It was miraculous,
It was almost no trick at all,
he saw to turn vice into virtue
and slander into truth,
Impotence into abstinence,
arrogance into humility,
thievery into honor,
blasphemy into wisdom,
brutality into patriotism,
and sadism into justice.
Anybody could do it:
it required no brains as all.
It merely required “NO CHARACTER”
Joseph Heller, Catch 22
Republican Representative Thomas Massie exposed both the Republican and Democrat parties for voting for the same bad results. He said that when an omnibus bill is presented, both parties engage in “fake fighting” that he called “political theater”. He added that instead of the omnibus bill, Congress should have voted on 12 separate bills. Although Republicans object to assaults on freedom, in the end, they “cave” at the last minute and more totalitarian laws are put in place.
He said that the SAVE Act, which requires individuals to provide proof of US citizenship to register to vote in federal elections, will expose Democrats, who will vote against it and show that they want illegal aliens to vote in US elections. However, he revealed that Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson will remove the SAVE Act from the bill at some point and it will never be passed.
Massie stated that the government never cuts spending because the Democrats want to grow the welfare state and the Republicans want to grow the military industrial complex. He said that eventually both parties get together on the bill and he guaranteed it will go up.
After Massie’s speech on Monday, House Speaker Mike Johnson pulled the bill until next week in hopes of building “consensus”.
☭ ☭
Democrats and Republicans, is there really a difference? They are both Politicians and they both want the same thing; Money, Power and above all, to stay in office i.e. more money, more power.
and they will stop at nothing to get what they want.
The integrity of many, if not most of our politicians, has dropped to near zero and corruption is at an all time high. If we don't fix it, we will have lost our country...
“IT” IS'US'Against'Them'!
Don't believe me?? The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to protect us from congress. The #1 protection is the freedom of speech. So what does congress do in a near unanimous vote? They passed a law limiting your freedom of speech.HR 347 (2012 congress). It doesn't eliminate it totally but they are creeping up to it. Why? They don't want you saying anything bad about them, they don't want to be embarrassed by exposing their lies and corruption and it fits in perfectly with the socialist agenda. It is one of several laws designed to negate the First amendment. It is just the beginning. It is Congress trying to shut you up.
Congressmen consider themselves elitists and above the laws they force on the rest of us. Again and again they exempt themselves from the laws they make. They have decided that we would be better off under a "one-world government," [Agenda 21] and they see themselves in control of course. They consider voters too 'stupid' to govern themselves. [The existence of "Agenda 21" has been confirmed in Wikileaks.]
Donald Trump is the first non-politician president in a century. Especially Democrats but even many Republicans want him out, he is not part of “Deep State”, he is not part of the “New World Order”. He has never been invited to attend the Bilderbergs meetings.
So what is the “New World Order?” FASCISM, pure and simple. I was trying to look up “New World Order” to put in a decent link but the search engines are so dominated by the left I couldn't find one in the limited amount of time I have. That should be a sign of what is coming.
WE are NOT
Politicians: federal, state, and local have never given up a single paycheck. They have not plowed under their fields or slaughtered their livestock or dumped their milk. They have not lost their homes or businesses. They have not laid awake all night wondering how they will feed their families or pay their bills.
As they continue to enforce some of their draconian restrictions, not one of them is suffering from their own decisions. They are not now...and never will be...any part of the "WE" in this!!!
If this idiocy continues we will become one big Police State!
Many politicians have never "worked" a day in their lives! e.g. Joe Biden!
90% of Politicians Consider themselves ‘God-Like’, Elitists, Saints, Smarter, Privileged and above the law.
The other 10%? Bullied, brow-beat, threatened and intimidated into impotence.
The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them in parliament.
Vladimir Lenin
Congress exempts themselves from the very laws they expect others to follow.
They should name public toilets after congressperson. e.g. the Pelosi Pisser, the Clinton Crapper the Feinstein Flop the Walters Water Closet the Bush Balcony the obama squat..
A different WEB site that echos my feelings so well. It is worth a look. I feel vindicated that someone else (hundreds of WEB sites & millions of people) echoes my feelings..
I don't doubt many people got into politics with good intentions, perhaps to ferret out the very abuse they later perpetrate, it is like going into a leper colony to help the sick, in all likelihood you will become contaminated yourself.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Corruption is so blatant and so common, it is joked about off the camera.
The making of a tyrant: give some small, simple-minded individual a little bit of power and you get Mussolini, Hitler, Joe Biden, Jessy Jackson, Al Sharpton, LBJ, Nancy Pelosi, Francisco Franco; (Kate Brown's role model), …
The only fix is to re-cycle the positions regularly, before they get corrupted, before they become ‘POLITICIANS’.
Ruppert, "People talk to me about the problem of republican verses democrat but they don't get it. I said look, here is the way to look at it, It is organized crime. All you do is call the Republicans the Genovese and the Democrats the Gambinos... The people at the top treat it like a crap game. It is their crap game and they are making lots of money. Occasionally at the table somebody shoots each other but the moment anything threatens their crap game they all unite to protect it....They are both controlled by the same financial and corporate interest."
Socialist Push ‘Medicare For ALL’, It Would Cost Americans Over $30 Trillion. They also are pushing for open borders which means ANYONE getting across the border would be enrolled. What an incentive to come here! $3000 a month in benefits, free medical, free schooling for your many children, plus you can send for the rest of your family later. Guatemala and Honduras and El Salvador and Nicaragua and Costa Rica and Panama and Colombia and Venezuela and Guyana and Suriname and French Guiana and Peru and Bolivia and Paraguay and, ‘oh my god’ Argentina is in really terrible trouble, trouble because of their socialist government, (what democrats are pushing) people there are starving by the thousands there maybe we should bring the whole pucking country up here, and Brazil too, then we can start on Africa, just think of the millions and millions of poor hungry people over there and then there is the Middle East where a few are rich from the oil and the rest starve oh my god and at least 100 million poor starving East Indians and at least twice that many in China and Bangladesh will soon be underwater from rising sea levels we had better get them settled here too. 170 million. What language is it they speak?? Multi lingual traffic signs so they are able to drive around safely in Spanish, Portuguese, Rangpuri, French, and maybe even English.…
It is also top of the list in every playbook on how to destroy a democracy.
Here’s Why 97% Of Congress Get Re‑Elected Each Year When the Overwhelming Majority of Americans Think They Are Doing a Bad Job
October 21, 2019
Only 17% of Americans think that Congress is doing a good job, yet 97% of incumbents get reelected each year. Auditors at compared the federal checkbook with the congressional campaign donor database and found that powerful congressmen received large campaign donations from federally subsidized contractors based in their districts. The congressmen directed billions in federal money to the contractors. The politicians also received private employment, employment for their family members, and investments as other forms of compensation kickbacks. The practice is legal, but unethical. full article
A case for term limits
Congresswoman Kay Granger Reported Missing and Living in Nursing Facility
December 23, 2024 NY Post
US Representative Kay Granger, an 81-year old Republican from Fort Worth, Texas, was reported to have been missing for almost six months and found at an independent living facility. She was elected to Texas’ 12th District in 1997. She has not cast a vote since July, sparking outrage that her team has not been upfront about her health. Her family confirmed that she is in an independent living facility, but denied that she is living in the memory care unit. They did confirm that she is showing signs of dementia.
"I don't work for you!" stated by Biden to a US taxpayer.
“Not One Single Whisper of Scandal During Obama Years”.
☠“The next Person that tells me I'm not religious, I'm going to shove my rosary beads up their ASS.”
☠Joe Biden has NEVERworked for a living, he has always sucked off the government teat.
☠Joe Biden so screwed up our exit from Afghanistan he literally gave our enemies 1 billion dollars worth of top line military equipment. Nobody disputes this, the media is silent.
☠His latest endeavor, while under the guise of giving billions to Ukraine, is ferreting off 100's of millions for himself and family. He is inviting WWIII with Russia due to his actions which include blowing up the 'Nord Stream' pipeline that went from Russia to Germany.
☠The Biden Whitehouse has made it their policy to officially label anyone who disagrees with them and means it as white supremacists and domestic terrorists.
Joe Biden's son Hunter missed his father's big campaign launch rally despite having planned to be there in Philadelphia because, based on a Prescott Arizona, police report from 2016 that named Hunter as the suspect in a possible narcotics offense and he was detained. If this idiocy continues we will become one big Police State! Joe got a hooker pregnant while while dating his brothers widow. Hunter Biden’s ex-stripper baby mama was on his payroll while pregnant. YOU ARE THE FATHER Hunter Biden DID father child with ex-stripper Lunden Roberts while dating his brother’s widow, judge rules. Hunter Biden’s ‘baby mama’ Lunden Roberts was stripper at club he frequented.
Obama Blocked State Dept Attempt To Look Into Hunter Biden in 2015. the Washington Post confirmed that the Obama Administration deliberately ignored a corruption warning raised in 2015 by top State Department official George Kent regarding Hunter Biden's involvement with Burisma, a large gas company in Ukraine.
The report reveals that the Obama administration allowed Hunter Biden to hold his board position at Burisma even thought they knew that his involvement with the company was corrupt.
JOE BIDEN's Youngest Brother CONFESSES Most Of Biden Family Voted For Trump.
☠ ☠ ☠
Kamala Harris
A democratic lawyer who's socialist ideas go so far as she believes the government should tell you what to eat. 5 times prosecutor & ex-mayor of San Francisco. Democrat operatives, pretending to be advocates for women, sent a memo to media organizations cautioning against criticism of vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Joe Biden's pick for VP of the United States.
An appellate court found Kamala Harris and San Francisco police took part in framing and prosecuting a man named Jamal Truelove for a murder he didn't commit. Harris even paid the key witness over $60,000 in housing and relocation benefits for testifying against Jamal so she could get the conviction before the election. After years behind bars ane even being stabbed while in prison, Jamal was exonerated and paid a $13.1 million dollar settlement by the city of SF. Kamala Harris ruined this man's life so she could get the vote.
Gov. Tim Walz
VP elect
(born April 6, 1964) He served in the National guard up until it looked like they would be called up. Anti-racism requires that we depart from traditional American support for treating everyone equally as individuals regardless of race, and impose government policies to discriminate with the intent to rectify past discrimination. Gov. Tim Walz. As governor of Minnesota, Walz championed creation of a so-called Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Center at the Minnesota Department of Education “to build toward an education system committed to anti-racism.”
Mayor Lori Lightfoot
Democrat, Racist Black Mayor of Chicago
(born Dianne Emiel Goldman, June 22, 1933) Mayor Lori Lightfoot Has Doubled Down on Her Hatred for Caucasians. You can forget that Constitution thingy Lori Lightfoot declares, we’re in an open borders New World Order now where police are being replaced with social workers and citizens will be forced to defend themselves with rocks and bricks.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot often referred to as Beetle Juice is one of the worst mayors in the history of America.
she decided to give herself a monster pay raise.
Now it turns out that she outright lied to residents by telling them that them that turning an elementary school into a shelter for illegals “wasn’t in the cards.” The moron has closed down an elementary school and has turned it into a shelter for illegal aliens.
Not only does she refuse to say she’s sorry, confirmed lesbian but alleged Mayor Lori Lightfoot doubles down and confirms she’d do it again. As Daily Wire reports, the bug-eyed liberal “is “unapologetic” over her controversial decision to grant only non-white and female reporters interviews as part of her mid-term media blitz.”
That’s racist and illegal discrimination but everybody knows, Democrats are above the law.
Progressive Democrat officials including Lori Lightfoot have inside information that laws are actually a thing of the past. Nobody has actually made the announcement yet but the Palace is expecting word from the Rothschild consortium any day now.
Lightfoot is totally silent about the “record-breaking spike in crime” her city has seen since they defunded the police. If she had her way she wouldn’t talk to a man ever again. If any of the other alleged sexes want to interview her, they better not be White.
“I would absolutely do it again. I’m unapologetic about it because it spurred a very important conversation, a conversation that needed to happen, that should have happened a long time ago.”
The flap got started when a Chicago reporter tweeted that a spokesunit for Lightfoot informed the press that the Voodoo priestess “is granting 1 on 1 interviews – only to Black or Brown journalists.”
All the other reporters rushed to confirm what Lori Lightfoot said and verify her liberal insanity, which they did with ease.
The carpet-munching mayor didn’t blink her Marty Feldman eyes, defending the official policy as a way of “calling attention to what she termed the ‘overwhelming whiteness and maleness’ of the Chicago media.”
Dianne Feinstein
(born Dianne Emiel Goldman, June 22, 1933) Born June 22, 1933 Elected to Congress 1992. Anti gun Activist, hates anything not democrat. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) had a Chinese spy on her staff who worked for her for about 20 years, was listed as an “office director“. Senator on the Judiciary Committee, voted against impeaching Bill Clinton.
Idiotic doesn't begin to describe this woman, she should be in a facility, not congress. Dead, finally, @ 90 YO Sept 29, 2023
Hillary Clinton
Born October 26, 1947 Elected to Congress 2000. Hillary Clinton said Tuesday: “Civility in America can only begin again if Democrats win back the House or Senate this fall. You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Hillary said in an interview with CNN's Christiane Amanpour. “That's why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.” She studied Sal Alinsky in college and quoted him in her thesis. Agreed (with him) that a democracy was radical.
Maxine P Walters
Maxine is Blatant racist, elected only because of her color and her hatred of anyone not black. Born August 15, 1938, Elected to Congress 1991. Corrupt and a racist, she rails against everything she is. Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to publicly confront and harass members of the Trump administration. Maxine Waters owns multiple properties in southern California. As reported, one of them is a home worth millions that is located in a section of Hancock Park that sits outside Waters district. Waters listed the value of the home as $1 million to $5 million on financial disclosure statements for 2014. Real estate records indicate that the home was last sold in 2004, and that its current value is about $2.8 million
George H Bush
George Herbert Walker Bush Born June 12, 1924. Vice President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. 41st President, 89‑93. Prepared the way for obama while making himself and his cronies rich. Bankers love wars, Bush went to war with Iraq. There is nothing like a war to hide stealing hundreds of millions of dollars in plain sight. www dot cs.cornelldotedu/gries/howbushoperates/haliburton.html/" Halliburton article missing.
George W Bush
George Walker Bush Born July 6, 1946, 46th governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000, 43rd President, 2001 to 2009. A failing tax shelter salesman bought & 2% interest [with $600,000 of borrowed money], on a scheme to buy (a mediocre baseball team) the Rangers in Arlington, Texas, and bilk the residents out of millions of tax dollars. He wanted to eliminate social security (but keep the tax). Started Homeland Security, a near military style law group exempt from constitutional restrictions (Homeland Security). He is the Author of T.A.R.P. a bail-out for bankers after the Glass-Stegall act was repealed and the bankers went nuts (buying junk bonds they were previously prohibited from doing), the bank CEO's made hundreds of millions of dollars, the banks went bankrupt and the taxpayer had to pay for it.
"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."
Bill Clinton
Born William Jefferson Blythe III, Governor of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981, and again from 1983 to 1992, became 42nd President, 01-09. Despite the fact he lied under oath to a grand jury, despite the fact almost a dozen women accused him of of rape and other sexual assaults, despite the fact he lied about sex with young interns until DNA evidence proved his lies, the liberals still support him. Philander of the nth degree. A corrupt governor/president obsessed with money, power, and sex. Over 45 people with damning evidence about the Clinton's have died often of curious circumstance and at least once, one was on the way to a hearing with evidence that could have started indictment proceedings against him.
Gavin Newsom
40th and current governor of California. Newsom has four young children with his second wife, film-maker Jennifer Siebel Newsom. Pro gay rights, same sex marriage, welfare, pro immigration and obama care for all. Eight elite San Francisco families funded Gavin Newsom's political ascent. A coterie of San Francisco's wealthiest families has backed him at every step of his political rise, which in November 2018 led next to his election as governor of California. Newsom's aunt was married to Ron Pelosi, the brother-in-law of Nancy Pelosi. The Pelosi, Brown, Newsom, Getty connection. or paste this into your browser: youtu dot be/ofLvExAbxWs ** again, damning evidence has been deleted. Newsom's aunt was married to Ron Pelosi, the brother-in-law of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi.
Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Patricia Pelosi Born March 26, 1940. State Rep 1998. Pelosi is in her 17th term as a congresswoman, representing California's 12th congressional district (since 2013), which consists of four‑fifths of the city and county of San Francisco. “You don't need God anymore, you have us democrats.” Nancy Pelosi in 2006. Socialism has worked so well in her hometown of San Francisco, the homeless now defecate in the aisles of grocery stores. Pelosi says the security videos of the Jan 6 episode in Washington D.C. are not public.
“We have to pass ObamaCare to figure out what’s in it”.
Uttered by then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. This is why we must never lose the 2nd amendment.
Barack Obama
Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961, in Nyang’oma Kogelo, just outside the Kenyan city of Kisuma, Kenya, Africa. First (ILLEGAL), first muslim, first gay, elected president. He is the bastard child of a bigamous marriage between two communists. His father ran out the day he was born. He grew up in a muslim household in Muslim Indonesia and went to Muslim schools. Customs records 3 days on each side of his re‑entry into the US have disappeared. In the US he had sex with older white men in exchange for cocaine. He got into law school through affirmative action and possibly paid for by Saudi Arabia although yet, not one person ever remembers him ever attending a single class. There is not a single legal document out there with his name as a lawyer on it. He never did a day's work in his life. He was elected by white people trying to prove they're not racists, a card he continue to play. As president he did everything he could to weaken America and aid its enemies. (Remember the pallet of money he gave Iran?) He spied on Trump (since proven) and tried to illegally throw the election to Hillary (also since proven). He's continues trying to foment revolution against our government.
Obama chose Communists and Marxists for the highest, most powerful positions in our land, including his closest political advisers and his head of the CIA. These facts are not in dispute. Most are openly admitted by the people in question, as necessary damage control. Our press chooses not to report them.
Professor Paul Kengor has extensively researched the Chicago communists whose progeny include David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Hussein Obama. Add the openly Marxist, pro‑communist Ayers, and you have many of the key players who put Obama into power.
His Kenyan father was a communist, who met Obama's mother, a radical leftist, in a Russian language class. Stanley Dunham, Obama's white grandfather, chose a notorious member of the Communist Party to be Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.
Obama wrote in his memoir that in college, he sought out Marxist professors. A Marxist student at Occidental College, John Drew, confirms that Obama was a revolutionary Marxist in college. Drew recounts:
Obama ... believed that the economic stresses of the Carter years meant revolution was still imminent. The election of Reagan was simply a minor set‑back[.] ... As I recall, Obama repeatedly used the phrase "When the revolution comes..." "There's going to be a revolution," Obama said, "we need to be organized and grow the movement." In Obama's view, our role must be to educate others so that we might usher in more quickly this inevitable revolution. ... Obama seemed to think their ideological purity was a persuasive argument in predicting that a coming revolution would end capitalism.
Obama tells us the radical socialist conferences he attended before law school gave him his road map in life — i.e., their plan to put a stealth black candidate in the White House. Obama's biggest job and his political career in Chicago were launched by self‑avowed communist Bill Ayers. Obama's run for state representative was as the handpicked successor of a socialist state representative, who was publicly active in communist circles. Obama's calling in life was work as a hard‑left Alinskyite radical agitator. Until he became president, Obama was a 20‑year member of an openly Marxist church whose members had to take a pledge against the middle class. When did Obama reject Marxism?
Jessie Jackson
Jesse Louis Jackson Sr. Born October 8, 1941, as Jesse Louis Burns, his mother a 16 year old high school student and his father a 33 year old neighbor. He was allegedly a Baptist minister. He made a career of inciting racism and hatred. Openly racist. Political agitator. Blamed police for high crime rate. Advocates strong gun control. Socialist/Anarchists. As a presidential candidate suggested using Americas retirement funds to rebuild cities. Made it a point to be at every anti-police rally.
Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Strenuously and openly advocated socialism for all. Endorsed the socialist political system in Argentina. When Iran Took Americans Hostage, Bernie Backed Iran's Defenders. As Democrat Socialists condemned Khomeini's hostage taking, Sanders stood with a communist party that condemned “Carter's war drive against the Iranian people.” Wants open borders and obama–care for all. Gun control advocate. He has never worked for a living. Born September 8, 1941, elected to house, 1990.
John McCain
John Sidney McCain III (1936 - 2018) is an American politician who served as the senior United States Senator from Arizona 1987 until his death. He was the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election, which I personally believe he was expected to lose in a rigged election. They thought they would bring in this right–wing fireball (Palin) to positively sink his chances and were shocked when Americans actually wanted to hear the truth and she almost won them the election. Only by restricting what she could say did they manage to lose. Why did this “war hero” needed to be “pardoned” by the sitting president? After hid death his wife became an active democrat.
Jeff Merkley
Jeffrey Alan Merkley born October 24, 1956, senator since 2009. Avid democrat, socialist in action, elected under questionable circumstance. Thinks the selfish great great great great … grandchildren should pay anyone that can cross the border & get $3000.oo/mo in benefits plus obamacare. Real heavy on criticism, real light on answers. Slated to take Pelosi's position. An estimated net worth of $3,626,014 in 2015.
Tom Daschle
TomDaschle born in 1947, is a retired American politician and lobbyist who served as a United States Senator from South Dakota from 1987 to 2005. In office June 6, 2001 – January 3, 2003 Arch defender of anything democrat and mostly that which enriches himself. The corruption even involves his wife. He is what is wrong with America, what is wrong with congress. born December 9, 1947, House of Representatives in 1978.
Elena Kagan
Elena Kagan The democratic representative on the supreme court appointed by obama. Was one of the justices who met behind closed doors re: obama's eligibility. Would not recuse herself on affairs in which she was politically involved. You already know how she will vote on the issues. Elena Kagan (born April 28, 1960) is an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. She is the Court's fourth female justice.
Jimmy Carter
James Earl Carter Jr. (born October 1, 1924) 39th president of the United States from 1977 to 1981. American politician, 39th President of the United States (77 to 1981). Interest rates soared to 21% during his socialist administration. He thought we should pay for repairing sewers in Cairo. His policies foreveremboldening muslims to attack anything American by (allowing 400 Americans to remain hostage for 444 days.), He is the one that originally sold nuclear reactors to N Korea because they “promised” to use them for peaceful purposes.
John Kerry
John Forbes Kerry, (born December 11, 1943) served as the 68th United States Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017. Ran for president in 2004 claiming a heroic war record in the Viet Nam war which most believe was fabricated. Kerry's fellow 'Swiftees' dispute his Purple Hearts. A number of the combat commanders, fellow officers and other men who served with Sen. John Kerry in Vietnam have challenged his accounts of combat heroism in a new book, ‘Unfit for Command’ (Regnery Publishing), by John E. ONeill, who took over command of Swift Boat PCF 94 from Lt. Kerry, and Jerome R. Corsi, a political scientist who has written extensively about the Vietnam War protest movement. Each of these excerpts from ‘Unfit for Command’ includes comparisons of Mr. Kerry's earlier published accounts to recollections of others who served with him.
In the history of Swift Boats in Vietnam, all military personnel served a tour of duty of at least one year unless seriously wounded. Among the few exceptions was John Kerry, who requested to leave Vietnam in 1969 after four months, citing a regulation that permitted release of personnel with three Purple Hearts.
Kerry, now the four‑term senator from Massachusetts and the Democratic presidential nominee, is also the only known “Swiftee” who received the Purple Heart for a self‑inflicted wound.
Thomas Perez
Thomas Edward Perez born October 7, 1961 in Buffalo, New York. An American Democratic Party politician who was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee in February 2017. Labor secretary under Clinton. As corrupt as Bill, Dropped Voter Intimidation Charges Against Black Panthers Who Brought Weapons to a Polling Place, Doesn't Think White People Are Protected Under the Voting Rights Act, Used a Private Email Address to Dodge Accountability. (sound familiar?) 26th United States Secretary of Labor,
Ted Kennedy
Edward Moore "Ted" Kennedy Democrats seem to love to make heroes of the rich regardless of them being murdering corrupt philanderer drunks. Edward Moore Kennedy (February 22, 1932 – August 25, 2009) was an American politician who served as a United States Senator from Massachusetts for over forty years from 1962 until his death in 2009. He managed his brothers election while at the same time there was an intense hatred between him and Robert's running mate, LBJ. He was being groomed for presidency but a scandal where he crashed his car with his (pregnant?) secretary inside, did nothing to save her, taking hours to report the accident while she drowned, no reported autopsy. Many questions arose about his much delayed reporting of the accident. Nothing was ultimately done, no charges were filed, he is a Kennedy, he is above the law.<sic>
John Kennedy
John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy 35th President of the United States of America. John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), commonly referred to by his initials JFK, was an American politician who served as the 35th President of the United States from January 1961 until his assassination in November 1963. Jack was not in good health. He had one leg shorter than the other causing him a lifetime of spinal problems and Addison's disease so bad that he was given last rites 3 times as a younger man. The early treatment for Addison's disease curiously had the effect of boosting ones libido, something Jack had no shortage of to begin with. Marilyn Monroe sang Happy Birthday to him and of course, rumor has it she spent the night. Philanderer extraordinaire. Backed out of the “Bay of Pigs” invasion leaving the revolutionaries to their fate on the beach with the communists of Cuba. He started sending “Advisors” to Viet Nam to help with their war against communism.
Patrick Leahy
Democrat Senator from Vermont, in office since 1975. Forty-Two Years a Senator. Served on the Judiciary Committee in 1998 and voted against impeachment of Bill Clinton. He would have voted to protect Hitler, had he been a liberal. First to endorse fellow socialist from Vermont, Bernie Sanders, after Endorsing Clinton in 2016. Scott Milne,"Patrick Leahy is the poster child of what is www dot">wrong with America. Exact file now missing."
Dick Durbin
Democratic Senator from Illinois since 1997. Served on the Judiciary Committee in 1998 and voted against impeachment of Bill Clinton. Dirty Dick Durbin and his www dot classic attack video has been deleted, on our military as the deranged senator calmly compared our men and women in uniform to Nazis, Soviets or members of the notorious Pol Pot regime.
Illinois wasn't always the epicenter of political corruption and incompetence in America. Let us not forget that Illinois is the Land of Lincoln and the birthplace of Ronald Reagan. Of course that was long before Saul Alinsky, Hillary Rodham, Carol Mosley-Braun, Rod Blagojevich, Pat Quinn, Richard Daley, Barack Obama and Dick Durbin (to name just a few) turned our state into the laughing stock of America.
Illinois wasn't always the epicenter of political corruption and incompetence in America. Let us not forget that Illinois is the Land of Lincoln and the birthplace of Ronald Reagan. Of course that was long before Saul Alinsky, Hillary Rodham, Carol Mosley-Braun, Rod Blagojevich, Pat Quinn, Richard Daley, Barack Obama and Dick Durbin (to name just a few) turned our state into the laughing stock of America.
The best of www dot" Dick Durbin non liberal articles don't stand a chance of not being edited out.
Chuck Schumer
Senator from the State of New York. Charles Ellis Schumer. The man is incompetent, has abysmal politics, and as we were reminded in a huge New York Times investigation into Facebook, he is extremely corrupt.
In his first two years as Senate minority leader, Schumer had two main priorities. First, preserve his vulnerable moderates running in deeply Trumpy states, like Claire McCaskill in Missouri, Heidi Heitkamp in North Dakota, and Joe Donnelly in Indiana. Second, use the Trump presidency to sneak through some odious stuff that most liberals hate.
Senator Chuck Schumer was accused of raping his daughter's 16 year old friend who later committed suicide.
Chuck Schummer caught taking 6.4 million in expenses! Fined $138,000. still in Senate?? So if I rob a bank for 19 million and give 1 mil back, I'm OK?
Schumer threatened republicans if they didnt vote for his 77 billion aid for Ukrain he would send US troops.
NY Governor Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo Legalized Abortions Up to Birth in New York but Calls de‑clawing Cats “Cruel and Painful”.
Forced retirement homes to take in covid positive patients, accused of sexual harassment and found guilty of breaking several state laws. Born December 6, 1957, never worked a real job a day in his life. Spends less time on his current job than most people do at the theater. Governor of New York since 2011. Cuomo has also been caught violating his own mandatory mask orders on several occasions. “Hypocrite”.
NY Mayor Bill de Blasio
109th Mayor of NYC
Democrat, anti-gun activist. NYC to Ban Hot Dogs and Processed Meat to Improve Climate.. De Blasio Wants to Take Citizens' Guns but His Bodyguards can keep theirs.
Bill de Blasio Drops Out Of 2020 presidential Race To Return To NYC — Where He Does Absolutely Nothing, again.
September 23, 2019 By Tristan Justice.. Now that de Blasio is no longer running for president, the mayor will have more time to hide in the city’s Gracie Mansion and log more seven‑hour work months rather than face the serious problems that have plagued the city for years. He Sends Police to break up religious meetings but allows ANTIFA to loot and burn. More about de Blasio
Richard Nixon
Richard Milhous Nixon 37th President of the United States, January 20, 1969 – August 9, 1974. Republican, He was a sociopath, he had absolutely no feeling for human life. e.g. Nixon and McNamara publically announced (for political benefit), in advance, they were going to bomb a certain target in North Vietnam there-by allowing N Viet Nam time to rush in more anti‑aircraft batteries & missiles, causing a 10 fold increased loss in personnel. Nixon just considered it a photo-op. Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War forPolitical Gain –and VP Johnson Knew It, [""] Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest. Nixon ran on a platform that opposed the Vietnam war, but to win the election, he needed the war to continue. Nixon was a psychopath. History Channel does a pretty good to white‑wash the whole thing as far as I can see. Dead or not, we shouldn't forget. Please correct me if you have more or better verifiable information.
Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Ann Warren (née Herring; born June 22, 1949) former law professor, senator from Massachusetts, Democrat a progressive, Elizabeth Warren says Government should be Allowed to Confiscate Citizens Property. Elizabeth Warren says the government is the only one who can be trusted with guns! Tell that to the natives @ Wounded Knee, Warren's alleged ancestors. <sic>
Alexandria Ocasio' Cortez
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (oh-KAH-see-oh kor-TEZ,]; born October 13, 1989), "AOC", is an left-wing politician and activist. U.S. representative for New York's 14th congressional district since 2019, Democrat
The democrats put a woman with a credit score of 430 on the finance committee. Quote: “Under capitalism, man oppresses man. Under socialism, it's the other way around.”
Mitt Romney
Willard Mitt Romney, born March 12, 1947. The GOP pick for the 2012 election with zero chance of winning. I think it was part of the plan to assure obama's presidency. Mitt never questioned obama's legitimacy or his socialist or muslim policies. He voted no on Desert Storm in 1991 and yes on Desert Shield today. Then he voted no on [troop funding], just after he'd voted yes. He's campaigned against the [war] all year, but says he'd vote yes today. This nation can't afford presidential leadership that comes in 57 varieties. Republican Convention Speech, 2004. Joseph Cofer Black, Romney's national security advisor, current sits on the board of Burisma Holdings.
Employees of Romney family's secret bank tied to fraud, money laundering, drug cartels and the CIA. This firms ties to Romney's campaign and bundlers is already well documented, along with its connection to the manufacture and distribution of voting machines. What is not as well documented is a subsidiary of that private equity firm hiring employees of a failed firm tied to a Ponzi scheme that has a long history of money laundering for Latin American drug cartels and to the Iran‑Contra scandal.
What is the deal with Husain's birth certificate? Why do you say you believe he is legal? I have never seen the evidence, I don't believe there is any. I see a video of him during his Senate run stating he is a Muslim and born in Kenya, as does his wife and as does various Kenyan officials. You also never mention the fact that he lost his lawyers license, gave it up, so to speak, because he lied... And so did his wife... What to $%^&* is the deal??? Why all this kid glove shit??? There is shit going on and you are involved.
Kate Brown
El Caudillo (pronounced: cá dē´ ō, after, what must be her idol)
Katherine Brown born June 21 near Madrid, Spain, 1960, attorney, 38th Governor of Oregon, the epitome of a short sighted liberal, Openly bisexual governor. Kolenc talks about how he was fired from the Brown campaign for bringing up the internal corruption in the campaign, which involved her Chief Of Staff getting [Link now Missing] bb4sp dot com/oregon-governor-corruption-possible-election-law-violations involved in running the campaign and government funds being used for her campaign, both of which are in violation of Oregon laws. Kolenc says that sort of thing “happens all the time” and that Kate Brown had to have known about it. Brown is “A really awful manager of people, operations and structures and she doesn't hire good managers. So that's like one of her fundamental problem that she has,” and how governor Brown takes payoffs in exchange for favors. Oregon has some of the poorest schools and Kate Brown refuses to address that problem nor the looming billion dollar state retirement deficit.
See bottom of file if link doesn't work
Peter DeFazio
Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has named House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) Porker of the Month for making irresponsible comments in support of self-serving, special interest earmarks. At an event in Washington on December 5, Chairman DeFazio called the congressional moratorium on earmarks, “nonsensical,“ and suggested that it is impeding necessary transportation projects. However, he conveniently overlooks that the process for approving transportation projects is based on merit and need and that earmarking elevates low-priority projects over higher-priority, non-earmarked projects, as chronicled by the Department of Transportation's Office of Inspector General 1991. I found him listed on the communist WEB site as a member.
John Kitzhaber
xxxx www dot" John Albert Kitzhaber [requires subscription] 35th Governor of Oregon, was forced to resign over a scandal. Commission made preliminary finding that state's longest-serving governor committed 10 of 11 alleged ethics violations. a staff investigation that found a "preponderance of evidence" that Kitzhaber committed 11 violations of state ethics laws. Oregon Government Ethics Commissioners Want to Fine Cylvia Hayes (former first lady) $110,000 for 22 Ethics Law Violations. 1997 to 2004 Oregon residents and business paid about 92 million to cover Portland GE's income taxes which they did not pay. You would think the governor would do something about that and perhaps he did. The governor's torch was passed to Kate Brown, then Secretary of State, a liberal, ill equipped to properly tie her own shoes let alone run either position.
Robert Francis Beto O'Rourke
(Robert Francis) Democratic representative from Texas, virtually unknown until he challenged Sen. Ted Cruz, R‑Texas, last year (2018) for his seat in the Senate. A drunk and a thief.Arrested in 1995 for burglary and later received deferred adjudication on a 1997 drunken driving arrest maintaining the high standards of the Democratic party. –David Sirota O'Rourke broke a campaign promise… he signed the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge, which required that candidates not take any donations exceeding $200 from fossil fuel PACs or individuals in the industry to become the #2 recipient of oil/gas industry campaign cash in the entire Congress. The pledge was endorsed by 16 environmental groups… there were 24 oil executives who made donations to O'Rourke's campaign, totaling $35,125. According to this data, Beto broke his pledge at least 25 times. – Sophie Weiner … We generally call that kind of person a “Liar”. Beto O'Rourke Once Suggested America Should Ditch Its Constitution Now O’Rourke is vying for the White House, that quote has come back to haunt him."
11‑5‑2019 former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke (D) formally announced he was dropping out of the Democratic primary race after pledging to take all our guns and punish churches for not condoning gay marriage.
According to campaign finance records, O’Rourke spent 14 million on his campaign, with clearly nothing to show for it!
Campaign finance reports issued on September 30 showed that O’Rourke spent $13,965,478, according to Open Secrets.
Pete Buttigieg's father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto.
The father of Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg was a Marxist professor who spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto and dedicated a significant portion of his academic career to the work of Italian Communist Party founder Antonio Gramsci, an associate of Vladimir Lenin.
complete article
Adam Schiff
Adam Schiff Connected to Both Companies Named in $7.4 Billion Burisma–US–Ukraine Corruption Case. Why a congressman who floated unproven conspiracies and a false dossier is leading the case against Mr. Trump, and they ask why the liberal media are so uncritical. The FBI uncovered 256 emails between Schiff and Epistine.
Adam Schiff's history of inaccuracies & conspiracy theories follows him to Senate floor
Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Whitmer prohibited big box retailers from in-person sale of seeds because according to her, food is non-essential.
Governor Whitmer banned packaged seeds, tiling, carpet, flooring and caused confusion for local retailers that resulted in some retailers in Michigan to not allow the purchase of US flags.
In late March Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer limited access of doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from Coronavirus.
Former Dominion Project Mgr Helped Execute $25 Million Contract With State Of MI While Working As Democrat Mayor At Same Time.
Mayor Kelly Garrett is a proud former Deputy Director of the MI Democratic Party. Michigan Governor Whitmer thought so much of Garrett that she appointed her to the Commission on Community Action & Economic Opportunity.
Ms. Garrett has quite an impressive resume. Only 7 years after receiving a Masters of Information Systems degree from the online college, Phoenix University, she became Mayor of the city of Lathrup Village, in Michigan in Nov. 2017.
At the same time that Kelly Garrett was acting as Mayor of Lathrup Village, she was also working as a full-time Project Manager/Customer Relations Manager for Dominion Voting Systems. According to her Linkedin resume, Kelly started working at Dominion in May of 2017, but a $25 million contract with the State of MI showing Kelly's name as one of the Dominion representatives executing the deal, is dated March 1, 2017.
Gretchen previously worked for George Soros.
Harris ?? her ?? in 1994 by having an affair with slick Willy Brown, who was ?ing in the California Assembly Speaker and than became the mayor of San Francisco. 60 year old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance.
Sen. Mitch McConnell
Another self-serving RINO. More liberal than some liberals. Mitch McConnell is linked to deals with the Chinese government that delivered BILLIONS of dollars to their children and parents. Mitch took part in removing the McCarran Walter Act that culmated in a depression that cost Americans billions, but Mitch got richer. GOP Leader Mitch McConnell Announces Support for Open Borders Radical Merrick Garland for Attorney General
Mitch McConnell approval rating plummets to new depths
December 19, 2023 | Tom Tillison
Overall, McConnell had a 60 percent disapproval rating among those surveyed, with an approval rating of just 6 percent. But he also faired poorly among Republicans, with just 10 percent approving of the job he is doing while 41 percent disapprove.
Jim McGovern
U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts. Assumed office January 3, 2019, November 20, 1959 (age 61) Worcester, Massachusetts, U.S. | Democrat.
During his 34 years in Congress, Jim McGovern, has stood shoulder to shoulder with his idol, Fidel Castro, and has bragged about it.
McGovern doesn't just embrace Cuba's communist dictatorial family, he's also collaborated with narco-terrorists like Columbia's FARC and is happy to do their bidding in Congress, not the work of the American people.
Now, Nancy Pelosi has rewarded McGovern as the Chairman of the House Rules Committee, except there are NO RULES. He lets Pelosi and the progressives break them all in order to pass their socialist agenda so that our nation will look more like Cuba.
Charles Rangel
U.S. House of Representatives from Massachusetts. assumed office November 20, 1959 (age 61) Worcester, Massachusetts, U.S. | Democrat.
Charles Bernard Rangel (/ˈræŋɡəl/;[1] born June 11, 1930) is an American politician who was a U.S. representative in New York from 1971 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he was the second-longest serving incumbent member of the House of Representatives at the time of his retirement, serving continuously since 1971. As its most senior member, he was also the Dean of New York's congressional delegation. Rangel was the first African American Chair of the influential House Ways and Means Committee. He is also a founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus. Rangel, chairman of the Congressional committee that writes the nation’s tax code since January 3, 2019, failed to pay an unspecified amount in federal taxes during his last five years.
Harry Reid
A contemptible liberal from Nevada. Why didn’t Harry Reid answer Sourced Accusations Of Racism and Corruption? He has a long list of misgivings and corruption. He thankfully and finally died January 3, 2015. It should be made a day of celebration.
Rahm Emanuel
Rahm Born November 29, 1959, Son of a terrorists, Advocates strong gun control, Mayor of the most dangerous city in America. 2011 Mayor of Chicago, “Bag Man” for the Clinton Campaign, took ‘Ballet’ in college, Clinton put him on the board of the Fanny Mae, (because of his ‘ballet’ training??) also on the board of AT&T, again, for his expertise <sic> where he (Rahm) was paid millions.
NOW “This” is a democrat.
Democratic Socialist
If he weren't dead, the dems would run him for president but only if the Republicans hadn't enlisted him first.
Ronald Reagan
I don't really know a lot about Ronald Regan but I did like a lot of the things he did. I wasn't watching politics then as I am now. He got a million bucks from the Chinese when he retired and I always wonder what that was for. I am just going to post what I have for now. Reagan brought in a finical head from wall street and thus started 30 years of finical deregulation. Ultimate the cause of several baking disasters for the country but it made just a few bankers rich beyond their dreams.
Sheila Jackson Lee
One of the most racist, ignorant Democrats in Congress, Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), proposes legislation to make criticism of any minority by a White person a ‘federal hate crime’
Franklin D. Roosevelt
So many think he is some sort of hero because he got us through the war (WWII). FDR's political idol when he took office was Benito Mussolini. Who would know a NAZI better than the leader of the Crusade in Europe. The Democrat Party has been fascist at least since 1933 and before that it was KKK. It was his very policies that extended the great depression by years.
President Franklin Roosevelt expressed admiration for the Italian leader, and sent him cordial letters. In June 1933, Roosevelt praised Mussolini in a letter to an American envoy: ‘... I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy and seeking to prevent general European trouble.’ In another letter a few weeks later, the President wrote: ‘I don't mind telling you in confidence that I am keeping in fairly close touch with the admirable Italian gentleman.’
Franklin played mediator during WWII in a discussion between Stalin and Churchill. Stalin played Roosevelt like a cheap flute, much to Churchill and the conquered territories loss It was here, it was agreed that Russia could keep all the conquered territory after the war if he would agree to the "League of Nations" which was Roosevelt's pet project.
Mitt Romney
in the Soros Socialism Caucus
NO SHOW for Vote to Defund Biden's COVID-19 Jab Mandates, Ensuring Failure.
Sided With Democrats In Stunt To Call Witnesses against Trump
Voted in favor to create a Jan 6 commission
Joined a BLM protest in Washington, DC
kid glove treatment of Husain (obama)
Senator Bill Frist M.D.
Republican, slipped a bill through congress that stops any law suits against pharmaceutical companies. and they want to be called "honorable" <sic>
Hank Johnson on Guam Capsizing
"My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize." —Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) expressing concern during a congressional hearing that the presence of a large number of American soldiers might upend the island of Guam.
John Glenn
Former Democrat Ohio Senator, has driven creditors into bankruptcy because of unpaid debts left over from aborted Presidential campaigns. I don't understand how somebody who isn't stupid can embrace the Democratic ideals. John Glenn was a man of many parts: a hero-aviator in World War II and Korea, with 149 combat missions; the hero-astronaut who became the first American to orbit the earth; a four-term US Senator who—after two abortive attempts at president—became the most popular political figure in Ohio.
What happened? Part of the reason is that the icon with the American-hero story was less than inspiring as a speaker. This shortcoming was on display as far back as 1976, when he was being considered as a possible Carter running mate, and his keynote speech at the Democratic convention proved downright enervating. As Dave Barry described Glenn's charisma: “he couldn't electrify a fish tank if he threw a toaster into it.”
There were important lessons from that failed campaign that resonate—or ought to resonate—today. A candidate without a compelling, thematically consistent message is at an enormous disadvantage. Attributes that political insiders see as powerful assets may turn out to be irrelevant to an electorate looking for something new.
Liz Cheney
Liz Cheney Increased Her Wealth by $36 Million After Serving Just 6.5 Years in Congress.
Liz Cheney earns $174,000 per year as a member of Congress.
Cheney entered Congress in January of 2017.
Just two years later Speaker Paul Ryan elevated her to the Chair of the House Republican Conference. Ryan did this knowing she detested President Donald Trump as much as he did.
In voting to impeach President Trump, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney violated the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution by declaring him guilty before due process. Whole story
Liz Cheney, the dethroned Republican Conference Chairwoman and the 3rd ranking Republican in Congress, voted to impeach President Trump.
“Now that the Fauci emails have exposed for a total fraud, here is what Liz Cheney said about him: “Dr. Fauci is one of the finest public servants we have ever had. He is not a partisan. His only interest is saving lives. We need his expertise and his judgment to defeat this virus. All Americans should be thanking him. Every day.”
Why would anyone reflexively trust someone like Fauci? He was a disaster during the AIDS epidemic and was essentially a mediocre careerist until COVID-19 showed up. His thirst for fame should have been a tip-off to everyone that the guy wasn't going to “follow the science.” Regardless, while many in the GOP have amended their opinions on Fauci, Cheney hasn't done so in any capacity.
— Liz Cheney (@Liz_Cheney) May 13, 2020
Rep. James Moran
(D‑Va) whose wife has charged him with abuse, who has assaulted other members of Congress on the floor of the House and is a former stockbroker whose judgment in trades is so bad he is broke from poor investments.
Rep. Corrine Brown
(D‑Fla), whose trail of bad debts, lies to Congress and misstatements to the Internal Revenue Service have spawned a number of investigations.
Jeff Bezos
(Ex) CEO of Amazon also owns the very politically biased Washington Post, Very Liberal, loves mass immigration, cheap labor that doesn't complain for his business.
Ken Lay
Ken Lay the chief executive of (Enron) real cozy with the then president GW Bush, even slept in the Lincoln Bedroom at the White House 11 times prior to its (Enron's) demise. No explanation needed here. Lay's political contributions totaled $5.8 million, with 73% going to Republicans, and 27% going to Democrats. From 1999 to 2001, he gave $365,410 to the Republican Party.
Senator Bill Frist M.D.
Republican, slipped a bill through congress that stops any law suits against pharmaceutical companies. and they want to be called "honorable" <sic>
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC)
The 2021 omnibus bill sends coronavirus aid checks to “mixed-status” families that include illegal migrant spouses and Americans that specific item was supported by these two so called republicans. Rubio introduced a bill to grab individuals guns.
Rep. Justin Amash
who, over the weekend (May 20, 2019) called for the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump on Twitter, is the only Republican legislator to receive a passing 75 per cent approval rating from the terrorist‑affiliated Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR. July 8, 2019 he left the repub party to first become an independent, than a Libertarian.
Mike Huckabee
Republican Christian Minister, sold the mailing list of his followers to spammers. Anything for a buck, anything to stay in office. Magnanimously let a guy out of prison who days later killed somebody else. Lets hope your freedom is never on the auction block, oh wait • • •. A politician is a politician is a politician. Remember the story of the frog and the scorpion?
“I'd moved from communist to whatever I am now. I'm not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I'll have to figure it out.”
Obama's CIA director, John Brennan, (who converted to islam)actually did vote for a communist presidential candidate. Brennan and Comey are two of the central players in the Russia Collusion Hoax.
Brennan (who was sworn in as CIA director on a draft of the US Constitution, without the Bill of Rights, instead of a Bible) said that while he had voted Communist, he wasn't an official member of the Communist Party — and was relieved that he had been accepted into the CIA.
Then, Congressman Charles Grassley (R)
Grassley had a hand in killing efforts for converting the US to the Metric system. This is a major problem in the US. Some pissy congressmen with his (or her) own personal agenda, does not think of the country but only about their own personal self (and career as a politician) killed proposed federal regulations that would have forced states to put up signs in kilometers.
The US is only one of three nations that has not adopted the metric system. Myanmar, Liberia and the United States.
Valerie Jarrett
Valerie Jarrett is Obama's closest personal adviser to the present day. She lived with the Obama's in the White House, had dinner with them nightly, and still lives with them in retirement!
Her late father, James E. Bowman ... was involved with communist front groups and was in contact with a paid Soviet agent in the 1950s who was wanted for espionage. Jarrett's maternal grandfather, Robert Rochon Taylor, was investigated by the FBI for his membership in communist groups and his business relationship with the same Soviet agent[.] ... Her late father‑in‑law, Vernon D. Jarrett, was assigned by the Communist Party USA to a special cultural arts cell ... he was flagged by the FBI as an internal security risk to be swiftly arrested in the event of a hot war with the Soviet Union. The FBI also investigated his wife, Fernetta "Fern" Jarrett, for communist activities.
Kengor discusses new documents obtained by Judicial Watch that show that Valerie Jarrett's father was active on behalf of Stalin in fomenting racial divisiveness in America as a member of the American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born (ACPFB).
ACPFB "was founded by the Communist Party in order to exploit racial divisions in the United States for its own revolutionary purposes." Its modus operandi was to polarize Americans along racial lines in order to advance the Soviet agenda."
Joe Waldholtz, (R)
A con man and husband of former Rep. Enid Greene Waldholtz (R‑UT) who kited more than a million dollars in bad checks and was sentenced to three to 15 years in state prison.
Axelrod was the chief strategist for Obama's presidential campaigns and a senior adviser in the White House. His mother worked for a communist newspaper. His father, according to Axelrod in his memoir, “listed his party affiliation as 'Communist.'” Axelrod got his start in Chicago politics through working for hard‑line Stalinist Soviet agents Harry and David Canter.
Susan Rice, Obama's national security adviser, was up to her eyeballs in the Russia Collusion Hoax against candidate and then President Trump.
David Maraniss, the Washington Post journalist chosen to write Obama's biography, which covered up Obama's radical past, was also a red diaper baby. His father was a member of the Communist Party and worked through a cell in Detroit to secretly influence workers through his articles for the Detroit Times.
Frank Marshall Davis, the biggest influence on Obama's black identity from age ten through college years, was a card‑carrying member of the Communist Party.
Reverend Jeremiah Wright
Obama's pastor and personal hero and mentor was an avowed Marxist. His church congregants had to sign a pledge to support redistribution of wealth and reject "middleclassness."
☭Ilhan Omar ☭
Member of the SQUAD.
July 22, 2019 Did the Father of Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar Change the Family Name to Hide Ties to the Murderous Somali Regime of Siad Barre?
Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, Muslim, democrat
Married her brother to gain entrance into the US.
Defends Notorious Somali Terror Group on Twitter
April 1, 2019 Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar Blames ‘White Nationalism’ for Border Crisis Forcing Outdoor Detention of Migrants.
March 27, 2019 Evidence That US Representative, Ilhan Omar, a ‘Justice Democrat’, Married Her Brother. Family xxxxwww dot [page not found] beholden to Communist-Islamist Somalia dictator Mohammed Siad Barre, whom the Omar family served.
Palestinian, Muslim, democrat, represents Michigan's 13th Congressional District
Member of the SQUAD.
☭Ayanna Pressley ☭
7th Congressional District Massachusetts, Muslim, democrat
Along with Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley Trash Declaration of Independence as Sexist, Racist & Prejudiced. Member of the SQUAD.
Proposed the most egregious attack on personal liberty since obama, the “Earn It” act. He clearly has been in congress too long, he is going against conservative values, this prick in a RINO. Get rid of him!
* Run an ill-fated bid for president in which he savaged businessman Donald Trump as a "complete idiot" and a "race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot."
* Refused to vote for Trump in the general election in 2016.
Tucker Carlson blames Trump's 18 interviews with Bob Woodward on Lindsey Graham.
“Keep in mind that Lindsey Graham has opposed, passionately opposed, virtually every major policy initiative Mr. Trump articulated when he first ran — from ending illegal immigration, to pulling back from pointless wars, to maintaining law and order at home. Mr. Graham was against all of that.’
That is true enough; Mr. Graham was a scathing Trump critic before he rose to power.
voted 'Yea' On the Nomination PN1768: Elena Kagan, to the supreme court.
Ranked 9th most liberal compared to Senate Republicans
Lindsey Graham is simply a “POLITICIAN”, sorry for the dirty word.
Projects – Including His Own Baby Farm. According to investigative reporter Conchita Sarnoff, Bill Clinton took more than two dozen trips on the Lolita Express. It is un-deniable, it is on the flight manifest.
Federal attorney Alex Acosta Was Told that Jeffrey Epstein ‘Belonged to Intelligence’ and to ‘Leave it Alone’ and that is how he got out of his first conviction of pedophilia.
Epstein has links to, besides Bill, Prince Andrew (denied), Bill Gates, Ghislaine Maxwell, Nimoie Cambell, Kevin Spacy, Chris Tucker, ...
“Almost every time that Clinton's name is on the pilot logs, there are underage girls, there are initials, and there are names of many, many girls on that private plane,” Sarnoff said in a recent Fox News appearance.
Flight manifests show Epstein and the former president traveling with passengers mysteriously identified with their initials or first names, such as "Tatiana."
Others details are even more troubling. Clinton repeatedly flew with Epstein associates Ghislaine Maxwell and Sarah Kellen, two women who allegedly acted as pimps for the financier.
OH Shock, the article on Clinton has disappeared <sic>
Chirlane McCray hires even more staffers
wife of Bill de Blasio, Mayor of NY.
By Yoav Gonen, December 10, 2018
• • Seven staffers apparently aren't enough to support First Lady Chirlane McCray – so the mayor's office has hired 12 more since March for her mental health initiative.
• • The wife of Mayor Bill de Blasio already has a chief of staff, two deputy chiefs of staff, two schedulers and two communications staffers that cost taxpayers about $900,000.
• • The extra aides add $1.3 million to the city payroll.
• • And some have duties that fit in neatly with McCray's plan to run for office in 2021, once the de Blasio administration comes to a close.
On the news (3-3-07) the media was trying to make points by showing how in just a 3 MPH crash, a car could sustain thousands of dollars damage. Overlooked was the fact that just a few years back cars were required to be able to sustain a 5 MPH crash with a minimum of damage, it was a popular law with the public but a few palms in congress got greased and the law was repealed and you can spend $2600 up in repairs for a 3 MPH bump in a parking lot or just replace the car, a boon to the auto industry.
Laws are enacted for one or two reasons only.
1. To enrich themselves and/or those that help them.
2. To keep the themselves in office.
T.A.R.P. Troubled Asset Relief Program. 2008. Initiated by Bush, passed by obama. 700 Billion banker/donor bail/out.
‘They’ don’t feel themselves corrupt as in their arrogance, they feel whatever it is ‘they’ do it is for the ‘good’ of their minions.
Can you imagine what these idiots (congressmen) would do if she had a free hand to do anything they wanted?
Can you imagine a politician that wasn’t afraid of the electorate? What would they would do? We would have 525 Idi Amin’s, 525 greedy individuals with unfettered access to the wealth of the nation and 50,000 lawyers and lobbyists telling them how to steal every dime, every dime of the next 50 generations..
Right now, the congress fears that if it did what they wanted, there would be an actual uprising. They don’t openly admit it, but guns are keeping us safe from a congress going berserk. They would like to get rid of the pesky elections and the reporting of their spending now they have the media under their control. But they don’t dare, not while the public has guns, the public is still in control.
It has been said that politics is the 2nd oldest occupation, the 1st being prostitution.
It is my opinion, the latter of the two is more honorable.
☣ ☢ ☭ ☭ ☹ ☿ ♅ ♔ ♠ ♨ ⚉
n. 1. One who is actively involved or skilled in politics, especially one who holds a political office. Like a skilled thief or embezzler.
2. One who deceives or out maneuvers others for personal gain: distrusted him as the office politician. Politicians make up congress, a literal den of liars & thieves.
Politicians rile against ‘pork’ unless it is financially or politically helpful to them.
Politicians have considered converting your 401K to ‘their’ newly found SS slush fund.
Politicians talk financial reform. They don’t want reform, they just want to talk like they do, political corruption is how they get rich.
Funny how these 545 people know absolutely what is good for 300 million people which, for some reason, means they get rich. <sic>
See Religion
‘Unholy Alliance’ between Republicans and Democrats
March 23, 2018 US Senator Rand Paul says that no one read the $1.3 trillion 2,232 page omnibus bill that was passed last Friday. He says that when Republicans are in the minority, they are the conservative party, but when they are in the majority, they drop conservatism. He describes an ‘unholy alliance’ between both parties: Republicans want unlimited spending on the military, and Democrats allow it in exchange for unlimited domestic spending.
A republican “POLITICIAN”, not what you thought. George W Bush exp.. another John McCain.
The RNC keeps sending me requests for donations. YGBSM!
Congress paid $17 million in bribes (with your money) last year to keep their deviant behavior secret.
Nov 16, 2017 According to a report from the Office of Compliance, more than $17 million has been paid out in settlements over a period of 20 years - 1997 to 2017. How many settlements have there been?.
(CNN)Two things have become painfully clear on Capitol Hill this week: Lawmakers and staffers say sexual harassment is “rampant” — but even members of Congress have no idea just how widespread the problem is.
The controversial and sensitive issue has taken center stage in Congress this week, with female lawmakers making fresh allegations of sexual harassment against unnamed members who are currently in office, and the unveiling of a new bill on Wednesday to change how sexual harassment complaints are reported and resolved. On Thursday, a woman shared her story of being groped and kissed without her consent by Sen. Al Franken in 2006.
So far, there’s been little specific data to help illuminate just how pervasive sexual harassment is on Capitol Hill, but one figure has emerged: the total that the Office of Compliance, the office that handles harassment complaints, has paid to victims.
On Thursday, the Office of Compliance released additional information indicating that it has paid victims more than $17 million since its creation in the 1990s. That includes all settlements, not just related to sexual harassment, but also discrimination and other cases.
Taken from the liberal CNN, By MJ Lee, Sunlen Serfaty and Juana Summers, CNN Updated 8:10 PM ET, Thu November 16, 2017.
I copied part of the article, anything that looks bad for the ‘left’ often gets deleted from places like CNN. So this was copied, cut & paste from their article. I cannot just provide a link, it is apt to disappear.
When was this money paid out?
According to a report from the Office of Compliance, more than $17 million has been paid out in settlements over a period of 20 years — 1997 to 2017.
How many settlements have there been?
According to the OOC data released Thursday, there have been 268 settlements. On Wednesday, Rep. Jackie Speier, the California Democrat who unveiled a bill to reform the OOC, announced at a news conference Wednesday that there had been 260 settlements. The previous tally did not include settlements paid in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
CROOKED DEMOCRAT Congresswoman Corrine Brown Found GUILTY of STEALING Scholarship Money From Children…Blames RACISM For Verdict.
BLACK CAUCUS MEMBER From Impoverished Detroit District Who’s Leading Effort To Impeach President Trump…CAUGHT Paying Off Sex Assault Victims With Taxpayer Money
Do you know what income tax is? It is collateral on the national debt. The scum-bags in congress are using your great great great grandchildren as collateral for debt.
Can you borrow money and never pay it back?? NO! and neither can your government. Those greedy bastards continue to borrow and borrow without the slightest thought to paying anything back, as long as they can steal it from your grandchildren.
The Republicans are almost(?) as corrupt as Democrats, after all, they are all POLITICIANS. I doubt it started this way, originally it was a privilege and an honor to serve in government. Now it is a way to money and power.
Democratic Sen. Charged With Accepting Coffee Kickbacks. (Corruption is so blatant you wonder how any of them get caught. More often it is punishment from the rest of congress for making the wrong vote). December 8, 2017
Brian A. Joyce (a former Massachusetts State Senator for the Democratic Party for nine terms) was charged in a federal indictment Friday with using his Senate office as a front to collect about $1 million in bribes and kickbacks that were laundered through his law firm, along with getting hundreds of pounds of Dunkin’ Donuts…
Fox News Voices added a new episode.
November 2
"This is by far the worst thing – and I've covered the Clinton's for years – they have ever done."
Sean Hannity reacted to Donna Brazile's bombshell claim that the DNC rigged the Democratic presidential primary to ensure that Hillary Clinton won the nomination.
Wake–up America, what ‘they’ (politicians) say and what ‘they’ do are two very and often opposite things.
Identity Politics
by: Matthew Continetti
The beginnings of identity politics can be traced to 1973, the year the first volume of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago–a book that demolished any pretense of communism’s moral authority–was published in the West. The ideological challenge of socialism was fading, its fighting spirit dwindling. This presented a challenge for the Left: how to carry on the fight against capitalism when its major ideological alternative was no longer viable?
The Left found its answer in an identity politics that grew out of anti–colonialism. Marx’s class struggle was reformulated into an ethno–racial struggle–a ceaseless competition between colonizer and colonized, victimizer and victim, oppressor and oppressed. Instead of presenting collectivism and central planning as the gateway to the realization of genuine freedom, the new multiculturalist Left turned to unmasking the supposed power relations that subordinated minorities and exploited third world nations.
No matter how you come down on this issue, our politicians think they can fix it with vast sums of money they take from someone else.
Every ‘deal’ made with the UN to resolve the ‘greenhouse gas’ issue involved the USpaying other countries to work on greenhouse gas, again, using stolen money from our yet to be born children to the tune of billions of dollars, including China!!
This is a fact
Almost immediately when President Trump said the US was going to pull out of the (Koyoto) treaty, other countries were saying they were going to also because they wouldn't be getting money from the US to do it. That was in the news, once, briefly, like the liberal media does.
‘They’ can borrow money forever. Your money, the National debt!
The wikipedia dot org/wiki/National_debt_of_the_United_States National Debt according to Wiki has been deleted.
✋ How long do you think you can borrow money $$ to pay for your schemes???✋
Just in case you might have wondered how their ineptitude affected their lives after they ruined so many dreams and lives....let me refresh your memory:
Where are Jim, Tim and Franklin now? Here's a quick look into the three former Fannie Mae executives who brought down Wall Street.
Franklin Raines – was a Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at Fannie Mae. Raines was forced to retire from his position with Fannie Mae when auditing discovered severe irregularities in Fannie Mae's accounting activities. Raines left with a "golden parachute valued at $240 Million in benefits. The Government filed suit against Raines when the depth of the accounting scandal became clear.
Tim Howard – was the Chief Financial Officer of Fannie Mae. Howard "was a strong internal proponent of using accounting strategies that would ensure a "stable pattern of earnings" at Fannie. Investigations by federal regulators and the company's board of directors Since concluded that management did manipulate 1998 earnings to trigger bonuses. Raines and Howard resigned under pressure in late 2004. Howard's Golden Parachute was estimated at $20 Million!
John BoehnerJohn Boehner, political slug, a yes man for Obama. a "POLITICIAN". Sorry for the bad language
Jim Johnson – A former executive at Lehman Brothers and who was later forced from his position as Fannie Mae CEO. Investigators found that Fannie Mae had hidden a substantial amount of Johnson's 1998 compensation from the public, reporting that it was between $6 million and $7 million when in fact, it was $21 million. Johnson is currently under investigation for taking illegal loans from Countrywide while serving as CEO of Fannie Mae. Johnson's Golden Parachute was estimated at $28 Million.
Raines work(ed) for the Obama Campaign as his Chief Economic Advisor.
Howard was a Chief Economic Advisor to Obama under Franklin Raines.
Johnson was hired as a Senior Obama Finance Advisor and was selected to run Obama's Vice Presidential Search Committee.
Our government is rotten to the core!
Are we stupid or what?
If you BUY a politician for $100,000.00 you could get back 10's of millions or even better, political favors, e.g. wars, sanctions, tax breaks, ‘AID’, etc.
How Many Politicians Can You Buy with $6.3 Billion Dollars?
e.g. Grant Smith, the author of Big Israel: “How Israel's Lobby Moves America”, reveals the revenue of the Israeli lobbies will reach $6.3 billion in 2020, with 17,000 employees and 414,000 volunteers! (Please re–read that statement.) The purpose of the lobby is to influence the US government to serve its foreign–policy objectives and fund its military.
Families of Politicians Receive Billions $$ in Private Deals and Gifts from Foreign Governments
From G.Edward Griffin, 3–23–18
Peter Schweizer, author of Secret Empires; How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, reveals that politicians, including John Kerry, Joe Biden, and Mitch McConnell are linked to deals with the Chinese government that delivered BILLIONS of dollars to their children and parents. While the law requires a $1,500 political donation to be publicly disclosed, billions can flow to family members with no disclosure required – which is no accident. The stench is unbearable.
(This is not counting the kickbacks) (future jobs maybe?) from American manufactures for ‘favorable’ legislation? (gb)
(me) Think about this. Antibiotics do not affect a virus. BI-OT-IC as in Bacteria. Absolutely no similarity. They didn't that is, until a number of prominent members of congress got big chunks of stocks from certain pharma and: ‘MAGIC’, suddenly there is/are antivirals on the market, oddly enough, <sic> made by the same pharma. The US government then buys 100s of millions of dollars of this new drug. No private confirmation, nobody dares.
Tamiflu Fraud Bilked $1.5 Billion from Government, Whistleblower
January 13, 2020, Yahoo! News
Drug company Hoffmann‑La Roche ... bilked U.S. federal and state governments out of $1.5 billion by misrepresenting clinical studies and falsely claiming that its well-known influenza medicine Tamiflu was effective at containing potential pandemics, according to a recently unsealed whistleblower lawsuit. The lawsuit claims the drugmaker's scheme involved publishing misleading articles falsely stating that Tamiflu reduces complications, severity, hospitalizations, mortality and transmission of influenza. The company then used those articles to aggressively market the drug to the government for pandemic use. Relying on the supposed truthfulness of Roche's claims, federal and state governments spent about $1.5 billion to stockpile Tamiflu to combat influenza pandemics, according to the complaint.
Stockpiles of Roche Tamiflu Drug are Waste of Money, Report Finds
April 10, 2014, Reuters
Researchers who have fought for years to get full data on Roche's flu medicine Tamiflu said on Thursday that governments who stockpile it are wasting billions of dollars on a drug whose effectiveness is in doubt. In a review of trial data on Tamiflu, and on GlaxoSmithKline's flu drug Relenza, scientists from the respected research network the Cochrane Review said that the medicines had few if any beneficial effects, but did have adverse side effects. "Remember, the idea of a drug is that the benefits should exceed the harms," Heneghan said. "So if you can't find any benefits, that accentuates the harm." Tamiflu sales hit almost $3 billion in 2009 ‑ mostly due to its use in the H1N1 flu pandemic.
What the politicians think of each other.
This is from an FIO document received by Judicial Watch:
“ email from Clinton advisor Sidney Blumenthal Romney, of course, is contemptible, but contemptible on a level not seen in past contemptible political figures. His menace comes from his emptiness. His menace is not limited simply to mere filthy the lucre. Mixture of greedy ambition and policies is combustible. He will do and say anything to get ahead, and while usually self immolating he is also destructive. Behind his blandness lies boundless ignorance, ignited by constantly wretched judgment. His recent statements are a piece with everything he has done from naming Ryan on his welfare ads, etc.” Full article
Why was Puerto Rico Singled Out?
Puerto Rico is the only province of the US that cannot declare bankruptcy, a politician –Strom Thurmond, Sr. ( 48 years as a United States Senator from South Carolina, turned 100 years old on December 5, 2002, while still in office) Democrat specifically wrote that into law. Why? Companies know that if they sell too much stuff to a state or city they can always declare bankruptcy and the company would be left holding the bag. If they couldn't, then companies could sell anything and everything to greedy, self–serving politicians (I repeat myself) that they stay elected but the citizens will always be stuck with paying the bill while the politician will take their fat retirement with fat benefits and leave. There was a whole special about it on PBS, it pointed to a corrupt politician. ‘’ had the story but is now MIA. To many "facts" I suspect. Bloomberg said it was a goof, I guess that is why they still show the story, if you will pay to see it. “Congress Goofed. Puerto Rico Pays. Bankruptcy was an option until 1984. That's when a drafting error became law." ("drafting error" my ass. Political cover–up.)”
Puerto Rico Imports 85% of Its Food and Owes $123 Billion in Debt, Yet It Gives Monsanto/Bayer a 90% Tax Exemption.
In the United States —
You can call corn syrup … maple syrup, –– unless it specifically says 100% Maple syrup on the label.
You can call something cheese –– as long as it is at least 51% “real” cheese. (49% is WHAT!) If the contents has to be labeled, what is the 49%?
You must label the nutrient value of your product –– but it only has to be ∓ 20%.
MSG has gotten a bad name, –– so industry just calls it something else so they don't have to list it as MSG.
Where ‘trans fats’ are a bad word but ‘partially hydrogenated oil’ isn't, –– yet they are the same thing.
A product can be labeled as ‘trans fat’ free –– as long as it contains less than .5 grams per serving. S0, ridiculously small serving sizes are suggested.
Where sugar has gotten a bad name, –– but pharma produced substitutes that can make you sick are OK. Besides, sick people buy more pharma.
Where ‘natural’ can only appear on food that contains no artificial ingredients or coloring –– but it can contain GMO's and artificial sweeteners.
A product can claim to be “gluten Free” –– yet still contain gluten from things other than wheat that are equally as bad to gluten sensitive people.
Nicotine is a class 1 narcotic, highly regulated by the FDA, –– unless it is smoked from a cigarette. The tobacco companies have lobbied hard, (bribed) and spent 100's of millions on political contributions to buy the political whores of congress. We call nicotine addiction a "habit".
The FDA is run by Congress and Congress is run, by 30,000 lobbyists who work for industry etc.
So, you work for the FDA and you put in your 20 years with the government and retire with a fat government pension. Than if you have been “NICE” to big pharma you can get a job on some board doing ‘??’ for another fat paycheck. No conflict of interest there. <sic>
Yeah, write your congressmen, however, all a congressmen reads is the front of a check and unless it is a really big number, your wasting your time..
Let there be no doubt!
In 1952, Armon M. Sweat, Jr., a member of the Texas House of Representatives, was asked about his position on WHISKEY. What follows is his exact answer (taken from the Political Archives of Texas):
"If you mean ‘WHISKEY’, the devil’s brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster that defiles innocence, de-thrones reason, destroys the home, creates misery and poverty, yea, literally takes the bread from the mouths of little children; if you mean that evil drink that topples Christian men and women from the pinnacles of righteous and gracious living into the bottomless pit of degradation, shame, despair, helplessness, and hopelessness, then, my friend, I am opposed to it with every fiber of my being.
“However, if by ‘WHISKEY’ you mean the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the elixir of life, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that puts a song in their hearts and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes; if you mean Christmas cheer, the stimulating sip that puts a little spring in the step of an elderly gentleman on a frosty morning; if you mean that drink that enables man to magnify his joy, and to forget life’s great tragedies and heart breaks and sorrow; if you mean that drink the sale of which pours into Texas treasuries untold millions of dollars each year, that provides tender care for our little crippled children, our blind, our deaf, our dumb, our pitifully aged and infirm, to build the finest highways, hospitals, universities, and community colleges in this nation, then my friend, I am absolutely, unequivocally in favor of it.
“This is my position, and as always, I refuse to compromise on matters of principle."
This one short sentences will tell you a lot about our government and our culture:
1. We are advised to not judge all muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge all gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
Funny how that works.
and here is another one worth considering.
2. Seems we constantly hear about how social security is going to run out of money. How come we never hear about welfare running out of money? What's interesting is the first group "worked for" their money, but the second didn't.
Profound isn't it... Think about it...
The original "Most damaging" URL went away as does many things damaging to the left.
[link no longer works?? wikileaks dot org/clinton-emails">Clinton emails that you would never see otherwise.
wikipedia dot org/wiki/2016_Democratic_National_Committee_email_leak 2016 Democratic National Committee email leak. Wiki is heavily edited by liberals, I have read China has a group that do nothing but update and edit wikipedia. Hence, this article is now gone.
What 20,000 pages of hacked WikiLeaks emails teach us about Hillary Clinton.
A Politician by definition is corrupt
Politician is a type of corruption. Anyone that fancies themselves professional at sucking off the public teat is corrupt. Anyone that votes themselves special privileges that the public cannot have or especially the state cannot afford for everyone is corrupt. The really bad part of this electorate don't understand that their apathy, disinterest and disregard what these people are doing is going to destroy them.
Profound isn't it... think about it...
Congress has decided that your ISP is allowed to sell your browsing history.
Former Gov. (of N.Y.) Eliot Spitzer (Democrat) liked to smuggle his $5,000 a night Russian prostitute into the Upper East Side home he shared with his wife – by cramming the call girl into a piece of luggage, she admitted to the New York Post.
Larry Celona reports:
“He used to sneak me into his Fifth Avenue apartment in a black suitcase . . . when his wife was away,” Svetlana Travis Zakharova told The Post in an exclusive interview.
“My knees would be up by my face. When the doorman would ask if he could help, Eliot would say, ’No, thanks.‘“
Zakharova revealed Eliot's ungentlemanly tactic, which she endured roughly 15 times, as her lawyer prepares a new case to put the ex–governor behind bars.
The Russian sexpot first hit the headlines in early 2016 when she accused Spitzer of choking her during a sex–session–gone–awry at The Plaza hotel in Midtown.
Now, Zakharova's Queens lawyer, Joseph Murray, is asking Manhattan US attorney Geoffrey Berman to investigate Spitzer for alleged “improprieties“ in his efforts to evade prosecution.
Zakharova recorded a call from Spitzer during which he threatened to kill her after he beat and choked her.
“You f–king bitch! You piece of s–t! And then you f–king destroyed my life!” the disgraced governor reportedly bellowed. “You know what's going to happen to you? You're going to be f–king dead.”
ALABAMA AG OPENS INVESTIGATION Into Dem Corruption During Roy Moore Election. 12–30–18
Politicians think so much of themselves and so little of you.
12–2018 Congress passes spending bill and managed to add 12 million to their own pockets.
un‑confirmed as of yet
wikipedia dot org/wiki/Immigration_ and_Nationality_Act _of_1952 McCarran‑Walter Act
Another damning best_of_dirty_dick_durbin.html/article from the heavily liberal edited wiki has been deleted.
“On November 18, 1990 the 101st Congress ‘QUIETLY’ repealed the McCarran Warner Act of 1952 forbidding “muslims” from holding office; members of that congress were Dick Cheney, John McCain, Joe Biden, Al Gore, John Kerry, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi......see the agenda?”
The law was modified in 1990, Immigration Act of 1990 removed many of the immigrant references but I have not been able to find just who did what. That is public information but I haven't been able to find out anything from the source. It is like our laws are now secret.
This is good.
Ruppert, “People talk to me about the problem of republican verses democrat but they don't get it. I said look, here is the way to look at it, It is organized crime. All you do is call the Republicans the Genovese and the Democrats the Gambinos... The people at the top treat it like a crap game. It is their crap game and they are making lots of money. Occasionally at the table somebody shoots each other but the moment anything threatens their crap game they all unite to protect it....They are both controlled by the same financial and corporate interest.” From Aaron Russo film.
Legislation would subsidize living expenses for House members
Elizabeth Harrington ‑ June 21, 2018
Democratic members of Congress want taxpayers to subsidize their housing, signing onto legislation that would allow them to deduct living expenses for members of the House of Representatives. Can you imagine just how fast that would be exploited.
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D., Miss.) introduced a bill that would ban members of Congress from sleeping in their offices and would change the tax code to allow House members to deduct their spending on housing in D.C. up to $3,000. The deduction would not apply to senators.
Thompson has also proposed turning a vacant building near Capitol Hill into apartments for House members at the expensive of taxpayers, which critics have dubbed a "Congressional Animal House."
full article
I saw a thing on Conyersthe other night on TV talking about the patriot act. He said it was essentially written and printed up overnight than presented to congress the very next day. Nobody read it but it was voted on and passed... NOBODY read it!!! Conyers said congressmen rarely read bills in congress. Too busy politicking I suppose, that or fact finding missions in the Bahamas.
He is gone, but I have a feeling his replacement won't be any better.
Joan Ruth Bader, March 15, 1933, Brooklyn, New York City, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court appointed by President Bill Clinton and took the oath of office on August 10, 1993.
Politicians can't help it, they want control. In Florida it is against the law to live "off the grid" and if you find a treasure in coastal waters it belongs to the state. In Colorado the rain that falls on your property does not belong to you. e.g. you can't catch it in a rain barrel without a permit. It is against the law to 'spit' in a park in Arizona. Chico CA has a law against detonating a nuclear device within the city limits. You can't use a catapult in Colorado. You can't sell a pickle in Connecticut unless it bounces. You can't eat chicken with utensils in Georgia. Black cats must wear bells inIndiana. It is illegal to throw snowballs in Topeka KA. It is illegal to play fofl anywhere in Montana except sanctioned "fofl course". It is against the law in New Jersey to murder someone with a bullet proof vest on. If you buy a bagel in New York that is altered in anyway, there is an 8¢ sales tax on it. It is considered a speed racing offense in Oregon if you participate in any “test of physical endurance” while on the highway.
Oregon Governor BUSTED In Web Of Corruption & Possible Election Law Violations #SecretsAndLies
part of a link that may not come up:
Employees of Romney family’s secret bank tied to fraud, money laundering, drug cartels and the CIA
Did Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown violate multiple campaign laws by using her official government staff and resources as part of her re-election campaign?
Project Veritas Action Fund has released an undercover video which exposes widespread mismanagement and possible campaign law violations associated with Governor Kate Brown.
The undercover report features a former campaign manager for Brown, Michael Kolenc, candidly revealing the governor’s misdeeds both in running her last campaign and in governing the state of Oregon. According to Project Veritas.
Sneak Vote On Patriot Act Renewal Today 11/19/2019. They did it again, while you were watching the riots (demonstrations).
Gerry Bello 11 years ago
As previously reported in by the Columbus Free Press, the Romney family, namely Mitt, Ann, G Scott and Tagg Romney, along with Mitt’s “6th son” and campaign finance chair have a secretive private equity firm called Solamere Capital Partners. This firms ties to Romney’s campaign and bundlers is already well documented, along with its connection to the manufacture and distribution of voting machines. What is not as well documented is a subsidiary of that private equity firm hiring employees of a failed firm tied to a Ponzi scheme that has a long history of money laundering for Latin American drug cartels and to the Iran-Contra scandal.
As reported by ThinkProgress, Solamere Capital Partner’s subsidiary Solamere Advisors is a investment advisory group, providing advice to Solamere clients and boosting sales. Would-be corporate pugilist Tagg Romney is a director. According to the New York Times, all but one of its 11 employees came from the Charlotte office of the Stanford Financial Group, the US investment arm of convicted felon R. Allen Stanford’s offshore banking and fraud network that comprised a host of companies including the Stanford International Bank, Stanford Capital Management, The Bank of Antigua, Stanford Trust and Stanford Gold and Bullion. Three of these employees, Tim Bambauer, Deems May, and Brandon Phillips, received incentive compensation related to their direct sales of securities linked to a fraud that brought down this banking network.