Clinton's didn't steal 100's of millions of relief funds destine for the earthquake in Haiti - - -
Cockwomble - A completely useless person that spouts constant bullshit. Joe Biden is a cockwomble.
A chapter on the evil and corrupt Biden family and its selling out to worldwide opportunities for corruption, but particularly Chinese influence-peddling. (decadence and depravity)
A wearying and maddening description of the corruption and pandering, grifting, and shilling by the denizens of capitol hill – Feinstein and family, Swalwell, Pelosi and family, McConnell and Chou, former congresspeople like Senators Boehner, Lott, Breaux, Baucus, and of course a long list of congressmen, also from both sides of the aisle – all selling their souls and positions of trust. (degradation and degeneration)
The culture of power and money lust of the American Corporate Community and its major players – BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Twitter, and Musk – and, of course, Gates – that draws them to a plutocracy that would never hesitate to betray America for financial advantage or an opportunity to be a part of a global powerhouse oligarchy complicit with and colluding with malefactor government tyrannies. (avarice, cupidity, and rapaciousness)