Legislation is passed for one of two reasons and quite often a combination.
1. to secure their re-election.
2. to enrich the politician, family and/or his supporters
So, it you ask yourself "why to hell would the government spend money on so many stupid ventures?"
e.g. Pelosi had 20 million inserted in a bill to fund "Women's Studies" in some shit hole muslim nation. Why would we spend money in a muslim country for Women's Studies in a country that consider women as second-class citizens. Figured it out yet?? She made a deal with the corrupt muslim country and she will get millions of $ kicked back to her.
What is the matter with people?
“Political Correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end.”
We sent hurricane recovery aid to Hati and it ends up in Clinton's pockets.
There is no question this pandemic hoax is designed to fill certain individuals pockets with taxpayer money.
New York Times Says White Population in New Hampshire Is A ‘Problem’
Bernie Sanders’ ‘Medicare for All’ Plan Would Cost $32 Trillion and More Than Double Taxes
Sweden: An Activist Stopped a Plane from Take-Off in Order to Save an Afghan Migrant from Deportation. That Migrant Is Now in Jail.
GA: Democrat Candidate Running for Governor Is More than $200,000 in Personal Debt, But She Claims to Be Qualified To Oversee the State's Economy
Mainstream Media Has Ignored Over 538 Violent Attacks on Trump Supporters
Spanish Police Warn that 50,000 Migrants Are Waiting in Morocco to Invade Spain
I love my hometown. Hell, born and bred in New York! BUT IT IS GETTING OUT OF CONTROL!! Just reported on NY1 those who jump the turnstiles will no longer be arrested and just given a ticket. Why????? Because those who jump the turnstile are normally kids, or low income people, and ESPECIALLY IMMIGRANTS. YOU MEAN FUCKING ILLEGALS!!!!! So, by doing this it will establish a better relationship between the MTA cops and the COCKROACHES!!!! WE ARE BECOMING AS LAWLESS AS CALIFORNIA!
GoFundMe Cancels Fundraiser For ASU Students Who Were Viciously Attacked by BLM For Backing the Police. September 27, 2021 Last week you'll remember there were a couple of students from Arizona State University who were attacked by a group of BLM supporters because one of them had a laptop that said “Police Lives Matter.”
/katebrown.htm idiot governor of Oregon
/pelosi_main.htm just an idiot.
Al Gore Saving Energy
A new election and who did we have to vote for? (2000) Al Gore, the man who actually said ‘he invented the internet’, a man who had hundreds of thousands of gallons of water dumped from a reservoir in the middle of a drought so he could have a photo op; but he demands that you use a ‘low-flush’ toilet to save water. He said his staff arranged that (draining the reservoir)
and he can't control his staff but he wants to control the country?
Then we have George Bush. It is a well know fact that he has been bought by big business. His state suffers worst when it comes to environment but it is cheaper for big business. He has stated that he would (and did) stop the law suit against the tobacco industry because they have paid enough yet tobacco continues to kill hundreds of thousands of people a year and costs over 60 billion a year in individual medical expenses. They shouldn't be sued, they (the tobacco executives) should be in prison for murder.
Some text to find out more about our political system where the worst kind of people seem to get elected and they will do anything to get re-elected no matter the cost to the nation. Speaking of money, do you know why ‘they‘ seem unable to fix social security? Something somebody else paid for, yet they can come up with hundreds of millions to pay for undocumented immigrants.
You knew, of course; that Janet Reno said the American public shouldn't own arms (guns). Janet Reno is part of Clinton's administration and Gore is just a puppet of that administration. But you probably already knew that.
I know everybody is actually aware of the energy problem but they probably wern't watching when every time the budget needed to be cut, Research and Development (R&D) is always first to go. If the recessions doesn't happen during that politicians term of office, then the mentality is; it doesn't matter. Al Gore has said he wants to work on clean burning coal, but cutting R&D money on anything that might really be a long term answer is really stupid. But it keeps up the appearance of doing something and that is all that matters. The less you do the less chance you will be blamed for anything “bad.”
Michael Bloomberg owns 6 planes, 3 helicopters, 11 houses and 42 cars
The gay issue seems to be something everybody is pussy footing around feeling there is no answer. I feel there is an answer and it has to do with our environment and how we are screwing it up. There are innumerable examples on how this affects us, but nobody seems to want to put it together. Maybe it is because one of their biggest contributors might be implicated.
The Greenbrier Bunker
In Virginia underneath the Greenbrier Hotel that was actually built for the purpose of hiding the bunker, less than 1 hour from Washington D. C.. It would be interesting to see just who “owns” the Hotel and adjoining golf course(s) now. It turns out however, that a sub-launched missile could hit D.C. in 20 minutes there–by negating any value it had & now that the secret is out, it is worthless but you can be assured congress will make protecting their own personal ass a priority in up-coming budgets. Exposed in 1992 by a Washington Post article. It cost 10's of millions of dollars and was designed to house only congressmen & ‘their’ families.
The Greenbrier Hotel Corp. today operates as a subsidiary of Justice's company.
Blast Doors
This, and yet ‘they’ voted to allow ‘catsup’ to be considered a vegetable (saving school money) to skirt around their own previously passed law (passed to garner votes, to look concerned) concerning school lunches..
How about this?
You have all been hearing about the executives of Enron, Worldcom, etc. getting sent to prison for stealing all the money from their companies/investors.
Remember Gary Winnick - Global Crossing? He ended up with 700 million from a company that never made a dime. Yes, he was under investigation. Was he convicted of anything? Lets see, he was golfing with Clinton and a million bucks ended up in Clinton's library (a tax shelter, open only to ex-presidents), George Bush #1 ended up with a bundle from the same source. So I ask the question again, do you think the government is investigating him anymore? Not a chance. Neither Janet Reno (not that she did anything good anyway) nor John Ashcroft did anything about it. In fact on Christmas eve, Ashcroft announced they were dropping the investigation. On Christmas eve he said that. The very best day of the year to make an announcement everybody will forget or not pay attention too. It is not an accident he chose this time.
Are we shocked? No! It is S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure) for a corrupt congress!
Be sure you vote for your tried & true incumbents next election. <sic>
An essay by Senator William Fulbright (Founder of the Fulbright Scholarships) entitled
“The Elite and the electorate.”
Fulbright was a pillar of the American liberal establishment and an honored lecturer at the Council on Foreign Relations. His thesis was that common people are incapable of self rule because they do not have the aptitude, the knowledge, nor even the interest in acquiring the knowledge required for decisions on matters of state. Therefore, he argued, there always must be a ruling class, an elite segment of society to execute the task of leadership. The masses may be encouraged to believe they are in charge via the electoral process, but the reality is that a small group will run everything of importance.
Politics is the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
Germany to Abandon Climate Goal - After Merkel Criticized Trump for Doing Same
Germany will abandon its 2020 national global-warming goal of cutting carbon dioxide emissions 40% below 1990 levels. This is part of a deal to form a new coalition government. It's a major embarrassment to Chancellor Angela Merkel who criticized Trump for withdrawing from the Paris Treaty. University of Colorado professor, Roger Pielke, says that Germany's climate goals were mathematically impossible.
A Fannie Mae Settlement Is Reported
This is from the New York Times and it clear they really didn't want to point any fingers at their liberal brethren.
Fannie Mae, the giant mortgage buyer, is expected to pay more than $400 million today as part of a settlement to resolve claims that executives manipulated earnings in the 1990's so they could receive bigger bonuses, two people briefed on the situation said yesterday.
• • •
In the February report commissioned by Fannie Mae's board, investigators cataloged how the company repeatedly violated accounting principles to show stable earnings and less volatility. But that report laid the responsibility for many of the violations on two former top executives — the chief financial officer, J. Timothy Howard, and the controller, Leanne Spencer.
For Fannie Mae, the settlement is also a significant step in moving beyond an accounting scandal of almost $11 billion that resulted in a major management shake-up, including the abrupt departure of its chief financial officer and Franklin D. Raines, its former chairman and chief executive, who left in December 2004.
That move and other, smaller accounting steps let it meet earnings goals, enabling executives — including Mr. Raines, then the chief executive-designate, and James A. Johnson, the chief executive — to receive the maximum amount in bonuses for that year.
It found that Mr. Raines, who had served as a top official in the Clinton administration, “contributed to a culture that improperly stressed stable earnings growth.”
I would like to point out here that SNOPES says none of these 3 ever worked for the Clinton administration.
For the complete article @ New York Times but so often they disappear. It looks like they missed this one for now.
• • •
Jim, Tim and Frank
Frank Reins
Just in case you might have wondered how their ineptitude affected their lives after they ruined so many dreams and lives....let me refresh your memory:
Where are Jim, Tim and Franklin now? Here's a quick look into the three former Fannie Mae executives who brought down Wall Street.
Franklin Raines - was a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Fannie Mae. Raines was forced to retire from his position with Fannie Mae when auditing discovered severe irregularities in Fannie Mae's accounting activities. Raines left with a ”golden parachute” valued at $240 Million in benefits. The Government filed suit against Raines when the depth of the accounting scandal became clear.
Tim Howard - was the Chief Financial Officer of Fannie Mae. Howard was a strong internal proponent of using accounting strategies that would ensure a “stable pattern of earnings” at Fannie. Investigations by federal regulators and the company's board of directors Since concluded that management did manipulate 1998 earnings to trigger bonuses. Raines and Howard resigned under pressure in late 2004. Howard's Golden Parachute was estimated at $20 Million!
Jim Johnson - A former executive at Lehman Brothers and who was later forced from his position as Fannie Mae CEO. Investigators found that Fannie Mae had hidden a substantial amount of Johnson's 1998 compensation from the public, reporting that it was between $6 million and $7 million when it fact it was $21 million.” Johnson is currently under investigation for taking illegal loans from Countrywide while serving as CEO of Fannie Mae. Johnson's Golden Parachute was estimated at $28 Million.
WHERE did these upstanding individuals go from there? <sic>
Raines work(ed) for the Obama Campaign as his Chief Economic Advisor.
Howard was a Chief Economic Advisor to Obama under Franklin Raines.
Johnson was hired as a Senior Obama Finance Advisor and was selected to run Obama's
Vice Presidential Search Committee.
Sewage seems to reach it's own level
Why the Federal Government Broke Vaccine Law for 30 Years
July 25, 2018 Jon Rappoport
In my previous article on this subject, I established that, as a result of Robert F Kennedy, Jr.'s and Del Bigtree's work, we now know the federal government broke vaccine law for 30 years.
The Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS), starting in 1988, was supposed to report every two years to the Congress, on ongoing efforts to improve vaccine safety. NO REPORTS WERE EVER MADE.
So…why didn't they follow the law?
One: Arrogance. Federal agencies will, when they think they can get away with it, ignore a law entirely. They'll pretend it doesn't exist.
Two: Following the law would have constituted a de facto admission that vaccine safety is a problem. If you need to update your efforts in that direction every two years, there is a serious problem. The federal government does not, under any circumstances, want to admit vaccines cause widespread harm.
Three: The CDC buys and sells $4 billion worth of vaccines every year. Engaging in such huge business, while admitting vaccines are a continuing safety problem, doesn't create a coherent picture. It raises many uncomfortable questions.
Four: Would the federal government want to open the door to more and more vaccine whistleblowers over the years? Long-time CDC researcher, William Thompson, did blow the whistle on fraudulent MMR-vaccine-autism research, in 2014. Imagine Thompson and a few others spilling ALL the beans, telling everything they know about criminal lying and cover-ups at the CDC during the past 30 years. You start digging a hole in a putrid place, all sorts of rank material is going to emerge.
Mugwump: someone, especially in politics, who sits on the fence. won't commit to one side or the other..
Quiddities: When a politician avoids answering a question while pretending to answer it, she often does it using quiddity, or by bringing up irrelevant and distracting points.
CDC Official Helping Spook Trump's Economy with Coronavirus Fears Is Rod Rosenstein's Sister
Every election year has a disease
SARS —2004
ZIKA — 2016
I believe it will be said the demise of the US was primarily because the people quit talking to each other, which has been the greatest accomplishment of Obama, the liberals & deep state & it will serve that end. Wasn't the (fake) pandemic just perfect for that?.
What a paradox. In an age where we are so ‘connected’ that we don't ‘talk’ to each other anymore.
Money and Power. There are those that will do anything to get it and it turns out most of us given the opportunity will do the same. Corporations are taking over (e.g. [the late] Ken Lay former CEO of Enron stayed in the Lincoln bedroom [At the White House] 11 times), Bill Gates Microsoft with the most blatant demonstration of anti-competitiveness gets a pass from our government and the politicians that are supposed to protect us are on the take. Americans are so tuned to believing whatever they hear the most as being true don't know any better. The Media is owned by big corporations, controlled by the Bilderberg group? We all want to believe the best about people when in reality some things are so bad it is beyond comprehension or perhaps we simply just refuse to believe, it is easier that way.