Letter to Kim Wallen, Oregon state legislator


OK, there is probably not squat you can do about this, it is a federal issue.

I'm going to take a shot here and assume that you have not been in politics long enough to have turned into one of the demigod zombies – – – yet.

I try my best to keep an open mind about things and this pandemic is such a clear and obvious hoax it makes me wonder how people can get hooked into believing it. Like Germany, 1933. I'm getting my information not from mainstream media, as we all know that has been totally corrupted, but from multiple other sources, doctors, hundreds of doctors in many countries. One of the reason I feel I'm right is the absolute suppression of any dissenting ideas. Why? Because if there is a cure then they cannot force vaccinations...

Fauci was a doctor, 30 years ago, I wouldn't trust him to put on a band-aid now, he turned into a politician and you can't get any lower and more untrustworthy than that. (sad isn't it) Fact.

What I think I know. One source said Fauci was working on the covid virus in a lab in the US and DHS told him to stop, that there was no justifiable reason to be tweaking a dangerous virus. So he illegally took it to China, the Wuhan Lab. This I have from only one source, I certainly can't find it on the DHS WEB site as secret (and illegal) an organization it is. We all know the covid-19 came from the Wuhan Lab in China. The virus got out, exactly where and when we will never know, but it got out. The Chinese government was/is having trouble with dissidents. They got a billion people and an overpopulation problem besides. Important fact. A pandemic is a perfect excuse to clamp down on everybody/thing.

Isn't that perfect? Now, FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, our own government is suppressing our freedoms. Travel, meetings of all kinds; church, entertainment, socializing, can now be restricted using the pandemic as an excuse. It makes it hard to discuss the pandemic, doesn't it? Destruction of small business and scaring the shit out of the public into thinking they will die if they don't comply is right out of the Marxist, 'How to Destroy a Democracy', handbook. Have you ever studied even a moment of history?? Every two bit scum bag tyrant that gets into power starts out this way. It is for your own good! Our own government, our scum-bag liberal president that has never worked a day in this life and even the Franco emulating governor of Oregon is one step away from saying, "take this virus vaccine or else!!" What kind of free country does that? One that is transitioning to a tyrannical government, it is that kind.

All hail El Caudillo Kate Brown.

The CARES Act pays hospitals and health providers to lie about covid. FACT! Did you read it? Most politicians didn't. Thousands and thousands of dollars to say people have covid, symptoms/illness or not. So people getting shot (as in with a gun) or having serious auto accidents are dying of covid. This has happened in several states, not an unusual occurrence. It even leaked into the mainstream media. Can't you see what is going on?? Isn't this this proof enough?? You could literally go into a hospital for a bad toe and get diagnosed with covid. That is because they now test everybody, it is to their advantage. This is not a joke, it is to the hospitals advantage, they will get thousands of dollars for everyone that has the disease whether they do or not. It has even been reported you could "have" the disease by just being in the vicinity of someone allegedly 'with the disease', no testing necessary. No testing necessary. There we go.. "Hey! you on the street with the MAGA hat on, we are going to lock you up because you have covid". Don't tell me it can't happen. They took a law that has to do with the interstate commerce and told everybody it meant health care insurance was mandatory, didn't they?

It is now against the law in certain countries to say the pandemic is fake. Coming here soon as has been suggested.

Testing.. They use what is called the PCR test for the virus. Did you know the people that invented the test say, it is invalid?? But what do they know <sic>, this virus, this pandemic, allows our government draconian measures to be instituted on its citizens. King f***ing Biden, right? But we all know he is a stooge for someone else. And Kamala is an admitted Marxist.

Are you one of the clowns who doesn't think the elections were fixed? I personally don't have anything to go by but I did see pictures of Trump rallies and Biden rallies and from that alone I know biden lost big.

Than there is the covid relief package, and a second one right? a trillion dollars. My first question is why does 3/4 of that go to foreign countries??? I can tell you why, at least some of it. e.g. Pelosi put in 20 million for "Gender Studies" in Pakistan or some shit eaten middle eastern country. (covid relief package remember) Seriously?? This is part of a covid relief bill?? Gender studies in Pak?? That isn't what is happening. e.g. She has made a deal with some corrupt official in Pak and he is going to keep a million of that for his personal self and give 19 back to Pelosi..... That is what is happening That is what is going on with biden, & his son in their dealings with Burisma , China and Ukraine. Surly you can see what is going on? That is of course unless you have become a politician.

In 2010 the liberals wrote a paper on how on how they could change governments with a fake pandemic for "Global Authoritarian power". There, they spelled it out. It is on-line. You can read it today. Get it?? WTF does it take? I could tell you who and why.

I didn't dream this up, I have done my best to at least be right about something. I didn't just think of this this morning. My WEB site. No ads, I don't make a cent for a visit, it has been attacked however. Not that you have read this far but, just to say I tried, you will find more of my thoughts on the subject and a lot more in depth.

www.dumbellnebula.com/Shiva_interview.htm    This guy has s doctorate in virl-ology . He knows




www.dumbellnebula.com/current_events2020.htm     headlines mostly


www.dumbellnebula.com/gates.htm     this file was deleted by microsoft, I since seriously upgraded my password and made a hundred copies.


So, if you have read this far you deserve a prize. Take $50,000 from the general fund and go test the effects of sun on drinking Oregon beer in Hawaii or some such BS, that is what politicians do.

Aside from that, have a good day, for as long as they last, I don't think there are going to be that many more...

Thank You
Have a good day...
