Muslims in the US
Barry (AKA Obama) has said this (the US) is a Muslim nation, he has bowed down to Muslim Clerics while disrespecting our allies, he has recited verses from the quam (Koran) in congress and in speeches on several occasions.
Hillary Clinton appropriated 1 million to bring Palestinians to the US and Barry later added an additional 10 million. Palestinians are Muslim.
CAIR - Council on American_Islamic Relations.
Osama Bin Laden (OBL) CAIR refused to admit OBL had anything to do with 9-11 and defended him saying it was a Zionists plot, up until OBL admitted 9-11 was his doing. CAIR has received funding from two of OBL’s favorite charities, $18000 from the Global Relief Foundation (since shut down as a front for al-Qaida. Global Relief in fact funded the bombings of US embassies) and Saudi-based International Islamic Relief Organization contributed $12000. CAIR also defended al-Qaida’s spiritual leader in America, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman after conviction on charges of plotting to blow up the tunnels, bridges and buildings in New York. CAIR’s co-founder and former chairman hosted the Blind Sheik at his silicon valley home last decade.
Anwar N. Aulaqi. Born in New Mexico, al-Qaida’s go-to iman for preparing suicide cells in the West, including the 9/11 hijackers. Reminding them of carnal “pleasures” waiting for them in Paradise. Civil rights coordinator for CAIR, LA chapter. Affad Shhaiki listened to Aulaqi’s lectures and posted links to his WEB site on his blog Muslamics. “In death there is something to celebrate,” he wrote in his blog. It very closely follows one of Aulaqi’s post on another WEB site titled, “Why Muslims Love Death.” “Our culture of martyrdom needs to be revived,” the iman says, “”because the enemy of allah fears nothing more than our love of death.” Global domination is the goal. “We will implement the rule of allah on earth by the tip of the sword whether the masses like it or not” he has written.
Who is Anwar Nasser Aulaqi? Investigators now suspect he was a key facilitator and advisor and possibly even a surviving field commander for the 9/11 cell that hit the Pentagon. He’s a US citizen. Three of the (9-11) hijackers spent time in the Aulaqi’s Saudi funded mosques in both San Diego and Falls Church VA. The phone number for the Falls Church mosque – Ear al-Hijrah Islamic Center controlled by the Muzzi Brotherhood and closely tied to CAIR was found in Hamburg Germany apartment of one of the 9/11 attacks, Ramzi Binalshibh.
Aulaqi was being held for questioning a year after 9/11 but the warrant for his arrest was mysteriously rescinded. Aulaqi immediately got on a Saudi airlines and has never returned. The warrant for his arrest was based on passport fraud charges and for false statement to the US State Department for grant money to attend engineering classes at Colorado State University He got $20,000 a year. He grew up in Yemen and it is believed he is there today.
It has been suggested his warrant was rescinded due to his connections with Saudi Arabia. The Saudi embassy (had previously) booked him to lecture at its Islamic institute in Washington and sponsored him to take American Muslims on pilgrimages to Saudi’s two great mosques.
** Fairfax County police: But he says when it comes to ratting out Jihadists in their midst, forget it. The Muslim Brotherhood-controlled mosques brainwash adherents to think spying on a Muslim for a non-Muslim is nothing less than kufr – or betrayal and that Allah, in trun, will betray them on Judgment day.
“Most of our [terrorism] leads are generated, or they’re created. They’re not walk-ins,” the police official says. “They’re not walking in and going ‘you know what?’ This isn’t right. I’m an American first, and these people in my mosque are up to no good.”
He explains that Brotherhood leaders never let the faithful forget that their religion comes first,” he says, referring to the arbic term for that global nation, or brotherhood, of Muslims.
** This practice of course has sent Muslims groups like CAIR and ISNA into high dudgeon. In fact, ISNA claims to have met this spring with FBI officials to formally complain about the FBI planting a spy in the Islamic Center of Irvine, CA.
The spy helped the agency gather information about a brother-in-law if Isana bub Kadeb’s chief bodyguard, Ahmadullah Niazi. According to the Associated Press, that spy “recorded Niazi on multiple occasions talking about blowing up buildings, acquiring weapons, and sending money to the Afghan mujahideen.”
Never mind that, harrumphs ISNA. Mosques are sacred ground – inviolable.
CAIR, it is their job to lie, and they do it very well.
Hooper was a friend of CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad. They met in Minneapolis where they supported the Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs. At the time Osama was actively recruiting and training jihadists to fight alongside the Bosnians. (Point of interest here, who did Clinton help in this fight?) Hooper also worked with Awaad when he was running propaganda operations for Hammas and the Islamic Associations for Palestine where he published a rag that celebrated Hammas suicide attacks on Israelis and publicized a rag that celebrated Hammas suicide attacks on Israelis and publicized Hammas calls for the death of Israel.
Hooper was drafted to run the Brotherhood’s propaganda wing at CAIR. Ibrahim Hooper
Today Hooper is a fierce advocate for Hammas and militant Islam.
Hooper authored a number of manuals and pamphlets designed to give a rosy image of Islam.
Ten Lies:
CAIR did not receive money from the Holy Land Foundation, the Islamic charity recently convicted of funding terrorism.Fact: Less than 3 weeks after their incorporation they received a check for $5K from the Holy Land Foundation paid to the order of CAIR. It was signed by Holy Land President Shukri Abu Baker who is now a convicted terrorists. It was Abu who coordinated the Philly meeting with Ahmad. He also met with CAIR executives before 9-11. Awad skipped a hearing that senators held to afford him the opportunity to answer these and other charges against CAIR.
CAIR does not have anything to do with Hammas.
This was proven a lie beyond any doubt through court documents, their own papers, wiretap transcripts placed on CAIR showing them working extensively with Hammas and Hammas themselves.
Hooper says CAIR has 50,000 members. CAIR’s own records make this number slightly over 5,000.
CAIR says it does not receive money from foreign governments.
CAIR has received at least half a million dollars from Saudi prince Al-Waleed bi Talal who is a member of the ruling family of Saudi Arabia. The United Arab Emirates set up a $50 million endowment to help CAIR finance a public relations campaign. They received another million from Dubai. They made a trip to KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) to solicit 50 million.
CAIR says “Islam and democracy are compatible.”
Interesting because that is not what longtime board member Ihsan Bagby thinks.
“Ultimately we can never be full citizens of this country.” Bagby has lectured, “because there is no way we can fully commit to the institutions and ideologies of this country.”
Muslim Brotherhood leader Sayyid Qurb preached, “Western style democracy , as exemplified by the US is a man-made system of government, and therefore haram, or un-islamic.
SheikYusuf al-Qaradawi, “Acceptance of secularism means abandonment of Shariah.”
The Brotherhood views American democracy–with secularism and individualism as its hallmarks–as incompatible with Islam, because Islam does not believe in separation of Mosque and state. The quam is the law for state and society, and supercedes even the authority of the U.S. constitution.
CAIR’s co-founder and former chairman of the board has said as much. “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,” Ahmad has said.. “ The quam should be the highest authority in America.”
U.S. Brotherhood leaders advising CAIR–such as ISNA’s Muzammil Siddiqi–constantly remind Muslims in America that “Allah’s rules have to be established in all lands. We do not have separation between religion and state.”
Egyptian Ambassador Nabil Fahmy advised CAIR, “to focus on its core mission” in America and butt out of foreign affairs (in Egypt).
CAIR says ‘Most Muslims have a very positive attitude toward America.’
A gallup poll conducted in nine Muslim nations after 9/11 found widespread hatred toward the U.S. Subsequent polls confirmed raging anti-Americanism throughout the Middle East and Pakistan.
There is a “violent deep hatred of America in the Islamic world,” major international Muslim Brotherhood figures including CAIR guru Sheik Qaradawi, warned Obama in an open letter they signed after his inauguration. And it is not just U.S. foreign policy, it’s American values. This is not limited to Muslims outside of the US. CAIR advisor Siraj Wahhaj likens America to a dumpster. “You know what this country is? It’s a garbage can,” he snarls. “It’s filthy.” He prays it “crumbles” and is replaced by Islam. Wahhaj who serves on ISNA’s board echoes Obama’s longtime preacher Reverend Jeremiah Wright calling America a “racist” nation. “America is the most wicked government in the face of the planet Earth.” Wahhja is known by the Brotherhood as America’s imam.
Muslim women also lack equal rights in their houses of worship–even in America. At fully two-thirds of U.S. Mosques, they’re required to worship behind a curtain or partition–separated from the men–a recent national survey shows. Many of them require women to enter the mosque from the back of the building. Declaration of faith or Shahada must be performed in front of two male witnesses. Women cannot make the pilgrimage to Mecca by themselves. Under islamic law rooted in the quam men have permission to beat their wives. Brotherhood leaders associated with CAIR have even issued fatwahs authorizing wife beating. Jamal Balawi, a leader of ISNA’s Fiqh Council of North America, a muslim Brotherhood dispenser of Islamic urisprudence issued a fatwah authorizing American Muslim husbands to physically punish their wives.
CAIR says Jihad does not mean ‘holy war.’
That is not what Yusuf Ali says in his English translation of the quam that CAIR has approved and is stocking in neighborhood libraries across the country. Page 442: “It may require fighting in Allah’s cause, as in a form of self-sacrifice.” Page 1315: “when once the fight [jihad] is entered upon, carry it out with the utmost vigor, and strike home your blows at the most vital points.” CAIR endorsed imam Zaid Shakir also contradicts what CAIR is saying publically. “Jihad is physically fighting the enemies of Islam to protect and advance the religion of Islam. This is Jihad.” “Allah has given us permission to fight them” so that the “word of Allah can be uppermost.”
CAIR says Allah is the same God worshiped by Christians and Jews.
Bush even said right after 9/11 that we worshiped the same god. 4 out of 5 Americans think they worship the same deity. Democratic Representative Keith Ellison, a close ally of CAIR insisted on using the quam to be sworn in. A critical part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategy to conquer America is establishing common ground between Islam and Christianity. As sheik Qaradawi said: “We will conquer America not by the sword but by dawah”–the mission to convert others to Islam. The only reason the quam mentions Mary is to point out that Jesus is mortal and never ‘son of God.’ CAIR has a $60,000 advertising campaign that claims on Florida Buses that Jesus was a Muslim. Here are the Facts:
Islam rejects the central tenet of Christianity– that Jesus is divine and part of the trinity.
The quam calls those who assign :partners” to Allah “blasphemers” who will roast in Hell.
According to the quam, Jesus was just a “messenger” a nd mortal like Mo (Muhammad).
Muslims don’t believe Jesus died on the cross, and the quam clearly denies he was crucified.
Muslims do believe Jesus will return at the end of time. But here’s the part CAIR and other missionaries leave out of their proselytizing pitch:
“”On Judgement Day, the Muslim Jesus will descend from Heaven and slaughter the Christian Jesus with a spear, along with all the Jewish “pigs.” He’ll also “break all crosses,” confirming Islam as the only true religion.”“
CAIR knows this. It’s spelled out in a pamphlet titled, “Khilafa” (Caliphate) found tucked in files stored in CAIR’s executive offices under the heading, “World Wide Islamic Domination.”
CAIR says there is an explosion of anti-Islamic hate crimes.
Total fabrication. Less than 6% of Hate crimes are toward Muslims. Over 69% is toward Jewish but CAIR isn’t interested in that.
CAIR says no official number exists for the number of Muslims in America but commonly say there are from 6 to 7 million. The more ‘voters’ there are the more leverage they have with congressmen. However CAIR’s own documents places the number at 2.35 million.
Obama parroted the bogus larger number to Muslims in Cairo.
Known as the “Goebbels of the Islamist movement,” Hooper has held workshops to help fellow propagandists “manipulate’ (his words) the media into writing favorably of Islam, glossing over all its warts. While MSNBC, NPR, CBS and CNN serve as CAIR’s useful idiots, Hooper warns the faithful to avoid doing interviews with: The Washington Times, New York Post, New York Sun, Right Wing Internet News sites, O’Reilly Factor, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and other conservative radio or television outlets.
That’s because they, unlike his useful idiots, don’t respect his wishes to sanitize reports about Palestinian and other Islamic terrorists by calling them “militants” or “rebels” or even “victims” of Israeli “occupation.” Hooper praises MSNBC.
Hooper is busy launching an aggressive new propaganda campaign to depict CAIR as a civil–rights champion in league with the NAACP. CAIR is strengthening its alliance with the Congressional Black Caucus and has elected a black Muslim convert as its chairman in an effort to conflate the African-American struggle with the Muslim experience in America.
Newly elected CAIR chairman Shaw says, “We look forward to partnering with the Obama administration to help defend civil liberties.”
Career FBI case agents say CAIR is doubling down on what has worked in the past. For over a decade, it’s managed to hide its true agenda of supporting violent jihad and militant Islam under the cover of civil-rights advocacy.
“I don’t care how many times they tell you they’re a civil rights organization, they’re not,’ says a senior FBI agent in Washington. “They’re a front group for Hammas and Muslim Brotherhood.”
Last years Democratic Landslide was a watershed moment for CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood front groups. They now have loyal boosters and cheerleaders on both ends of Pennsylvania Ave. During the election CAIR’s leaders gave money to (illegal) Obama and met privately with his campaign officials During the final weeks some officials from CAIR’s office went to campaign for hotly contested seats. (Democrats)
After barry (AKA Obama) was sworn in they swooned every time he made an overture to Muslims or sang a paean to Islam, such as the time at the White house National Prayer Breakfast when he read from one of Islam’s sacred texts. “We look forward to partnering with the Obama administration,” cooed recently seated CAIR Chairman Larry Shaw, a black converted to Islam.
CAIR leaders have closely collaborated with the head of the powerful House Judiciary Committee on legislation denying law enforcement critical anti-terrorism tools, and they have privately met with the assistant to the Speaker of the House to help hammer out a hate crimes bill and other legislation on their wish list.
CAIR has Muslim moles in Senator Dick Durbin’s office. His aid Reema Dodin — who’s in regular contact with CAIR – is a Palestinian rights activists. Commenting on the 9/11 attacks Dodin explained away the suicide attacks as a tragic but inevitable response to US support of Israel, which she says is “angering” Muslims the world over. Than justifying violent jihad, “Islam does teach that you must defend yourself.”
There are approximately 50 Muslim activists working on Capitol hill today.
List of compromised politicians who still support CAIR in spite of its proven ties to terrorism: Sen. Barbara a Mikulski (D-MD), Sen. Paul Sarbans (D-MD), Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Sen. Kent Conrad (D-ND), Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA), Rep. John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), Rep. Jessy L Jackson, Jr. (D-IL), Rep. Danny K Davis (D-IL), Rep. Gary Miller (R-CA), Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-CA), Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY), Rep. Albert L Wynn (D-MD), Rep. Barry McCullum (D-MN), Rep. Lois Capps (D-CA), Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ), Rep. Bengamin L Cardin (D-MD), Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Rep. Gary Connolly (D-MD), Rep. Ann G. Eshoo (D-CA), Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA), Rep. Wayne T. Gilchrest (R-MD), Mike Honda (D-CA), Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Zoe Lofgen (D-CA), Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), Rep. James P Moran (D-VA), Rep. Dick J. Rahall (D-WV), Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-NY), Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD), Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH).
Dennis Kucinich, a major recipient of Muslim cash who’s staff consul is a Palestinian rights activists says, “CAIR has much to be proud of,” and pledging that “you have a friend in the US Congress.”
Jim McDermott, “I always enjoy being with people like CAIR because you inspire me really •••.
D rep Jackson Lee of TX presented a Certificate of congressional Recognition to CAIR at a Houston banquet.
The Muslim Brotherhood: Terrorists in Suits
“Allah is our goal; Prophet is our guide; the quran is our constitution; Jihad is our way; and death for the glory of Allah is our greatest ambition” Muslim Brotherhood Credo.
Forty years ago radical Muslim immigrants began organizing in America and developing a criminal underworld that largely escaped federal law enforcement scrutiny. In the wake of 9/11 Washington allowed skeptical case agents to start connecting the dots and began to see a lot of overlap in the operations of the Muslim groups and their leaders. Although the groups appear independent of one another, many of them co-mingled funds and even share the same staff and office space. For example, some forty active Muslim charities and businesses have operated at one time or another out of the same office building in Herndon, Virginia. One leader, Abdurahman Alamoudi, sat on the boards of no fewer than sixteen Islamic organizations, including CAIR.
Every major Muslim group in the US is controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Council on American-Islamic Relations CAIR
Islamic Society of North America SNA
Muslim Students Association MSA
Fiqh Council of North America FCNA
North American Islamic Trust NAIT
Muslim American Islamic Trust NAIT
Muslim Arab Youth Association MAYA
Al-Aqsa Educational Fund
United association of Studies and Research UASR
Islamic Association for Palestine in North America IAP
Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development HLF
Baitul Mal Inc. BMI
International Institute for Islamic Thought IIIT
Islamic Medical Association of North America IMANA
Association for Muslim Scientists and Engineers AMSE
Islamic Circle of North America ICNA
Islamic Free Market Institute (Islamic Institute)
American Muslim Council AMC
American Muslim Foundation
Success Foundation
Muslim American Society AMS
Graduate School of Islamic & social Sciences GSSI, AKA Cordoba University
North American Imams Association NAIF
International Islamic forum for science, Technology & Human Resources Development Inc.
Association of Muslim social Scientists of North America AMSS
Taibah International Aid Association
International Relief Organization IRO
African Muslim Agency
Safa Trust
SAAR Foundation
Makkah Muharramah Charity Trust
Dar El-Eiman USA Inc.
All Dulles Area Muslim Society ADAMS
Islamic Assembly of North America ANA
Global Relief Foundation
Muslim World League MWL
World Assembly of Muslim Youth WAMY
Muslim Youth of North America MYNA
Happy Hearts Trust
Islamic Academy of Florida
Fairfax Institute
American Muslim Task Force on Civil Rights and Elections AMT
International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations IIFSO
American Muslims for Constructive Engagement AMCE
American Muslim Armed Forces & Veterans Affairs Council AMAFVAC
Council of Islamic Schools of North America CISNA
Islamic Media Foundation