Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
with Stefan Molyneux
Dr. Shiva is a very smart man and has a lot to say. So much so that he gets off on tangents a lot. Listen to the interview. It is a bit long but to explain what is going on in a few short sentences would be ludicrous. I typed this up because of its importance. He is un-biased, honest to a fault, not using it for a political purpose. He just wants to tell people what is going on in front of their faces.Sorry about my typing, I did the best I could but I made no attempt to change what was said. I did not understand a few words and I replaced these places with ???? I looked some of the more technical things up and put them at the end.
Not surprising, the video has been removed from you tube. Click Here, fortunately it is available other places..
Dr. Shiva has a PHD in biological engineering and 4 degrees from MIT. He wrote some of the original code for email on the WEB.
Stefan: I want to start with the big picture on health.
If you look at the arc of history, medicine in America, it is unfortunate in one way and very fortunate in another. Two almost have 2 tracks taking place at the same time.
Talking about the first part the unfortunate part. Begins with the consolidation of the scientific establishment. The creation of ‘big medicine’ ‘big pharma’ and ‘big insurance.’ The turning point of all that occurred in 1970. It started with the Mansfields Amendment in science which in the early 60's and 70's moved large sums of money to political organizations like NIH & the National Science Foundation. So if you look prior to that and the history of science and innovation in the US it was always occurring by hobbyist, it was occurring on the edges which made America significantly and amazing country. You look at the founders of the country were innovators, they created the patent laws to support innovation. In the 1940's with the consolidation of the scientific establishment. Before 1970 the military had a massive budget and they would take a small slice of that budget which was still a lot of money and kinda tossed it around among people doing wacky stuff with science. Number theory and cryptology topology and -- These didn't have to fight for grant money because they were good. But post 1970 it was decided we wouldn't fund any of this research unless it was for weaponry, so a lot of that money got moved to these political organizations. The beginning of the end of real science.
1940 Vannevar Bush the president of MIT spun out Raytheon and David Nobel said that was when real scientific research started ending because you had all this public money going to military and industrial complex and that is who Raytheon represented. Between the 40's and the 70's you had the creation of big science and 1970's is when big insurance and big pharma and big hospitals started coming together to lobby government. So when that process went forward you had something like a “Safe Harbor Act” in the late 90's and 2000's which allowed the creation of “GPO’s” Group Purchasing Organizations, and PBM's (Pharmacy Benefit Manager??). Initially the GPO's were helping the hospitals because they reduced cost say bed pans cost $10 but by group purchasing you could get them for $5 but eventually the GPO's grew powerful because they were controlling so much and they decided to flip the model and change where instead of getting the $10 product and selling it to the hospitals for $5 they sold the items for $8 to the hospitals and kept the difference as legal/illegal kickbacks due to the safe harbor act, which was supported by congress. GPO's were people who didn't know anything, didn't do anything but essentially owned the supply chain.
Than there was big pharma, that realized that there was profit in sickness. Pharmaceutical advertising was allowed, there was a time when it wasn't allowed. Big Pharma, Big Hospitals and Big Academia. We are seeing a convergence of those 3 entities that don't give a damn about peoples health. This isn't really about public health, it is about making enormous profit. The reason that is being motivated now –???
When I (Shiva) finished my PHD in 2003 I created a technology that could model molecular pathways on the computer. One of the motivations of that was we recognized biology had become dysfunctional, biologists were looking at the parts, right and was frankly failing and had nowhere to go, one of the fields that evolved out of that. The motivation of that was we were recognizing in biology that it had become dysfunctional. That biologists were looking at the parts, So you get a Nobel prize if you recognize how two proteins interacted.. So what was happening in biology when the Gnome project ended that we only had 20,000 genes. We don't have 100,000 genes, we have the same Number of genes as a worm. So biologists that complexity was a function of the number of genes which means more genes means more complex when an engineer knows that is not true. Complexity is a function of interconnections.
So that put biology on a new trajectory called systems biology. It was a new department @ MIT and I (Shiva) was one of its first graduates and I thought that was great because I always wanted to do medicine. I never wanted to become the MD because something didn't feel right. In 2003, because biology was frankly failing and it recognized it had nowhere to go except take a systems approach, one of the fields that evolve out of that was Precision and Personalized medicine, the right medicine for the right person at the right time. You can't say everyone should get the same vaccine, everyone should get the same drug, which is going back to traditional medicine. The important thing that took place – this is the place where I was motivated, when I created this technology SIDASOL, the reason I created was the national science foundation said, ‘So suppose you could model disease on a computer we could predict what drugs could do. because if you could do that you could get a directionality at minimum – ‘we shouldn't even be doing this drug', it causing toxicity’ or ‘this combination of drugs causes toxicity’ or ‘this combination has a lot of promise’ and you could model drugs knowing what the end result would be.
So these are complex molecular equations so I created a technology which could in fact model of disease that people thought were intractable. So when I finished, I and my adviser wondered just who would want to use that, we said ‘wow, pharma would want to use that’. The reason we said that was, when we had done the data analysis pharma, since the 1980's had been tanking, they had been failing, there is a great research paper I am finishing up shows how the entire pharmaceutical engine, this is where Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton and Gabby will talk about, they area really the front end, marketing personal for this because what happened is, it is a multi-trillion dollar industry, globally, pharmaceuticals, and what's happened is a pharmaceutical drug, if you want to understand the regulatory frame work, you have to go through a whole series of processes before– lets say you discoverer in your lab today, hey I have this compound – by the way when I say pharmaceutical drugs are compounds that do not appear in nature, and today we have about 30,000 of these compounds in what are called libraries. So, how do pharmaceuticals develop, someone takes a test tub and they throw in some cancer cells and they test compound “A” and compound “B” and compound “C” and they say ‘wow, I see something happening here, I see it killing these cancer cells.’ That occurs at a lab in Harvard or MIT the professor than, one of his graduate students leave and they raise 40 or 50 million dollars, than they get a bunch of lab space and do more test tube testing, in vitro, than they will go kill a bunch of animals for another 6 years, and they will buy mice raised with a tumor and they will test it on the mice until at one point they say wow, we are not killing too many mice. So what they are trying to figure out I s the dosage, that can take around 6 years. They may spend close to a half a billion dollars just doing that. If they get to that point, than they will go to the FDA and file what is called an “investigational new drug filing,” an IND. So the FDA looks at all the data and says OK we are going to give you an allowance where you can go do phase one trials on humans, small sets of humans than you can go to phase 2 & phase 3 and that entire process can take upwards of 13 years, up to 5 billion dollars.
Now think about this business model. The day you discovered something in the test tube, that is when the clock starts clicking and you may file a patent. Patent life is only 20 years, so now it has been 13 years and you only have 7 years of patent left. Say your drug cost, high end say 5 billion dollars and there are about 100,000 people that can use it. So, you are going to have to charge $5000.00 a pill or total for however long that person use the drug just to pay for it.
Now that is just to make your cost back. So what charge twice that to make some money for the 20 years. Now also during that time if somebody gets sick or dies from that drug or perceived to get sick or die from your drug your going to have to pay for that. Only 20% of drugs that enter phase 1 make it, and that has to be paid for too.
So what pharma has figured out is they are spending 5 million dollars (marketing costs were not even included in that) and than they get a set of customers. Now those customers may sue us. High liability, high risk
So when I created Sisadol, I could help these guys understand toxicities way up front. The problem is they move from quarter to quarter to quarter and they were not interested in the technology and frankly I wasn't interested in them either, I was really interested in natural products. If fact, I could have helped them figure out if their vaccines worked or not. We put that out there. We applied for a Parker grant. But they are not interested in that. What the reality is they are like a locomotive, they do this and they do this, remember it is all about getting funding, and getting VC money and when you make it to phase 1 your stock prices make a tic. They have a business model of moving it down that pipeline, getting money for each step along the line. The entire pharma model is pushing it down that pipeline and the valuation of your company and that is the model, it is not even about solving a disease it is about making an enormous amount of money but the problem is once the regulatory framework came in there And even the FDA which is pro pharma was not seeing their drugs because the side effects. They were in a conundrum, and to give you the numbers, year over year over year pharma has spent, putting in a 30% increase in their R&D budgets, and they are finding year over year there are less allowances, their model is pretty compelling, so that is happening over here, they are literally seeing the burning down of their industry.
So pharma companies now are moving to a different area. Vaccines and what are called cell therapies. These do not need to go through the same regulatory framework.. In fact they are treated as another class called biologics. So this is why if you look at the 30 vaccines for kids that were pushed forward by the CDC as guidelines not one of them has gone through a double blind placebo study. It is quite extraordinary and the one HPPV vaccine that they claim they did was absolutely fraud. If you look at the history of this process in 1962 John Kennedy signed the National Vaccine Act and that was based on a very rudimentary understanding of the immune system which is still in use today by guys like Fuchi and Gates to forward it. It is very different than the understanding of the immune system that I've put forward and in fact, I gave the prestige lecture at the National Science Foundation. They didn't invite Fuchi or Gates to speak they invited me because of the knowledge I have around fundamental issue is the very rudimentary understanding they had of the immune system in 1962 was the basis post polio vaccine pre measles vaccine John Kennedy instituted the vaccine act that gave rise to the CDC and the powers for them to come up with the vaccine guidelines. So now follow from when Kennedy signed that into law from 1962 to 24 years later 1986 people were reporting injuries from vaccines, they were suing the vaccine manufactures.
Now instead of eliminating those vaccine mandates, because instead in those 24 years we had learned different things about the immune system, his brother; Ted Kennedy came in, while Regan was the president, but it was a democratically controlled congress and said instead of eliminating these guidelines, they put a big band–aid on it and that band–aid was the national vaccine injury program. They were getting 10 – 20 court filings a day. So what the National Vaccine Injury program did was “trash the constitution” and they carved out a special court system and they put it under the Health and Human Services. A Vaccine Court and that vaccine court said they would adjudicate on behalf of the vaccine manufacture, the law suits. This means you have shielded the manufactures, you have indemnified the manufactures and you set the limitation on liability, death was around $250,000 and they made it a very bureaucratic process, now Regan signed that very unwittingly, because it was imbedded in another bill that he wanted to get through.
So what ended up happening was the other Kennedy put together with Orin Hatch and Waxman put together this massive band–aid, which basically created the Chinese wall for the manufactures.
Since than, there has been more injuries and what's unfortunately happened is, instead of moving bottoms up, trying to say, getting rid of all this nonsense, you have Bobby Kennedy, so-called anti vaccine fighters, what they have done is there part of the not–so–obvious establishment. When I got into this it took me a while to figure it out. They have been begging to legislators, tweaking it, begging to legislators saying protect our religious exemptions, when what should have happened is all of ‘this’ stuff should go away. All of it.
And what is interesting is who has been behind this. Big pharma, big academia, and the big hospital establishment, that tri-umbra you know, centered and founded by something very very powerful, 3 foundations. Two at least and one more recently the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative both together with the W.H.O., CDC, UNICEF, all these other people we didn't elect together. The Gates foundation created “Gabby” a vaccine alliance and if you look at their consortium it is vaccine manufactures, UNICEF, World Bank, and they funded that to about a billion dollars and so the Clinton Global Initiative and the Gates foundation are part of this and the goal is they are really big fronts man for big pharma. When you look at the numbers they are essentially carving out the vaccines and they have the pharma consortium behind them. And what is their business model? Lets look at it from pure their quote–unquote pure entrepreneurial business model, this is the goal, pharma is crashing, they are saying “Wow”, I created a drug and I only have 100,000 people have this problem... Imagine if I could create a product that everyone had to take. Imagine if we could get everyone that had to get a vaccine.
Stefan: it is a replacement to the carbon tax, I suppose.. <sic>
The same people that support the mass immunization are the same people that support carbon tax.
I did this video exposing the Paris accords, it is out there but – – – – – –
Bobby Kennedy attacks Bill Gates but is mum on Hillary Clinton, in fact endorsed her three times, he is against vaccines but pro climate change. So we have the not–so–obvious establishment sort of being a chameleon trying to manipulate the activist
So if we look at this where does it all comes from? If you look at big pharma, they are enormously successful at PR and marketing.
Example: Many years ago I
1993 email took off, we created a ‘gooey’ front end and email moved to the WEB as a consumer application. The White House was getting a ton of emails in 1993 and they didn't know how to handle it so the WH sponsored an AI competition where technology could automatically read the emails and categorize them so they could respond. Anyway I ended up winning that contest and I left in the middle of my PHD and I started a company to analyze email for customer service, understanding marketing, etc. But one of my leads was Burson Marsteller # 1 PR agencies in the world. Large corporations called him in for crisis management. I was meeting one of their senior VP's and I asked them tell me one of your things, because they were interested in using my technology to watch email so they could see a crisis emerging from our analytics. So he says, ‘I was called in to help Eli Lilly, I'm the guy that saved prozac.’ I said, ‘oh really, what did you do?’ He said ‘well, Eli Lilly stock was tanking, people were stopping to take prozac due to side effects, so first of all, we (Eli Lilly) re–branded themselves, their branding was something like they were a drug company and they changed it to ‘We help the world.’ The second thing we did is we created two non–profit companies. One of the companies alleged goal was ‘to stop the battering of women’, a non–profit. So the non–profit took out newspaper ads saying we have to stop women's battering, and it would say; “If you know someone's husband who is not taking his Prozac – – – “ Very insidious, right? Putting forth this thing , we want to help the world, and than on the back end, using community pressure to get people to take Prozac.
So I said. “What happened?”
“Enormous, huge success.”
Fast forward that to 2015, the W.H.O., the UN, etc, created STG3. It was similar to this Utopia process. 17 point plan. It is not hidden, anyone can go read this [I couldn't find it on a quick check] adjacent to that, the utopia that gets painted, by the way supported by GABBY, Gabby is one of the big sponsors of STG3. Right behind that is IA2030 immunization, the front cover of that says “We must not leave anyone behind.” The front line says: “ Everyone everywhere will be vaccinated.” They must realize the health benefits. The connection between these two, to achieve at least 14 of those points, of the 17 that will lead to utopia, we must immunize. So they have connected immunization to everything. The work force, climate change, everything.
Stefan: What could be the conceivable logic behind needing people to be immunized to lead to utopia.
Shiva: Think about it, step back and look at this as a business model. This is e.g.: people want to sell coffee, Nescafe, ‘oh you feel great when you drink this coffee. Everyone should be drinking coffee’. That is what every CPG company wants to do. Proctor and Gamble wants everyone to be using their toothpaste, right? We create toothpaste as a phenomenon, the model here is to create vaccines as the standard operating procedure (SOP) for protecting yourself from infectious diseases. That is the ethos, now if you can get a market of 7.2 billion people, lets say on average spending about a thousand bucks a year, that is a 7.2 trillion dollar recurring market. Now imagine this, if you could get the government so afraid that they impose this as a mandate, now you have created a consortium so GABBY is leading this consortium with two of its cylinders, Gates Foundation & Clinton Global Initiative, which are probably already being funded in many incestuous ways. Back ending that is a major big pharma companies who are part of GABBY, consortium partners. In fact the STG3 goals is supported not just with the W.H.O. and the United Nations but IFPMA International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufactures, the 3 leadership council of that is Eli Lilly, Shionogi from Japan and Roach, so this consortium is an ad campaign. That is what it is, a massive ad campaign, filtered through fake science, and the goal is 7.2 billion people, a captive market, you don't even have to market to them, so imagine taking a verticalization model that Microsoft was very enormously successful at doing, by the way, brought to you by McKinzy, Gates hired McKinzy to map this out, so the model here is that a mandated vaccine takes place, it is no longer countries, right, before the empires split up into territories, now your going to split up portions of peoples blood stream. e.g. you own Hepatitis B–1 blood stream, you own HPV, you own this blood stream, so if you think about it from a pyramid model god knows who the trillionairs names we don't know Right behind them is the visible deep state, the CDC the WHO the Foundations the Zuckerberg and behind them you have the pharma companies who need this to server their masters who invest in big pharma.
Stefan: I've had a thought, Dr. Shiva what if you could face a disease that mutated every year than it wouldn't be like a one–time small pos or polio vaccine so you got the hamster wheel of money coming your way.
Shiva: It is recurring revenue. When I did email, right? In 1978 people asked if it was commercial I said “well, in the old time sharing systems, we used to charge for it, based on how much time you spent, so it was a recurring revenue model. Fast forward to another application I built this company, ‘Echo Mail’ that would analyze email. In our contracts, we made it a recurring revenue model. So once you put the email in, you paid us for so much usage so every investor knows if you sell something with a recurring revenue you get a much better revenue on your stock price. So imagine on your point, you have a need for a new vaccine, new variation, new mutations, now you have 7.2 billion people on recurring revenue model and to keep that going you need an amazing marketing campaign, a global marketing campaign and that is what we are right in the middle of now. Whenever you do marketing campaigns what do you do? First you do a soft launch, a beta launch and a gold launch. The soft launch was event 1.02, test it out etc. In my view, we are in the middle of the Beta launch than a gold launch. The full launch will probably be next year if they pull this off and scare everyone.
The full launch looks like this: OK, do you want the economies to be crashed again? Do you want another lock down? Lets just everyone get a vaccine card. You don't want your neighbor screwing up the economy do you? How about everyone gets vaccinated (mandatory)?? It is a 7.2 billion dollar market opportunity, up–words of 10 trillion dollars.
People say why would they do this to the economy?? It is a return on an investment. You put enough fear, you crash the economies, by the way, they get a double whammy. Because the Chinese are involved they have a lot of dollar reserves, you crash the economy, you buy things on a song now, now your going to make your return anyway because as you kick this back up your going to make money on this anyway and you will also get indentured service because many of the large financial houses actually funded lenders like Wells Fargo. So when the U.S. and world working crashes now they are also going to get rental revenue. They will get two sets of revenue. They will get recurring revenue on rent because people won't be able to afford homes and they are also going to get the bloodstream revenue. So it is really a recurring revenue model. Bill Gates knows about this because Microsoft knew they weren't going to make as much money selling just simple software, they had to move to the cloud where you could get a recurring model. So this is a well thought out business model and that is why Gates funded hundreds of millions of dollars to McKinzy to do all of this. So if your reading this you need to understand those people out there are very sophisticated highly organized, very adept. That's why they have the avert front men like Gates but they also have the people that confuse people who say they are fighting against vaccines for medical freedom, guys like Bobby Kennedy, he hasn't done jack for vaccines, he has mislead the movement.
When I got involved in this movement about – – I've been in the health thing forever, studying health systems, immune systems, when I said something doesn't smell right they are basically everyone to get the same vaccines, there is no vaccine safety standards, but I said we have to build a bottoms up military movement. Not this negotiating with legislators. That is what these non–profits were doing. They take money from poor moms that are afraid, they take money from legal defense funds – – – but they didn't understand the fundamental issue that this is so fundamental that we have to have an uprising that starts from the bottom up. I led one of the big moves in New Jersey which said, “screw this negotiating with corrupt legislators, lets march on the streets.” They were so afraid they didn't even bring up the bill. That was Jan 6, 13 that's right after that you start see the Corona viruses coming. It wasn't accidental that we saw all this dissension happening globally. In Hong Kong, millions of people protesting, in Wuhan, anti pollution protests, not anti CO2 but pollution protests. In France, Venezuela, in India a populace leader gets elected, in the US Trump, in the midst of all this anti–establishment commotion is when we imposed this thing called quote unquote a “Pandemic.” So all of this is beautifully organized but I want you to think about this. Forget conspiracy for a second, by the way there is a ‘deep state’, but just think about it as a marketing campaign over here with a product development strategy over here.
That's what this is, Gates, McKinzy and the Clinton's are the architects, and they are probably getting paid off enormously on the back end. Remember these foundations are enormous business operations where they literally steal money out of the public coffers and they want us to think “oh, Bill Gates is such a wonderful philanthropist” and Warren Buffet such nice people they are giving away their money, they are taking it out of taxes and putting it into a foundation where they only have to give away 5% of the money and they get to keep the other 95% and to add insult to injury they want us to think they are the saviors of the world. So they get triple whammies out of this, they get to keep their money, they get to look good and they get to control public policy. That's what is going on.
Stephen: Why do you have such distaste for our little garden gnome for public health.
Shiva: Well, a number of things. As someone who has gone through the academic world, done science, teaching @ MIT, I've published in major peer review magazines, I'm a Fulbright scholar, I'm known as one of the leading guys in personalized and precision medicine. Now the notion of science, two things emerge from the biological science that we need to move to a personalized medicine. One size does not fit all. That is an understanding that has come from modern conventional science starting in 2003. If anyone wants to google personalized precision medicine is the now and future of medicine which means you don't give everyone the same medicine.
Now look at Fauci, look at the history of the NIH. The NIH starting in 1970 again, a guy called Shannon comes in and he wanted to consolidate immense amounts of power beneath him in the NIH and that is when you saw the explosive growth of the NIH to become a 10 or 20 billion $ entity. 50% of the funding of the NIH goes to the biological sciences. So if you want to become a professor at any of the major Universities, how do you become a professor? You don't just be a nice guy and publish papers, that's not how it works. You have seven years from the time you graduate with your PHD until you start ??? to get tenure. Well, how do you get tenure? You have to publish a series of papers in a specialized field and get yourself know, and, big AND, you have to get your peers in that field, that have been there 20 or 30 years to say you are a great person and they have to write reference letters for you and they have to cite your research in their papers. So what this means is you as a young researcher must regress to the mean, what they have set as a standard. You can't do whacky research, all the wild innovative research, in fact, all the NIH research grants are no longer about innovation, when you apply for a grant, you must already have data about the thing you want to research in specific name one ?? So it is already rigged for people who already have the data and are the insiders. This is one thing that needs to be understood.
So when you look at Fauci, the NIH where he is an essential part of the Francis Collins funds 50%, billions go to biological sciences. So if I'm a young researcher, I'm never going to say anything against the accepted narrative. I will never get funding, I will never ever get tenure. Now I know a lot of guys at MIT that know a lot about the immune system and they say everything you are saying is correct, but I'm not going to say anything against it, they have families to feed. Science has become a factory Stefan, it is not the old days where you looked at science and you came up with cool ideas, it is not a lobbying thing, people on the edges where people were doing they went out and got private funding, that had to figure things out, it has become a machine. And Fauci, the reason I have such anger towards him, is he represents the ultimate worst part of science. He is a scientific bureaucrat. A bureaucrat. He is an academic bureaucrat. Kissinger said if you wanted to learn how to be a politician go to academia. This guy (FAUCI) is in there across multiple presidents and his entire foundation from the infectious disease area he own was based on fake science, fear mongering, a rodeo that he ran once which is the HIV causeality to aids.
HIV does not cause AIDS. This is going to seem mind boggling to people, that was one of his first PR campaigns he did. His predecessor, his compadre, Robert Gallo, was brought up on scientific conduct charges when he was trying to do this. Where he was trying to show that HIV was causeative to AIDS. He stole the viral data from the french guy, active virus, and he created a bogus HIV test. Front page NY times, he was brought on misconduct charges. Well, you know who came to his rescue? Fauci. So Fauci came to the forefront, Gallos stepped back, but he built this career you know, ‘oh I hung out with Bono, I got to meet Elton John’ the whole thing with moving the discourse about HIV and infection was the cause of a non–infectious disease called AIDs, which is Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome where your T cell count, CD14 count, goes below a certain level. So he attributed that to a virus. Again, what did that do? It created the multi billion dollar AIDs industry, it resurrected a drug that was never working called AZT off the market to an off label use for AIDs. Which by the way killed a lot of people. The reality is, I think 60% of Zambia has HIV. There not dying. One of the people that really exposed this was a real scientist Peter Duceburg. Peter, one of the earliest tenured professors @ Berkeley, one of the earliest people to get into the academy of sciences, a multi NIH grant award winner, he said wait a minute. This cause?? relationship doesn't fulfill Koch's Postulate. What are Koch's postulates.. It's a foundation about virology, for which Robert Coke was honored, he won the Nobel Prize and Koch's postulates go like this. Before– If you're the district attorney, you want to pin the crime on this virus or bacteria, you got to show 4 things, at least 4 things.
- if you have someone with the disease, lets say scurvy, by way of example, and you want to show this virus causes scurvy, you have to find an abundance, not just one because everybody has a virus of something, an abundance of that virus in that person. Than you have to be able to culture that virus in a test tube or petri dish.
- you have to be able to take that virus and inject it into an animal, a host and show that animal shows the same diseased state of the original.
- And than you have to be able to culture that back from that animal
Now, HIV never fulfilled (https://science.umd.edu/classroom/bsci424/BSCI223WebSiteFiles/KochsPostulates.htm) and this is what Duesberg brought up. To give you an idea how serious this is and how real it is, when I was @ MIT I had read Duesberg's work (www.duesberg.com) back in 1993 and it all made sense to me because, and I'll come back to that, Fauci built this ??? and I remember taking John ??? Mint's class, John is one of the leading toxicologists in the world, an amazing professor and John in our class on systems biology we got to vires and John was talking about viruses and virus infections blah blah blah and we were talking about the aids virus. I was in the back of the room, around 48 graduate students PHD's, smart people and I said; “John, isn't it true that HIV doesn't cause AIDs?” The entire class comes to a complete silence, because that was the narrative, now this is at MIT the #1 in biological engineering, now John Estiguin is very honest. He said; “You know, what Shiva is bringing up is a good point, he is bringing up Peter Duesbergs work that HIV AIDs does not fulfill Koch's postulate. And than John Estiguin went on to say, and John is a tenured professor @ MIT, he said, “you know, I know Peter, he is a very well respected scientist, but what happened to Duceberg is they vilified him, they attacked him, they marginalized him, Peter stopped getting any of his NIH grants.”
So, who was behind all this? Fauci! Now Fauci has built his career as essentially a big prostitute for big pharma.
Stephen; Wait, hang on, I'm hanging on to the back of the sled as we go bouncing down this hill of knowledge and I've just lost one of my hand grips here.. OK So we've got HIV the Virus I guess that is like ???b2, covid–19 the manifestation the disease, you've got HIV the virus and you have AIDs the syndrome which the HIV doesn't kill you as I understand, it lowers your defenses against something else, which is going to kill you like phenomena or something. So just help me understand where the causality changes based on the common ???
Shiva: One of the early works, Peter and other researchers looked at the first 87 AIDs cases. Remember how they always write it, HIV/AIDs, just look how they brand it, HIV/Aids. HIV or Aids. I remember I was with my sister were with me when I found out about it, I said this is not true and she said your crazy, blah blah blah. But now 15 years later she says you know you are absolutely right AIDs relate diseases. Lets get down to the specifics. What is AIDs? It is a term used to describe a condition in your body in your adaptive system, remember your innate system? Which is all the macrophage that react when you first get hit with some type of pathogen and your gut and your eyes, etc. That's your early stage immune system. There is another part of your immune system called your late stage immune system, the adaptive immune system which are sharpshooters, and those are controlled by T cells and B cells respectively. They create an antibody for that pathogen. So the thesis here is, oh; you have a lower T cell count, below a certain level, and when you have that, you have Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, called AIDs.
Now, is that clear?
So your T cell count, So that means your adaptive system is compromised. Well, how did that happen? How do you get there? Well, HIV caused that. That is what the thesis was. When you actually go look at the first 87 AID's cases, By the way the CDC statistics are horrible, you notice that most of those people that had AIDs had all sorts of other viruses in them, Stefan. They had CMV, you know, and –
Stefan interrupts: But everybody has viruses in them at all times.
Shiva: Exactly, they had all these viruses. So they pegged this HIV to AIDs, but lets really look at the data. If you look at the first set of data, the preponderance of these people, 90% of these people, were gays, males, predominantly, and this was the 80's and lots of drugs and no one wants to talk about this, right? It is politically incorrect. Lots of drugs, a gay individual in that environment might have 1500 partners, that was not rare and they were consuming something called [broken link ] www dot verywellmind dot com/what-are-poppers-22094 amyl nitrites, you should look it up.
Stefan interrupts: “It's a vile, you break it under your nose and – – –
and it increases organisms.”
Stefan: sorry, I sounded way to experienced with that, I just read about that.
Stefan: sorry, I sounded way to experienced with that, I just read about that.
Remember there is not one paper showing HIV causes AIDs ?? People should bring it up we will have a debate on it. OK? Ducsberg brings this point up and says; however, there are 200 papers, 200 papers, 200 unequivocal papers showing amyl nitrite, it is a carcinogen, causes Kaposi sarcoma which is, those people get their skin all screwed up, those blotches, that is Kaposi sarcoma. 200 papers written on that. Well, these guys were doing tons of amyl nitrites, partying all late at night, having infinite number of partners, lots of drugs, OK?
So, that was the majority of that group. You know what happens when you do that? You lower your T cell count. You destroy your immune system. Now when you destroy your immune system your going to have all sorts of viruses in you, that is why people started cooking the books.
Stefan interrupts, again: Wait, this is where the fabled jumped to the heterosexual population never occurred.
Remember, this was a decadent life style at that time. It was. Look, I had a very close friend of mine @ MIT in later years came out of the closet and he ended up getting AIDs and they gave him AZT and he died. I said “Arnold” – When Duesbergs work first came out, those 87 people fell into 3 groups. First group was this 90% of the people who were predominantly male gays who were partying, sex and taking Amyl Nitrites. The second group was IV drug users, and people were saying “the needles, the needles, the needles,” bullshit, that's not what it was. It was the enormous amount of drugs they were using that also lowered their immune system. The 3rd group was people getting blood transfusions, but it wasn't the virus traveling through the blood, you know what it was? What it was, when they have to give you blood, what they do is give you immune suppressive drugs because you don't want your immune system attacking the RNA agents in the blood you are receiving. If you get two shots of immune suppressing drugs you have to go to the ICU because your in a immunol compromised situation. That is what the three groups were.
Stefan interrupting: “doesn't the HIV attack the T cells and if not, if it's amyl nitrites how do you explain the prevalence in Africa?
HIV is a virus that is everywhere, its in Africa, lots and lots of people have it and their population has explosively grown, people aren't dying. It is another virus. This comes back to something we have to talk about. We have 380 trillion viruses in our body. 380 trillion! The mitosis that has been created is this fear mongering that viruses and germs are all going to kill us. What actually happens Stephen, now lets talk some science is, the true science says, you have this thing in your body called the operating system in your body called the immune system. It is one of the oldest operating systems that has gone through, in fact invertebrates, vertebrates to create you. We would not exist if we did not have an immune system. If that immune system hadn't gotten, and if you believe in evolution, this entire process, even if you believe in natural design, human beings would not fricking exist if we did not have this amazing operating systems called the immune systems and it has gone through various various various revisions to make us come here and be this human beings who build all this stuff. OK? That immune system, the way it reacts with the outer world is to live in coexistence with it. When a pathogen attacks and hurts you, it is not the pathogen that is destroying you, everyone needs to get the science here. The science that is assumed by the fake news media and is promoted unfortunately by MD's who are not well trained at all, they don't learn this in medical school. They learn maybe the innate and the adaptive they don't learn about the micro vibe, they don't learn the following. If you ask a typical MD; “What does a virus do to you? how does it work with Ebola?”
Shiva, paraphrasing what a doctor might say: “Well the virus enters it and destroys the heart tissue.” That's what you'll hear, right? “You start bleeding from the inside out or the virus attacks your epithelia and you are going to start getting edema.” Well that's not what happens, this is what happens. Virus comes in. Your innate system, which is all the things in you skin your eyes your throat first interacts with it. Now if your body is reasonably strong, you may have a sniffel this, that is why in a family 5 10 people the wife might get a cold and the others don't, it just depends on the state of the immune system. So if your in that condition, based on the stage of your innate immune system, you battle it, maybe you get some immune system sneezing, coughing, a little bit of fever and you are done.
Now if that system doesn't work you have what is called the interferon system which is another amazing system which up regulates all these different kinds of cytokines which further protect your body.
Stefan interrupting: hang on, up loads cytokines, break that out a little for me..
Shiva: You know my PHD work was on the interferon system so, just stepping back, remember I said in 1960 they had a very nacen understanding of the immune system. So in 1962 the understanding of the immune system was the following: you got two boxes, one of them is the innate immune system which is everything I just described, the early stage ??? when you get hit by the virus ??/ They start taking – they just start shooting at everywhere, the secondary part of that system was called the adaptive immune system which means it was very specific, it was mainly sharpshooters. For that particular virus it would create antibodies using the T cells and the B cells. Alright?
Now. That was the basic understanding of the immune system and part of this understanding, in order to mimic immunity, we are going to put a vaccine in you which will be a pale shadow of the actual virus, like the measles virus, were going to kill it a little bit and we are going to force your body to create those antibodies to create what is called immunity. Now the problem is the vaccines weren't working when they just gave a deadened form of the virus, the body wasn't creating that inflammatory response, they said lets start adding other things, and what did they add, a little bit of aluminum, some mercury, some other stuff to create that. So the goal of that was for your body to create this inflammatory response to create the antibodies, OK? But that entire response was based on the two box model of the immune system.
When I gave my distinguished prestige lecture at the Science Foundation the reason they asked me to do this is because when you take a modern systems biology approach you realize there are many other boxes, there is a gut microbioum, which is essential to a strong immune system, the balance of all these amazing microbes, 60 trillion of them, and we also have virus, 380 trillion viruses and they are not our enemies, they work together. And than we have the connection between our gut and the brain, the neural system, but in between all this is a very powerful system called the interferon system. The interferon system was also discovered around the fifties and a lot of work done by the Japanese which showed it is the missing link that interconnects a lot of these systems. That when you get a virus, guess what your bodies does? It actually turns on another set of chemicals called cytokine. These cytokine are used to interfere with the virus relocation process. So, what is a virus trying to do? I comes in, it is sort of non–existent until it interacts with you. The goal here is to stop viral replication, that is what you don't want. Because when it gets bigger and bigger that's what makes you sick.
So how do you stop viral replication is the key. So when you really look at a virus, now go back to the HIV AIDS issue that I'm bringing up, so if your immune system is compromised, what actually happens? I told you of the interferon system, you have all these different subsystems, it is like you got a nice V6 engine with all your pistons working, now imagine what happens if you are consuming amyl nitrites or for that matter, tons of sugar in your diet. What does sugar do? Sugar turns on candida. Candida creates gleo toxins those effectively suppress your macrophages in your early stage immune system and the others knock out your T cells. Now what you have left is as though you have tied both arms behind my back. Now I'm coming at me I'm going to kick at me like crazy. I'm not going to kick at you just a little bit, I'm going to go violent crazy using my legs and I might actually harm other people in my way. When you knock out some of these subsystems which are part of a beautiful choreography which all turns on and modulates it is called immuno-modulation. Immuno-modulation is where you have like this orchestra conductor, these instruments come to life, they modulate the virus and you don't have this hyper response. But if you suppress some of these you have tied your arms and your legs are kicking, in this case the cytokine, not just interferon but others go and attack not only the virus particles but also attack the tissues where those particles reside so let me walk you through · · ·
Stefan interrupting: That storm you were talking about right?
Yes, so lets walk you through this carefully. I have a virus xxx whatever, I sneeze on you. It goes through your respiratory channels, goes down your nose and down into your lungs and into one of your very small structures called the avolia. The avolia is surrounded by epophelia (sp) cells, I'm giving you the shortened version of it, and inside that avolia you have the macrophages the innate immune system. So what happens is when that virus lands in the best case, your macrophages attack that virus and blow it up. It is consumed it is taken out. If that doesn't occur, the virus will than attempt to replicate itself. And that replication process, if that precedes, is going to hurt you but in the case to stop that replication, first the macrophages attack, than your body produces the interferon response, it recruits other T cells and all the stuff you don't know about, that is why it is asymptomatic. This is all happening. What actually supports this is a healthy working immune system. That is the discussion we need to talk about if we really care about public health.
Well, who got infected, who got infected with AIDs? Who was it affecting? People took fricking amil nitrites people were IV drug users, and people were getting blood transfusions where their immune systems were suppressed. When I was out in Hawaii I remember reading Ducebergs work on this, and the woman I was staying with is the mother of a friend of mine and she had gotten AIDs. After I read this book I said ‘wow’ can I ask you a personal question? She said sure. I said you are clearly not gay, clearly you don't look like you got blood transfusions, I must assume you were a heavy drug user.
She said, “Shiva, I was a serious heroine addict for 7 years.”
So, she fell into one of those 3 groups, right? She healed her self by boosting up her immune system. She had to go to Canada & got some very interesting treatments. The point is, it is suppressed immune systems.
Lets go to this covid fear mongering nonsense here, who are the people that are actually dying? First we don't really know because there is a political and economic reason to brand everyone as covid–19. The W.H.O. created two codes. Remember the W.H.O. creates the diagnostic codes which; by the way, they charge for. So they created two codes for covid–19. One was you were actually labeled as having covid–19 through a test. Well what was that test?? It is a PCR test. Well, what does that mean? They are looking for a piece of the nucleotide in your body and than they magnify it and try to match it to one of the corona virus nucleotides. They are not even looking for the entire sequence of the covid–19 with the PCR test, it is any corona actually. Even Kary Mullis, the people that created PCR will tell you – – – By the way, Crona viruses is one of the most common viruses and we probably all have pieces of it.
Stefan interrupting: The covid–19 test, which is supposed to be testing for COVID-19 will hit on any corona virus?
It is a nucleotide sequence that doesn't necessarily have be that. The PCR tests are highly highly, – Kary Mullis who won the Nobel prize in medicine who also supported Duesberg Postulate in chemistry, amazing scientist, Kary said the PCR test isn't even quantitative it is qualitative. It is a qualitative test. – it is a guesstimate that is made. That is one code that the W.H.O. has. The second code is “well, it sorta looks like covy. So people are coming to these hospitals and they are branding them into one of those two codes. I was privi to a letter that the CDC sent to hospital administrators, the letter basically incenticize hospitals to conflate one or the other. That is what is going on so we really don't know what the numerator is. I dare ask any one of these people, including Cumo, to put all this data in the cloud so I and other professionals can review it, and, you don't have to put the names, follow HIPPA guidelines, give the preexisting conditions of these people. We have this close friend of outs was s big smoker, friend of ours husband, big smoker, always would get phenomena and multiple instances of going into the hospital and getting intubated. Well, he was covid at 19 lets say, god-forbid, something happens to him, what are they going to brand him with, covid–19 death? Forget the fact that he ate horribly, 50 lbs over weight and was a heavy smoker. That will be forgotten.
That is what people need to understand. We have created forever, because of big hospitals, because of the big academia, because of big pharma, these three people have colluded in a beautiful way to create this fear mongering.
Stefan interrupting: Hospitals also get paid extra as well for these diagnosis. That is why New York circled back and said they found a whole new group of covid–19 patients. When there is money dangling from the sky.
There is money dangling and you have to understand the ventilator companies,–– remember I talked about the GPO's? Every hospital supply goes through a Group Purchasing Organization, the hospital administrators get a kick–back, when we launched this petition, “Fire Fauci”, nearly 3000 medical doctors have signed that. This is because MD's were thinking they were the top of the food chain, they are all realizing this “covid–19 crisis” has diminished them to be front line medical workers that are treated like crap. They are realizing they are basically part of the machine, they are really not any better than the hospital nurses that they used to step on.
So that is the phenomenon that has occurred. But the bottom line is no one knows what the numerator is and further more the denominator is probably massive. This is a virus, there is many viruses we get, we could start talking about bio–weaponry, was it created etc. My point is this: Whether it is a bio weapon or not, it comes down to this fundamental issue. What do we do to support the immune system? That is the fundamental question and how does the immune system work?
Stefan interrupting: I got one idea, how about you don't stay inside and away from the sun, that's just one thing I'm going to toss out there.
That is one, I got one even more powerful, I just did a video on this, something even more powerful than that, forget even supplements. You know what that is?? Social interactions. The #1 reason, –– there has been a longevity study done, the number one reason when they looked at many many cultures, they wanted to figure out why people live longer. The #1 reason – Here are the top 3 reasons and in the top 3 did not include food What the #1 reason was [ [(Social Interactions)}].
Stefan: We are social animals, we are not dogs nor cats we need each other desperately ?? Communal activity.
You can see a dog not given enough attention. You can destroy someone by way of example, you know I was brought up here but Indians have this arranged marriage model. Indians after they immigrate here still want to maintain connections to their old culture, they will go back to India for an arranged marriage, they will find some woman in a village, a huge social community bring her out of that and bring her to the United States, married, the husband goes to work and she is now stuck in a little suburb with no friends. So many suicides, these people you know, we just had another very close friend of mine. His wife had depression 40 years ago, very extroverted person, completely well for the last 40 years she just relapsed into massive depression because she can't go to the Y, she can't play bridge, she has lost all her connections. There are a set of people who need those social connections. I would argue most of us, and if you don't have that, the research by Steven Koll, by the way there is a 1988 landmark study that showed that lack of social contact, social isolation, is detrimental, worse than high blood pressure, worse than obesity, and worse than even smoking, you might as well start smoking.
That has been scientifically shown. Than at the molecular systems level, the work of Steven Koll of humans and McCaw monkeys, socially isolating them, at the gene expression level it is shown your body will up–regulate genes which are inflammatory. And down regulate, which means suppress, genes that have anti–viral activity, so think about that. So, social isolation leads to viral infection and cancer and a number of other diseases.
Stefan: as well I've noticed, the left often has this goal of getting you de–platformed getting your reputation so shattered ??? This has always struck me as some sort of biological attack. An attack upon your immune system an attack on your very health because reputation and social gatherings are very important to us.
It is really the old model of some religions had guilt and shame, right? So you guilt and shame somebody and that is how you destroy them. So the goal is to guilt and shame people. And part of that guilt and shame, that is what we are seeing, people with masks, people without masks. What is fascinating for me to observe is, I'm running for the US Senate you know, we ran last year against ??? This year we are running against both the GOP party and the democrats on the republican ticket but we have to collect 20,000 signatures and we have to do it by hand, we have an amazing network of volunteers we have huge friendships, we are very close, we actually go collect.
The other (signature collectors) are sort of ‘cheaters', the three lawyers I'm running against, they hire people to collect their signatures, we never see them out there. We go out there and collect signatures, what is fascinating is, we will go to working class neighborhoods in central Mass, plumbers, electricians, they don't care about this nonsense, that was bull shit, they come out and sign. We go to Cambridge where there is all these elites, people wearing ventilators, ski masks, it is wild you see an actual difference with common sense folks who can appreciate what is going on and really the people are elites. That is what we have seen here. We've seen the fact that, getting back to Fauci, if you truly cared about public health, he is not making one comment, lets take the really bad people and I sent a letter to president Trump I said one of the groups of those people are the ones with serious crisis situations, they are about to go on ventilators and you know there is only about a 10 to 15 % chance they are going to survive.
Well what are they doing with those people? Here is a person, supposedly covid, whatever it is, it doesn't matter they are in a crisis situation which means their lungs are filling up with water, edema, fluid, so that little aluvi has liquid in it, say half filled, you take Boils law, you have a structure that has a certain volume, and now there is less volume, the pressure is going to increase and now you are putting hot – these ventilators are not just putting oxygen, they are actually pumping air, pressure, so what are you going to do? The edema is taking place in the lungs caused by the sidakind storm, your body is in an over–reactive state it is eating away at its own tissues in some sense and now your putting more pressure – – there is a beautiful paper which I shared which really shows how that high ventilation exacerbates that. So that basically why one of your doctors is saying that you are basically drowning people in their own fluid. The solution to that is and has been shown over and over and over again in multiple studies is high does, therapeutic dose vitamin C. So cheap. Ventilators could cost one hundred thousand dollars yet vitamin C costs pennies
Stefan: and you don't need an expert to administer it.
and you don't need an expert. I wrote to the president and said 100 grams over 24 hours, even if you take a lesser does, which is by the way the literature, 10 grams to 15 grams over 6 hours. What do you find? Why is Vitamin C so powerful?? First of all it eats up reactive oxygen species Anti–oxidant, it modulates the immune system, there's a chemical called GAPDH which your over reactive macrophages start putting out, it blocks that, so now you have modulated the immune system. It stops viral replication. And it inhibits ? Cappa Beta which really causes Inflammation. It is a four part thing. And what are you gonna lose? Why are they not doing it?
Stefan, I had one of the large news paper reporters call me and asked why I was recommending IV vitamin C and we had a long talk. She says ‘ya know, everything you say makes sense, I take care of my health, etc.’ I said ‘are you going to publish anything I say?’ And she said my editor will probably block anything I write about this. I said; ‘isn't that unfortunate”.
Stefan: because of the ads from the pharmaceutical industry
Exactly. So you have a situation where none of these people like Fauci give a damn about public health. What he cares about is his legacy, he is on the leadership council of the Gates Foundation, the Global Vaccine Plan. leadership council. So we didn't elect him on that. So this guy is an institutionalized creature who knows how to manipulate people, that is how you survive in academia. Academic make it by total manipulation. They are the masters of fraud.
Stefan: The whole peer review system is utterly garbage.
If they also like Einstein, Einstein didn't publish one paper Peer reviews. Peer review means you are eliminating people with new ideas. The issue should be citizen science.
shiva4senate.com Truth, Freedom, Health
What do I mean by that? You have to fight for freedom. We talked about censorship, without open discourse and debate, without the ability to have disagreements openly, we will never practice the scientific method.. We will get into scientific consensus, that is sort of fascism. That leads to fiction, not truth. We need freedom to get to truth. One of the things I have promoted is we need to have a Digital Rights Act which means the United States Postal Service a computer to facebook and google but they couldn't interfere– –– – – – – –So that is the digital rights act, that is how we get freedom, we start conversing in the digital world.
Truth comes from the Citizens Rights Act, that is my second solution. We need to destroy the scientific establishment and that destruction will only occur if we realize that we fund public research, that data is my data and your data. When they do research experiments is should go right to the cloud.
So first thing this will effect is, “where is all the climante change data?” I want to see it.
Stefan: This was the original hockey stick graph & once they realized it you could stick random numbers in there and still get the graph.
We need to take the power away from the academics. In the Indian cast system the academics were the Bramans, the scribes; and that is what we have created. Fauci is really a
brahmanwho's scribe advises the king, or in this case the politician. He is always there. Presidents come and go, this guy is always there. They shouldn't allow these guys to be in there this long, in fact we should eliminate tenure. Tenure should be taken away. Let these guys teach than go back to work.
Stefan: Tenure was originally started to keep people with unpopular opinions from being fired and now all it means is people with unpopular opinions will never be hired.
The third part of this is the Health side. We need to decentralized medicine to the edges.. Health can only emerge in the relation between me and the healer, because the body is such a fricking complex system. To mandate medicine from the top down is a constant of a deep personalized view of the body.. Where as modern medicine is realizing on size does not fit all. So when you look at a guy like Fauci he is practicing everything which is not human. Anti medicine.
1st he is practicing inclucivity, a small cult of people are going to decide.
2nd thing he is practicing is centralization fo authority. A small set of people. Opacity, how are all these decisions being made? The other piece of it is, it is all about deep personalization. Treating everyone like a lump. Based on that is why we are all locked up, everyone is being treated the same when the reality of it is we should take the amino compromise, give them high dose vitamin D, which creates ??? which are anti–microbial, give them high dosage vitamin A, which by the way they have no side effects. ???????????????
This is total nonsense and all of this is based on the imposition of fake science by Fauci, and he knows what he is doing. The key is, lets talk the science, ??? Lets talk infectious disease openly and around a table and if gates wants to show up who has no knowledge of this, if Hillary Clinton wants to show up and if Fauci wants to show up, and they can bring all the scientists they want. I'll take them all on but the bottom line is that they have actively created this fear mongering on a fake science model on the ignorance of peoples knowledge of the immune system.
So what we are seeing in closing, to summarize this is we a re seeing the conversion of big science, big academia, big pharma, at one point and it is all to make sure we have mandated medicine. We suppress decent and if it means printing 6 trillion dollars to crash the economy, they are fine with that. That is like I want to make a 6 trillion dollar investment today which I'll get over 20 years, 7 trillion, 140 trillion, over the next 10 years. ?? So this is relatively pennies for the global elite and if people can completely understand that we are looking at the consolidation of a corporation, a global elite corporation that spans national boundaries which is intent on securing their power on a model of us mandated to take a medicine. Mandated right into our blood stream, mandated where if we don't do that we will be tracked and not allowed to move. This is one of the most dangerous times we are in, however, the good news is there are a lot of smart people, common sense people working people, plumber, electricians, nurses, engineers who something doesn't make sense. That's why I think we are at a very interesting ??? point in human history with this occurrence.
It is also an opportunity for people to get awakened and smash these people, they need to be obliterated because they are destroying humanity. What they are really saying is, “I want to make you a machine in the Chinese factory.” And China from the elites is their testing ground. China is being exported. Made in China means made in China, we will consolidate, we will create the Chinese communist version of mandated state medicine, mandated academia, mandated state media which will deny the truth. If you go against them they will attempt to attack you. The only out of this is to go viciously after them. That is the way we a re going to win. We also have to recognize that the establishment is not always the enemy.
It is the ‘not so obvious' establishment, those people they put in, like Bernie Sanders, is is all you Bernie Sanders people out there, he sold out to Hillary Clinton. All you people that think bobby Kennedy is going to fight for you, he endorsed Hillary Clinton three times. He attacks Gates.
There is nothing more to talk about. So the way we are going to win is to wake up and realize this movement is coming from bottoms up from working people, me and you and others Stefan, who speak the truth, it is going to be bottoms up. Not going to be top down. Hollywood celebrities, we don't need you. Kenndy's, we don't need you. This is going to be an awakening and people are going to say this is my body and I'm going to say what goes into my body, no one owns it and the sun is a amazing vehicle.. It produces vitamin D. It produces ?never got that word?. Massachusetts has the third worst infrastructure in the US. They have a rating of F– –. Crumbling bridges, crumbling roads, crumbling water systems. What hell are these people like Elizabeth Warren, (senior Senator from Massachusetts) all these academic people, they should shut to hell up. They talk about public health yet they have no credibility. Nothing. We need to stop paying so much respect to these people, they have lost all of our respect.
GAVI - Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (Gates funded)
Gabby – The Gates foundation created “Gabby“ a vaccine alliance and if you look at their consortium it is vaccine manufactures, UNICEF, World Bank, and they funded that to about a billion dollars and so the Clinton Global Initiative and the Gates foundation are part of this and the goal is they are really big frontsman for big pharma
quan·ti·ta·tive adjective: relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality.
qual·i·ta·tive adjective: relating to, measuring, or measured by the quality of something rather than its quantity.
What is difference between qualitative and quantitative?
Qualitative data is not countable. It's chunks of text, photos, videos, and so on.
Quantitative data can be counted as it's numerical. Qualitative data is usually unstructured, which means it's not ordered or grouped logically.
The Mansfield Amendment of 1969, passed as part of the fiscal year 1970 Military Authorization Act (Public Law 91–121), prohibited military funding of research that lacked a direct or apparent relationship to specific military function.
aidasol? adisol? – probably an acronym & spelled wrong, I couldn't find a definition for it.
How a pair of anti–vaccine activists sparked a #FireFauci furor ...
Apr 13, 2020 – Shiva Ayyadurai or “Dr. Shiva” as his fans call him, claims Dr. Anthony Fauci is a deep–state plant.
Duesberg's work (www.duesberg.com)
cytokine – – are small secreted proteins released by cells have a specific effect on the interactions and communications between cells https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2785020/
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/books/pharma-gerald-posner.html How Big Pharma Grew Addicted to Big Profits – The New York Times
A tenured post is an indefinite academic appointment that can be terminated only for cause or under extraordinary circumstances, such as financial exigency or program discontinuation.
GMO plants typically produce non–viable seeds. There is that recurring business model that was talked about. Peter Duesberg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Duesberg
Gabby – The Gates foundation created “Gabby“ a vaccine alliance and if you look at their consortium it is vaccine manufactures, UNICEF, World Bank, and they funded that to about a billion dollars and so the Clinton Global Initiative and the Gates foundation are part of this and the goal is they are really big frontsman for big pharma
quan·ti·ta·tive adjective: relating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality.
qual·i·ta·tive adjective: relating to, measuring, or measured by the quality of something rather than its quantity.
What is difference between qualitative and quantitative?
Qualitative data is not countable. It's chunks of text, photos, videos, and so on.
Quantitative data can be counted as it's numerical. Qualitative data is usually unstructured, which means it's not ordered or grouped logically.
The Mansfield Amendment of 1969, passed as part of the fiscal year 1970 Military Authorization Act (Public Law 91–121), prohibited military funding of research that lacked a direct or apparent relationship to specific military function.
aidasol? adisol? – probably an acronym & spelled wrong, I couldn't find a definition for it.
How a pair of anti–vaccine activists sparked a #FireFauci furor ...
Apr 13, 2020 – Shiva Ayyadurai or “Dr. Shiva” as his fans call him, claims Dr. Anthony Fauci is a deep–state plant.
Duesberg's work (www.duesberg.com)
cytokine – – are small secreted proteins released by cells have a specific effect on the interactions and communications between cells https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2785020/
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/books/pharma-gerald-posner.html How Big Pharma Grew Addicted to Big Profits – The New York Times
A tenured post is an indefinite academic appointment that can be terminated only for cause or under extraordinary circumstances, such as financial exigency or program discontinuation.
GMO plants typically produce non–viable seeds. There is that recurring business model that was talked about. Peter Duesberg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Duesberg
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Evidence of Global Fraud.
“They” are blocking my links, they are blocking free speech, this should get your attention. Paste the following into your browser. (one at a time)
http://www.dumbellnebula.com/world_control.htm some of the world control video transcribed.
http://www.dumbellnebula.com/billgates_rat.htm How he has leveraged his wealth until he believes himself a messiah
www.vaccinehoax.com ☠☠☠ WEB site often blocked