$ The Federal Reserve Banking System $

The ‘FED’ is commonly used as an abbreviation for the Federal Reserve Bank.  It is not ‘Federal’ it is a private bank.  It is as ‘Federal’ as Federal Express!

(Definition: Counterfeit – an imitation, usually one that is made with the intent of fraudulently passing it off as genuine)
Why call it ‘Federal’ if it isn't, unless it is to give the impression it is?

Why the FED?  That is an important question.  That might be the most important question of your life and you can take 'that' to the bank. 

The ‘FED’ was created by congress, it was voted on during a Christmas vacation when only a few congressmen were available to vote, very few had to be ‘persuaded’. The ‘FED’ was created to create money and regulate the value there of.  Why?  Why create a private bank to ‘make’ (print) money and than borrow it from them?  Look at this way.  What if I needed $100 and I asked you to print me a hundred dollar bill, just that, print it, a piece of paper with ink on it, Monopoly money and than loan it to me with interest.  Hello!!!  Why do that? Why have somebody else print the money and than charge you for it?  I would love to tell the bank I had a million dollars in my account and please give me interest on it, but they won't, because it is  stupid, but our government is. Banks are making wealth for themselves while giving us monopoly money.

It happened because some of your greasy scumball politicians get to spend more wealth stolen from our children to make themselves wealthy and assure their tenure in congress. Banks have become the most powerful organization in Washington.  Some say it is the ‘FED’ that tells us who we can vote for (read here Bilderberg group?  and who we make war with.  Look it up, it exists, there are video's of it/them). You think you have a vote, you think you have a say, but you don't.  Look.  You elected an illegal muslim for the president, how is it possible that the entire media is silent about the whole thing, not a peep anywhere, not even from the republicans. Anything in the public that mentions the Obama birth certificate gets erased.  Internet; the Obama town hall web site is scrubbed daily of questions related to his eligibility. So on e-bay; a supposed copy of Obama's real birth certificate (from Kenya) was put up for sale but the listing keeps getting deleted.  I personally saw the listing, but it didn't stay on their long. Radio; talk radio has had its say but you can only say “Where's the Birth certificate” so many times to a limited audience before they get tired of hearing it until they finally turn around and walk willingly into the ‘showers’ (gas chamber, aka Jews WWII. This is not off the topic, this is the topic.  Obama isn't legal and he is getting by with it because the people that put him in power have power over almost every public outlet and are keeping the information suppressed.  That is what I am telling you.  The people that are ‘in control’ and so powerful to pull this off, they are the FED, or rather the people behind the FED.  They have been working this scheme for 100 years. (My sincere apologies to the very few politicians who actually took the job as a service to the public)

This Video will explain much.
These videos will start from the beginning. The biggest con

Never in history has so many been plundered by so few and it is all accomplished by the biggest scam in history. Stealing prosperity out of the future so they can spend it now.. Talk of a debt ceiling is delusional… Banks get a cut of the operation at every turn. The politicians perpetrate the problem because they don't want the inevitable collapse to be on their watch. Our current system is actually unconstitutional. "The decrease in purchasing power incurred by holders of money due to inflation, imparts gains to the issuers of money." Federal Reserve Our system is a fraud, it is a pyramid scheme, it is a ponzi scheme and it is a lie. It is legalized theft!! By this means government may secretly and unobserved, confiscate the wealth of the people, and not one man in a million will detect the theft." John Maynard Keynes This system is fundamentally evil. It funnels wealth from the working population to the government and banking sector. "The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. the process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. The current world monetary system is based on a three-hundred year-old design meant to enrich a few at the expense of the many…


hiddensecrets.com for more information (not https compliant)
www dot hiddensecretsofmoney dot com">10 episodes, (which will switch you to goldsilver dot com here which I haven't had time to check) unravel the difference between currency and money. This is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn, and will pave the way for your understanding of future episodes. Because without knowing exactly what money is... how can we expect to understand the ramifications of how it is treated by different civilizations, politicians, and central bankers? Notice the link changed names. I'll get back to you on that.
"The creature from Jekyll Island" IN ITS 302nd PRINTING, by G Edward Griffin is a well know book on the subject everyone should have read. It is available for free download.. https://archive.org/download/pdfy--Pori1NL6fKm2SnY/The%20Creature%20From%20Jekyll%20Island.pdf Or Click Here.
Ron Paul praised the book.“A superb analysis deserving serious attention by all Americans,” Rand’s dad wrote. “Be prepared for one heck of a journey through time and mind.”

Government Control! Politicians feel themselves god-like, above the law, and certainly smarter than the voter. (Most, there are a few good ones left)

Congress is the source of most corruption. So many of the politicians are in there for their own personal gain and power.

Contrary to what you may believe, the Constitution is not the Supreme Law of the Land.

You've heard the expression, "hidden in plane sight" or "Can't see the forest for the trees?" Political corruption in the US is just that.

Anti-Protest Law Passes Nearly Unanimously and Is Signed By The (Illegal) President.

Adam Schiff Connected to Both Companies Named in $7.4 Billion Burisma–US–Ukraine Corruption Case.

I (Aaron Russo) set out on a journey to make a film about whether or not there was a law requiring Americans to pay income tax.. or was the tax a fraud being perpetrated by the federal government.


The ‘FED’ is commonly used as an abbreviation for the Federal Reserve Bank. It is not ‘Federal’ it is a private bank. It is as ‘Federal’ as Federal Express!
(Definition: Counterfeit – an imitation, usually one that is made with the intent of fraudulently passing it off as genuine)
Why call it ‘Federal’ if it isn't, unless it is to give the impression it is?