"Verba Volant, Scripta Manent"
(Spoken Words Fly Away, Written Words Remain)

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the fairness of speech.” Benjamin Franklin

There is no limit to what the corrupt will do for power and money and these people are now talking trillions.

Civil War


Either that or an Oligarch

Oh wait, we already have that

☠ The Government is out of control, reaching way beyond its authority. We are a Republic after all, or were, not a Oligarchy or Totalitarian state, although it is hard to tell anymore.

“A general dissolution of principles and manners will surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued, but when once they lose their virtue, then will they be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.” John Adams

Emotions neither prove nor disprove facts. There was a time when any rational adult understood this. But years of dumbed-down education and emphasis on how people 'feel' have left too many people unable to see through this media gimmick.

Thomas Sowell

I once thought “it” was “just” a problem, that would work itself out. But in reality it is so serious, catastrophic, it is endangering the very foundation of our country.

“Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” G. Orwell 1984

No ads, cookies or fudge, just a collection of info. Some files updated daily. Some files may be blocked, a link will say it's not there, but that is big tech controlling what you read. If ‘they’ can't honestly just say something is false but instead block access, then clearly it must be some information ‘they’ don't want you to hear.

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Top Stories, You will probably never see in the biased liberal left media

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Different file, different examples

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Speaking of Democrats, can you believe this line-up of losers?

Kamala Harris for President. She was Biden's loser, DEI pick for VP, now they are stuck with her..
Tim Walz for VP. A guy who's priority seems to be getting tampons in all the boy's bathrooms. I guess he figures if he uses them maybe they might.

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RFK Jr: How BlackRock Controls Political Parties, Big Pharma & Military Industries

April 17, 2024

RFK Jr said: said: that“BlackRock owns the processed food companies that are poisoning us, and they own the pharmaceutical companies that are making $4.3 trillion a year…

Full article (source)

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Actual police video, an hour and 40 min.
The arrest of George Floyd. www.thefallofminneapolis.com

Politics in the US
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Seattle Pays 2020 BLM Rioters $10 Million Over ‘Excessive Force’ Claims
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Top Harvard Cancer Researchers Accused of Scientific Fraud, 37 Studies Affected
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New York: Illegal Aliens Who Beat up Cops Released Without Bail
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Chicago Alderman Says Illegal Immigrants Get $9,000 for Housing Vouchers, Food & Child Care
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Oregon Supreme Court Stops 10 GOP Lawmakers from Running for Re-election
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Bidenomics Slush Fund Sent Billions in COVID Relief Fund Money to Illegal Aliens
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Schumer Threatens to Send US Troops to Fight Russia Unless Republicans Agree to His $100 Billion Bill. February 07, 2024
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GOP House Speaker Johnson Exposes Border Patrol Union Being Paid To Back ‘Border Deal’
See above articles: https://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=KbGie&m=in7yoqjsHKYcSkU&b=bS4QvzMKgaGCFz1u_id5dw

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Congressional Staffer Says Members of Congress Are Blackmailed Following Sex Parties

January 26, 2024 O'Keefe Media Group and Gateway Pundit

Titus Warren worked for Republican Congressman Bruce Westerman as a legal aid in 2023. Titus is a secret Democrat who has worked in the Republican camp. He was secretly recorded by James O’Keefe. When asked how Republican constituents might respond to his viewpoints, Titus said, “If they do [care], they can kiss the crack of my ass because I don’t care.” Titus unwittingly provided good intel on the inner workings of Congress and how members of both parties are coerced to vote a certain way through what the he called a vote “suggestion.” But these so-called suggestions aren’t suggestions at all; they are ways of blackmailing members of Congress who have engaged in affairs on their spouses or downright sex parties with other members, according to Titus. There is a group chat sponsored by the Democrat and Republican parties before a vote and the parties tell Congressmen how to vote.

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FAA ‘Diversity’ Campaign Aims to Hire Employees with ‘Severe Intellectual’ and ‘Psychiatric’ Disabilities

January 15, 2024 Fox News and IB Times

The Federal Aviation Administration is actively recruiting workers who suffer “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website. “Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.” The FAA currently has 47,000 employees.

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Harvard Scientist Speaks Up Against The Climate Scam, Bill Gates… All fake to control you

Posted 1-15-2024 WhatFingervideo

Bill Gates who is not a scientist, not a doctor and not anyone of intelligence says we have to reduce CO2 to Zero which includes reducing the population because CO2 is warming the earth,this is a blatant lie used to frighten humanity into obedience. Independent scientific papers and independent scientists who have been researching this subject for many years have already proven that CO2 gas is of no concern to life. International Attorney confirms that Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and many other WEF politicians are using Climate Change, Pandemics and Wars to bring about total world control through the United Nations and World Economic Forum. He declares that they must be stopped and should have been stopped a long time ago. Now is the time to unite humanity and defend life and freedom. This is your home, defend planet earth.

THE CLIMATE CHANGE LIE: “Bill Gates I do not want your money”, declares fearless 31 year Harvard Scientist who has scientifically confirmed that CO2 Climate Change theory is a big lie used to control humanity. C02 is the gas of life, they are delusional, global warming is nothing. He goes on to say that John Kerry and Al Gore are talking nonsense about Climate Change, they are not even scientists. They have no idea of the important role that CO2 plays in all life on earth, more CO2 equals more life on planet earth

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How Google Steals Elections and Targets Children with Sexual Content

January 12, 2024 Jimmy Dore and NY Post

Dr. Robert Epstein developed the world’s first 24/7 online monitoring system to safeguard our elections and protect children from highly sexualized and disturbing material from companies like Google. He said that Google shifts votes by using ‘ephemeral content’ that includes search results, search suggestions and up next videos on Youtube that impact undecided voters and then disappears leaving no paper trail. Epstein’s monitoring system preserves and analyzes ephemeral content. He said this is Google’s worst nightmare as his team is giving the nation’s leaders the ammunition to hold Google and other tech companies accountable.

Jimmy Dore asked whether the elite donor class that controls both parties is making the decisions, and Epstein replied by saying that he is confused because some of the larger donations to his cause have come in anonymously from the charitable giving arm of some major New York banks.

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Dr. Epstein’s wife died in a suspicious car crash in 2019. Vaughn was married to the Google whistleblower, Dr. Robert Epstein, who testified before Congress against Google in July, sharing how the company reportedly meddled in the 2016 election.

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Elon Musk Shocked to Discover Illegals Can Vote Without ID, Vote by Mail in Blue States

January 10, 2024 Tucker Carlson, Frontline News and ZeroHedge

Elon Musk has condemned some US states that actually making the electoral system ripe for manipulation. He wrote, “In the USA, you don’t need government issued ID to vote and you can mail in your ballot. This is insane.” Illegal aliens have been granted the vote in municipal elections in New York City and cities in Vermont and Maryland. California and Arizona don’t require proof of citizenship to vote. California allows people to print their own ballot at home and the mail it or place it in a drop box.

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The War on Ivermectin – Free Short Documentary Film

Dr. Pierre Kory, Highwire and Science Direct, December 29, 2023

Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, a critical care doctor, wrote the book, The War on Ivermectin, about the anti-parasitic drug that won the Nobel Prize. Ivermectin is described in a new 12-minute mini-documentary as being safe, effective and cheap. Ivermectin was slandered during the COVID pandemic because COVID vaccines would not have received the emergency use authorization (EUA) if ivermectin was recognized as being effective. Ivermectin has been found to be effective against cancer. In an interview with Del Bigtree of the Highwire, Dr. Kory discussed excess deaths linked to COVID vaccines and vaccine shedding.


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UK Scientists Say Human Breath Bad For Environment, Contributes To Global Warming

InfoWars, December 22, 2023

A new study out of Britain claims UK citizens account for 0.1% of the nation’s greenhouse gases just by breathing. Dr. Nicholas Cowan said that “small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O)” released by humans “both contribute to global warming.” The globalist cabal is trying to make the average person feel as if they’re a plague on the planet. You are the carbon that the elitists want to reduce.

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Zero Electric Vehicle Chargers Built So Far with $7.5 Billion Allocated by Congress

By: Breitbart December 06, 2023

The Biden administration urged Congress in 2021 to spend $7.5 billion to build tens of thousands of electric vehicle (EV) chargers across the country, in the name of reducing climate change, but two years later, the program has yet to install a single charger. Functioning EV chargers located across the country are essential to reaching President Biden’s goal of having half the vehicles sold in the United States to be electric cars by 2030. Americans consistently say the lack of charging infrastructure is one of the top reasons they won’t buy an electric car. There is a lack of demand for EVs. Consumer Reports survey reveals that EVs have almost 80% more problems than gas-powered cars using traditional combustion engines.

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UN Launches Gates-Funded Global Digital ID Program as Experts Warn of ‘Totalitarian Nightmare’

December 01, 2023

A critic said the digital public infrastructure (DPI) will be “a mechanism for surveillance and control" "that combines digital ID, central bank digital currencies [CBDC], vaccine passports and carbon footprint tracking data, paving the way for 15-minute smart cities, future lockdowns and systems of social credit.”

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Groundbreaking Study Reveals Some Antibiotics Actually Help Harmful Bacteria Stay Alive

StudyFinds.org, November 15, 2023

Scientists at the University of Exeter report that some antibiotics inflict a curious effect on certain bacteria — the drugs actually boost the bacteria, helping them live longer.

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Chicago Secretly Renews Contract with Covid Staffing Firm to Staff Migrant Shelters-Some Staff on Track to Make $800K Per Year

by Margaret Flavin Nov. 5, 2023 10:30

The Gateway Pundit reported that reporter William J. Kelly exposed how sites across Chicago are closed to Americans, including a luxury hotel on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, and are being used to house illegals.
The Inn of Chicago, The Standard Club, and parts of O’Hare Airport, have turned into multi-million dollar migrant shelters by Johnson.
Now, Kelly has exposed that the City of Chicago has secretly renewed it’s $40 million dollar contract with a Kansas based staffing firm, Favorite Healthcare Staffing, which had a prior contract with the City as a Covid staffing company.

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The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children by Way of Vaccines

October 27, 2023 Greg Reese

For many years doctors have received bonuses for subjecting their patients to drugs that are known to be dangerous. Insurance companies are paying doctors to fully vaccinate young children; the Blue Cross Blue Shield doctor incentives booklet reveals its incentive payment program for doctors: every patient under the age of two that receives the currently prescribed 24 inoculations is worth a $400 payout to that doctor. Blue Cross Blue Shield rules say that a doctor needs to vaccinate 63% of their patients in order to qualify.

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Major US Meat Producer to Open World Economic Forum (WEF) – Linked Insect Plant

By: ZeroHedge and Slay News, October 20, 2023

The WEF, corporate elites, unelected bureaucrats and the mainstream media are pushing insect protein…

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Man Sentenced to 7 Months in Prison for Posting Meme Disparaging Hillary Clinton

Post Millennial and NewsWars, October 20, 2023

New York: Meme-maker Douglass Mackey was sentenced to seven months in prison on criminal charges following a conviction for conspiracy against rights, i.e. election interference, over memes he created during the 2016 presidential election that disparaged Hillary Clinton. He was found guilty of the federal charge after making memes that jokingly encouraged Hillary Clinton supporters to cast their votes via text message, despite no evidence to support the notion that anyone who saw the meme was deceived by it. Mackey’s conviction violates the First Amendment and sets a bad precedent.

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If you’re like most people in America, you’ve probably been wondering why Democrats/Socialists/Communists are pushing transgender ideology so hard, especially on children, even though countries with actual Communist governments (like Russia) oppose and even outlaw it?

September 20, 2023 by BareNakedIslam

In short, it is because Communist countries already practice totalitarian control over their people, while far-Leftists/wannabe – Communists in the West are endeavoring to achieve that level of control. By brainwashing people, starting with very young children, into questioning their gender and trying to eliminate the concepts of “Mother” and “Father,” “Boys” and “Girls,” the Leftists in America are working to destroy the “nuclear family” which is the basis for freedom and democracy, as well as free- market Capitalism. As German socialist philosopher Friedrich Engles once said: “The male-dominated nuclear family is essential for Capitalism.”


AH HAH! Is this why PayPal banned Bare Naked Islam as well as several other counter jihad websites from its donation/payment services?

September 17, 2023 by BareNakedIslam

PayPal faces scrutiny for alleged links to Palestinian terror groups Palestinian terror groups

After being pressured by designated terrorist group CAIR, PayPal not only banned Bare Naked Islam from using its services, they made sure no other payment services provider would allow BNI to use their sites for donations either. What’s more, when PayPal permanently suspended BNI, it took them nearly 180 days to return a $6,774.02 balance.

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Oprah and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Face Blowback over Lahaina Fundraiser Racket


“Please don't tell me I just saw a billionaire standing next to a millionaire begging the average, everyday citizen for donations that barely able to get by due to a recession in a country where Biden is giving away all our resources.”

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Kaiser Permanente Has a New Mandatory Staff Training Program that Promotes Transitioning 4-Year Olds

September 08, 2023

Kaiser Permanente, one of America's top healthcare providers, requires employees watch a training video that says three-year-old children can identify as transgender.

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Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?


The IRS has military-grade weapons that include submachine guns, flash grenades, body armor, armored…

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FBI Kills Yet Another American in His Own Home, This Time It's a ‘100% Disabled Veteran’

September 01, 2023

The FBI shot a man, Theodore Deschler, who was described by his family to be a completely disabled…

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‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Bets $1.6 Billion on Stock Market Crash


Michael Burry, the investor who predicted the 2008 housing crash and was the subject of the ”Big Short“ movie, has bet more than $1.6 billion on a Wall Street crash.

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October 09, 2023

Man who Survived Mao, Says Hillary Clinton’s Call for ‘Deprogramming’ of Trump Supporters Is Alarming


Germany: Member of the Populist Anti-Immigration Party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), Was Poisoned


San Francisco: Workers Warned to Stay Away from Nancy Pelosi Building amid Rampant Crime ☠

Biden Admin Funds Programs Across the US Modeled on California's Failed ‘Housing First’ Policy ☠

It Was Pelosi: Former Capitol Police Chief Reveals ‘Set Up’ Behind January 6 ☠

Report: ‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Bets $1.6 Billion on Stock Market Crash ☠

Garland Drops Charges Against Hunter Biden, Critics Suspect a Cover up to Protect President Biden ☠

The Public Health™ Red Meat Allergy Bioengineering Plot Thickens… ☠

Australian Banks Stop Using Cash! Checks to Be Terminated by 2030 ☠

Biden Family Received over $20 Million from Foreign Oligarchs who Had Dinners with then VP Joe Biden ☠

Google Introduces Its New Censorship Tool: the Google News Initiative (GNI) ☠

Google Introduces Its New Censorship Tool: the Google News Initiative (GNI)

August 14, 2023 Expose

Google has partnered with the United Nations, World Health Organization and others in a new global censorship tool that was recently introduced. Google News Lab is “a team within the Google News Initiative (GNI) whose mission is to collaborate with journalists to fight misinformation”. GNI uses “Fact Check Tools” to eliminate dissent. The goal is to have one point of view that Google calls ‘Data Commons’. A critic wrote that Google's algorithms are designed to delete websites that criticize topics such as Covid-19 statistics, the World Bank, the FBI's crime statistics, PharmGKB database and a one-world global government.


Ecstasy Should Be Used to ‘Cure’ People of Their ‘Hateful’ And ‘Anti-Semitic’ Beliefs

Jewish Daily Forward, July 19, 2023 Information Liberation

The Jewish Daily Forward says that MDMA, the drug known as Ecstasy or Molly, should be used to “cure” people of their “hateful” and “anti-Semitic” beliefs.

Nobel Prize Winners Issue Emergency Warning: Globalists Planning to Murder 7.5 Billion People

Jul 20, 2023, 24

The Alex Jones Show, Alex Jones covers the following article that tears apart globalists' fake ‘climate crisis!’. https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/nobel-prize-winning-physicist-blows-whistle-on-global-elite-admits-climate-crisis-is-a-hoax/
Read & share the document, There Is No Climate Emergency, that's already been signed by hundreds of climate professors! https://clintel.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/WCD-version-06272215121.pdf The near-impossible-to-find Aaron Russo interview by Alex Jones is free to watch below: https://banned.video/watch?id=62a0c0b6f3feec02cafe1bb3


Prosecutors Agree with Rapper 50 Cent that Los Angles is “Finished” Due to Its ‘No-Bail’ Policy

California Shoplifting Laws Could Wreck the Economy as Insurance Companies Exit the State

June 16, 2023 Wall Street Silver and the Washington Examiner

Economist Peter St. Onge said that businesses are leaving soft-on-crime big cities, removing the tax base that supports infrastructure like police and fire services. He said that State Farm will join Allstate in exiting California entirely in the business and property insurance markets because they can't get anyone to insure the policies for the Golden State. Thousands of Californians are now going without insurance, which locks people in as they can't sell their house as most banks will not write a mortgage for an uninsurable property. In addition, many businesses cannot sustain losses without insurance.

California's Democrat-majority Senate passed SB553 that prohibits employers from instructing employees to confront shoplifters. A law that prohibits employers from telling their employees that customers are not allowed to take whatever they want without paying would clearly incentivize shoplifting. California has a culture that shows disdain for property rights, which are the wellspring of all human rights and a pillar of civilization.

St. Onge said that urban voters who keep electing the same clowns that enabled the soft-on-crime policies are beginning to wake up as they are experiencing the consequences of their votes and are now demanding that city officials arrest criminals and clear out open air drug markets,


JPMorgan freezes customers’ bank accounts

"CryptoGazette, May 20.2023

It's been just revealed the fact that JPMorgan is “persistently” discriminating against its own clients and closing bank accounts without warning. This is according to the Republican attorneys general from 19 states.


Investor Arrested After Criticizing Warren Buffett's Funding for Bill Gates' Woke Philanthropy and Ties to Jeffrey Epstein

The Daily Signal, May 8, 2013

Pete Flaherty, chairman and CEO of the National Legal and Policy Center, was arrested and charged with criminal trespassing by police in Omaha, Nebraska, even though his name was on the list of attendees for the Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting.


Supreme Court gives IRS green light to seek bank records without notice..

WashingtonExaminer ~05-19-23

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the Internal Revenue Service doesn't have to notify bank account holders before requesting their records if efforts are geared toward collecting someone else's delinquent taxes.


The Goal of Transgenderism Is Transhumanism and the Transfer of Reproduction to the Tech Sector

By: Big Picture with James Patrick/ Jennifer Bilek, May 10, 2023

Transhumanists claim that hybrid species will overcome biological limits. Puberty blockers, surgery…

Mexican Illegal Alien Accused of Shooting Neighbors Had Been Deported Four Times

Zerohedge and of course G. Edward Griffin

British Godfather of AI, 75, QUITS Google over Fears the ‘Scary’ Tech He Pioneered

By: DailyMail and Today, May 03, 2023

Geoffrey Hinton, 75, helped to design the systems that became the bedrock of artificial intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT and Google Bard, but now he says that part of him regrets making them. He fears that AI could prompt the proliferation of misinformation and replace people in the workforce.


“He who votes, determines nothing, he who counts the vote, determines everything.” Stalin
Biden has recently been quoting him. Were you listening?

“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
Thomas Paine

I wrote a letter, two in fact, making a rational argument against the fake pandemic. Copy it, improve on it, use it.



I would appreciate feedback/corrections of any kind. Click on Patriot to send me a message. Put "ATTEN: WEB site" in the subject line. Keep trying. You won't be "spammed".

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At one time, Google default dictionary, literally defined republicans as nazis, in so many words. I knew it wouldn't stay that way, but to copy a little bit of text wouldn't prove anything later.
MRC caught Google red-handed attempting to swing the midterm election to the Democrats. [week of 11-7-22] “Google Caught Manipulating Search, Buries GOP Campaign Sites in 83% of Top Senate Races.”
California: The Oakland Police Department Wants to Arm Robots with Shotguns
Critics are concerned about the killing machines contributing to the militarization of domestic†

A large collection of facts about the Chinese virus which the main–stream media is suppressing. The Coronavirus, the Wuhan Virus, the BFD-19 I am going to control you virus.
Another WEB site to back up my claims.

The George Floyd killing but Candace Owens says how it is. 10 minutes tells more than the media has in 5 years. As this makes the left and all their support look really bad, I'm sure it will be removed at some point. Let me post one excerpt from the video by Cadace Owens. Shelby Steel said, “The black community and culture is unique from other communities in that we are the only only people the cater to the bottom denominator of society” See the video and a rough transcript. copy it, I did.

Free Movie: ‘The Fall Of Minneapolis’ Reveals Info that Was Withheld in the George Floyd Case


The Stacked deck against Trump.

Trump had to be taken out

The Trump economy was booming. The democrats were in jeopardy of becoming extinct and many may well go to prison. In any case, the gravy train would be over and the progressives would rather trash this country than lose their strangle hold on the finances and the direction of this country. They already had a plan. A Fake Pandemic! !
The progressives couldn't survive another Trump term in office, he was getting too close to exposing the lies and treachery going on in Washington. Their hate for Trump goes beyond politics. They were terrified they would go to prison and their plans for destroying democracy would be at an end.

Time Magazine published a detailed description of how the left organized the ouster of President Donald Trump in the 2020 election. It is a window into the structure of the groups that colluded to put Joe Biden into office. Some of the main players include Big Tech and the media outlets that control the flow of information. The AFL-CIO which supposedly represents workers, and the US Chamber of commerce, that supposedly represents entrepreneurs, joined forces to pressure Trump and Republican politicians to accept defeat. The riots of Antifa and Black Lives Matter were weaponized as a looming threat against anyone who opposed or had the power to stop the certification for the 2020 election.

Evidence of Fraud with regard to covid.

“The government shouldn't be in the business of trying to rectify all of histories injustices, they should just be trying to get the best person for the job.” Ben Shapiro

Humans are a social animal, we will naturally form groups. One of the goals of the pandemic was to create social unrest.


Everybody wants better, better for themselves and their family and in declining order, until it gets to people 'like' themselves, maybe the same race, people they work with, the company they work for, fellow car; music; sports; enthusiast, who knows; just about anything. A ‘new’ person might be shunned just because they are new. Quite often it might be someone who you think might be a threat to you, your family, your way of life. It might be their gender, speech or physical appearance, just about anything different, it is only human. Those of us that are rational have evolved beyond this animal stage, without even thinking, using good sense and judgment to control our lives, overcome these animal instincts. This is how man has evolved over beast. Somehow the political left figured out how repress the good sense part of the brain and bring the animal out. I think that is where we are now.

Facts you may have forgotten or overlooked:


How to DESTROY America

by: Dick Lamm was the 38th governor of Colorado (1975-1987) and he wrote "how to destroy America" and you should read what he said.

I must be doing something right, attacks have been made on my WEB site, in addition to linked files disappearing and/or being re-directed.

The media is especially good at making facts go away. Files & videos that don't further their (progressive) agenda or make it look bad disappear with regularity. A story they might publish today may well be gone from their web site/archives tomorrow. I now try to include enough of the story so you at least get the idea of what was said.


Definition of Religion

The US has no legal definition for “religion”. So why is that do you suppose that is? To include Islam as a religion under the definition you would have to include rape, sodomy, incest, murder, torture, honor killing, polygamy, concubines, sexual exploitation of children, white (and black) slavery, ···. No wonder they (politicians) don't want a legal definition. They can't afford to alienate a large source of income e.g. Muslims, no more back room deals or money kick-backs.

Islam was originally a celestial religion, they worshiped the moon and stars. (Not to be confused with a separate religion by that same name)

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So what do we know is true? I have proven beyond any reasonable doubt, that Obama is an illegal Muslim, a large percentage of people believe that too. That being said, then a large percentage of congress, especially the democrats, are clearly corrupt. Republicans are corrupt by omission if nothing else. Then there is the media, praising obama, praising Biden, distorting stories, taking things out of context, leaving out embarrassing facts, selectively reporting stories, maligning anybody that says differently and erasing anything that might incriminate the left. e.g. Katie Couric was caught editing her interview with Ginsberg. She doesn't deny it, she tries to justify it. (“They” erase anything that doesn't agree with their progressive slant. I have run a website for 30 years and a lot of time spent correcting dead links to information was deleted).

So is anyone telling the truth? I'm doing what I can. I have no agenda except trying to get the facts. Without the real facts, no intelligent decisions can be made.

Just a few of the Daily stories of the horror of Islam

Muslim owned or apologists stores we need to boycott.

We are losing our country one crappy little new law at a time.


Obama birth certificate,

Obama anti- American,

Police State,

Voter Fraud.

A democratic society cannot exist without a free and willing press.

News of Jihad.

Check the group "Islam, not a religion" on facebook for hundreds of updates.

*-*-Voter Fraud-*-*

What being a Muslim is.

Islam is not a religion but a Political Agenda..

Professional sports gets their share of your tax dollar. Politician give them multi-million dollar tax breaks and we the public, lose hundreds of millions in taxes so some Senator can have box seats (and thousands in campaign contributions).


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Act for America

ACT now!

Brigitte Gabriel

Her book "Because They Hate"
Her book "They Must be Stopped"
"They" meaning Islam
Southern Poverty Law Center

Arm showing holocaust tattoo

'ACT for America' Founder Brigitte Gabriel at the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit (VVS) in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 13. During the interview, Gabriel called out the SPLC for "creating hatred in the country" and accused the group of "working with radical Islamist's coming together within our own country."

Government intrusion

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To find out what it is like to live under a tyrannical government, just do nothing.

Find out what it is like

Obama has done the Impossible,

obama tyranny he is making Bush look good.


John McCain, hero or traitor

John McCain,

Serious questions have come up about 'Senator' John McCain's loyalty & honesty.


Lyndon Baynes Johnson

Famous for selling us out to Israel

Remember the Liberty!

USS Liberty
Remember the Liberty!
The USS Liberty limps to port

Do you remember Lyndon Johnson? The thirty sixth president of the United States 1961-1963? Maybe not, Nixon was so corrupt he over-shadowed anything Johnson did. Johnson escalated the American involvement in the Vietnam War from 16,000 American soldiers in 1963 to 500,000 in early 1968. Johnson was instrumental in pulling one of the greatest deceptions on the US public and the reasons are obvious. Be sure to check out the USS Liberty's well laid out WEB Site, with many excellent references and pictures. [USS Liberty (AGTR-5) was a Belmont -class technical research ship (i.e. electronic spy ship) that was attacked by Israel Defense Forces during the 1967 Six-Day War. She was originally built and served in World War II as a VC2-S-AP3 type Victory cargo ship named SS Simmons Victory.] USS liberty vetrens association.


Jimmy Carter

What a disaster

The father of modern day terrorism!


Nancy Pelosi

Speaker of the House

The very definition of Hypocrite.

and an enemy of the state

In Her Own Stupid Words and that of some of her progressive friends.


Bill Clinton, William Jefferson Clinton

The Clinton Debacle

Remember the Clinton era? White House blow jobs ("that is not sex," as he testified at a sworn congressional hearing).



While that probably just scratches the surface about Bill Clinton, his wife may even be worse. Like Bill, she is a lawyer. Now I know this is a free nation where theoretically (almost) anybody can become president, (snicker, gag, laugh, puke, cough, hack) but I would like to add two more things to the restrictions. Preachers and Lawyers are two kinds of people that spend their lives twisting meanings and rearranging the truth, two qualities endemic to politicians unfortunately.

A former assistant pastry chef told Kessler that Hillary Clinton did not approve of maintenance work being done in the White House while they were present.  An agent assigned to protect her said that when she was in front of the press she "turns it on", and when the lights are off and she's away from the lights, she's a totally different person."  The agent also said that she was sarcastic and angry at her staff and yelled at them.

"What Difference Does It Make?"

Hillary's YouTube video has deleted because it was factual and it made hillary (progressives) look so bad - - response to the 4 deaths in Benghazi.

What's the difference?

Hillary very much aware of what was going on and was even part of the cover-up.

FIA or her emails prove it.

Clinton's and Campaign Contributions Claim 'Not a Shred of Evidence' in Wrong Doing Just Doesn't Hold Water.

It is difficult to tell when somebody is lying if they never tell the truth.

Hillary was rotten from the start. Let me tell you something about Hillary's past.


and the great Cover-UP

Hillary was kept informed of the >events in Benghazi as they happened.

Benghazi Cover-up, Stand Down, General Carter Ham;


George H W Bush

The Bush administration is really kissing up to big business, esp. Pharmaceuticals but no less were Microsoft and tobacco. The final agreement(s) amounts to a stab in the back for the American public. Originally under the Clinton presidency, Microsoft agreed to disclose the 'hidden code' that they have been swearing all along didn't exist. This is the code that makes their own products (e.g. Word) work better than all others but the final agreement didn't include that. The newest version of Microsoft is its most ant-competition yet and Bush and the boys are going to give it their blessing, and deposit their check. Kinda like when Saddam warning us he will retaliate with chemical and biological weapons if we invade but his argument against us invading is he doesn't have any chemical or biological weapons.

Link to the Mixrosoft file.  (I had to change things a bit to make it more difficult for mixrosoft to find me talking about them and illegally deleting my files which they have already done!!!)

In an interesting twist of fate, The WikiLeaks have proven GW was right about WMD's in Iraq. Saddam may not have had nukes, but he was actively working on acquiring them and (he had poison gas)! Does anyone remember Hans Blix? The German UN inspector? Funny his name is left off of everything. Many places he inspected he found clear markings where equipment had recently been removed. He was even held up outside one facility for 3 days while the Iraqi's hustled equipment out the back door as seen by one of his fellow inspectors who climbed a pole & could see over the fence. This might be the only place on the WEB you will be reminded of this. There is such a conspiracy still going today to make Bush wrong about this.

[Truth or Fiction] George H. Bush was extremely kind, considerate and always respectful towards Secret Service agents.  They took great care in making sure the agents' comforts were taken care of and even brought them meals.  Barbara Bush once gave a warm hat to a Secret Service agent while he was protecting the Bush's at their Kennebunkport home in Maine.

A former agent told Kessler that the Bush's were very considerate of the agents sworn to protect them.   The hat incident occurred while Mr. Bush was Vice President.


There must be a third entity to this mess, something we are not seeing.

If somebody wanted to gain control of the US, what do they need to do first?

Control the money! See abbreviated transcript of the below, of mentioned video.

So, WHO controls the money?

FED (Bankers) = loss of control of "YOUR" money.  Step 1 complete Sept. 1913 when just a select few congressmen remained behind while the rest had gone on Christmas vacation the issue was voted on and the federal reserve was born.  It was no accident.  It was planned.

'They' didn't expect to do it in a week, a year or even in a decade, 'they' are very methodical, 'they' have to be.

So who are 'They'?
'They' are not an individual, an individual couldn't do it.  'They' are any number of groups that want to control you and the rest of the world and 'they' or 'it' doesn't care how long it takes.

There is always somebody who thinks 'they' are better than you, know more than you, can decide your fate better than you can yourself (beside our scum sucking politicians).  Stalin said we would eventually  live under communism, Hitler almost brought the western world under Nazism.  Taking the US by force is almost impossible.  'They' have learned to take us from within.  Americans will fight to the death against "Socialism" but call it "Liberalism" and they will embrace it.

Do 'they' have a name?  'They' have many names, most likely 'they' come to as BANKERS as, whoever controls the money controls the nation.

The US citizens are so gullible, they would rather watch the TV then concern themselves with politics, They can tell you who won American Idol but they can't tell you who their congressmen are.  They are reluctant to take up arms. They believe what they see on TV,  they have accepted things like the 'FED' as a good thing, they believe their politicians have their interest at heart, they have been lulled into thinking the government is protecting them, they think the US is forever and that keeping us strong is somebody else's job, that is why they pay taxes, right?

Remember, money isn't lost during a recession, it just changes hands.

The Eight Levels of Control That Must Be Achieved before You're Able to Create a SOCIALIST STATE."
1) Healthcare
Control healthcare and you control the people. Need I say "Obamacare?"
2) Poverty-increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.  Obama has doubled welfare since being in office, doubled the Food Stamps.
3) Debt-increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.  Obama has doubled our debt, our national debt.
4) Gun Control – remove the ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.  You see the progressives fighting hard to kill the 2nd amendment.
5) Welfare-take control of every aspect of their lives (food, housing, and income).
6) Education-take control of what people read and listen to. Take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion–remove the belief in God from the government and schools.
8) Class Warfare–divide the people into wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Remember the Trever Martin fiasco? Obama said “He could have been my child.” An extraordinarily divisive statement. It turned out the progressive's star witness, Trevor's girl friend, wasn't.


Bilderberg Group

Just [Link Missing]who are they and what are they up to?

Inside the secretive Bilderberg Group.

2005–09–29, BBC News

The Bilderbergers,  "Their goal is a World Government run exclusively by their hand–picked puppets."

They control the world's press and virtually all our banks and financial institutions. They screen and choose who America's leaders will be and even determine who will run on the Democratic and Republican Party tickets.

The Wikileaks documents stated; "there will be a world government."

This fits perfectly with everything I have been saying, the banks, the media, the political parties.


Judicial Watch Announces List of Washington's Ten Most  'Corrupt Politicians' for 2009.


Encore! Obama repeats appearance on 'most corrupt' list 2010 joined by Barbara Boxer, Rahm Emanuel, John Ensign, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Rangel, Maxine Waters, Dianne Feinstein


70 card carrying communists in congress including half the Judiciary Committee

Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members Of Congress Who Are Members Of Their Caucus


George Soros

The money behind the Socialist agenda.

Billionaire George Soros has ties to more then [link no longer available] 50 partners of the Women's March on Washington

link works on a TOR browser


This is how a real leader talks:



Congress report concedes Obama eligibility un–vetted!

A (freerepublic dot com/…/posts gone)congressional document that has been posted on the Internet confirms no one –not Congress, not the states and not election officials - bothered to check Barack Obama's eligibility to be president, and in fact, that status remains undocumented to this day.

Kenya investigates obama's birth & finds [Link Missing]'tampering' with the records.

Remember the story of the Palestinian, obama went to Syria with?  Here is his picture.



Islam Prime

Video [link/destination] has been removed as has so many other pieces of 'proof'.

However, there is a new video put out by the muslims themselves. Link to fake book says "Sorry, this content isn't available right now". conservative info will not stay on fake book. The video shows their true plans.

I copied the video to prevent its disappearance, as should you.

Black Jack Pershing had a very UN–politically correct way of dealing with terrorism and it worked. When is Washington going to understand that throwing kisses to terrorists is not a deterrent?

One of the worst threats to America today is "Islam" mostly because people don't recognize it as such.


It is a slur, get over it...

The "JOY" ☠ of being a Muslim woman, written by:

 a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim.


SCARY FACTS About ISLAM, this is how it comes down, it is happening now!!

Not because it is a religion but because it is a dangerous ideology.

Muslims are using the very freedoms we enjoy as tools to attack us.

Proposed amendment to the constitution prohibiting Islam

DISGRACEFUL: The doctor and father of a 13–year–old girl who died after undergoing female genital mutilation (FGM) have been acquitted in Egypt.
Doctor Raslan Fadl was cleared of all charges alongside the father of Suhair al–Bataa, a lawyer in the case said. The practice of FGM was banned in Egypt in 2008 but is still widespread. More than 90% of Egyptian women aged under 50 have experienced it, according to government statistics.  https://barenakedislam.com/

updated attacks since 9-11
I hope this works. In the past I have had to update this info manually. Apparently, they think ignoring islam will fix it. It is a progressive thing.



We need to get one thing straight here.  Do you know what the "FED" is? More importantly, do you know 'why' the FED is?

The wikipedia dot org/wiki/Federal_Reserve_SystemFederal Reserve link is gone, (a privately owned bank) was/is the beginning of the end for the U.S. if we don't do something about it now.

They (the bankers) have been planning this for a long time and have now made their final move, it is act now or kiss some banker's ass for the rest of your life. He who beats his weapons into plow shares, plows for those that didn't. Nobozo has stripped trillions out of the US treasury and into the FED and nobody knows where it is. This is it, do something.  Search U–tube for Alan Grayson videos of congressional hearings.

Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not who makes its laws. truth11.com/2009/01/17/quote-give-me-control-of-a-nations-money-supply-mater-amschel-rothschild Mater Amschel Rothschild [broken link too many uncomfortable 'facts' for progressives] , founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

Second wikipedia dot org/wiki/Second _Bank_of_the_United _States missing link,
Bank of the United States


By the early 1830s, President Jackson had come to thoroughly dislike the Second Bank of the United States because of its fraud and corruption. Jackson then had an investigation done on the Bank which he said established "beyond question that this great and powerful institution had been actively engaged in attempting to influence the elections of the public officers by means of its money." Although its charter was bound to run out in 1836, Jackson wanted to "kill" the Second Bank of the United States even earlier. Jackson is considered primarily responsible for its demise, seeing it as an instrument of political corruption and a threat to American liberties. The head of the Second Bank during Jackson's presidency, -- wiki is political and pulling damning stories-- Nicholas Biddle, had decided to seek an extension of the bank's charter four years early, in 1832. Henry Clay helped to steer the re–chartering bill through Congress, but Jackson then vetoed it.

In his message regarding his veto, Jackson used language which appeared to resonate mostly with common citizens while attacking the predominantly rich and in many cases foreign stockholders of the current bank.

Jackson's Bank Veto



Does anybody out there remember the reason given for the establishment of the  Department Of Energy, during the  Carter Administration?

* Anybody?
* Anything?
* No?
* Didn't think so!

Bottom line ....

We've spent several hundred billion dollars In support of an agency ....the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember.
Who's goal was very simple ..  and at the time everybody thought it very appropriate... The 'Department of Energy' Was instituted on 8–04–1977


Hey, pretty efficient, huh?????


Actually, they accomplished nothing toward that goal, Trump however has totally succeeded,

This is where you slap your forehead and say what was I thinking?

Ah, yes, good old bureaucracy...  And NOW _ we are going to turn Health Care and the Auto Industry over to the government ALL IN THE NAME OF CHANGE?



1. Congress has already rewarded millions of illegal border crossers and visa overstayers with 7 amnesties. Yes, SEVEN!

2. Every amnesty thus far has been a "chain migration amnesty." It has allowed every recipient to start whole new chains of immigration into the outer reaches of their families –– and into chains of in–laws, and in–laws of in–laws, that stretch over decades.

Terrorists coming across our Southern Border

Thousands of illegal Mexicans coming over our southern border is bad enough but documented evidence of OTM's (Other Than Mexicans) coming across the border is embarrassing to our own government that doesn't want you to know that terrorists have made it an entry point. The list of OTM's that used to be available has been pulled from the public.  It is being made available here.

Don't miss this couple of video news reports on the problem. video pulled by progressives.
A WEB site called RealFacts has tons more info on illegal immigration including many links to videos.

The (obama) administration and the ACLU have done their best to block efforts to curb illegal immigration and fix virtually any of the problems caused by it but the City of Dallas TX has come up with at least a partial solution that seems to be working remarkably well and the ACLU and nobozo administration are helpless to do anything about.

Nothing quite hard-hitting video illistrating the idiocy of illegal immigration has been deleted by a progressive biased you tube.) GUMBALLS to illustrate the point ever so clearly.

Mexico's Anti immigration laws make the Arizona law look like an invite.  How hypocritical can Mexico's president be?

The Mexican constitution states that foreigners may be expelled for any reason and without due process.

Mexican military is actually helping drug dealers & Human traffickers.

The Mexican military, probably paid off by drug & smugglers, are actually helping transport illegals into the US and are ((Caution, site flagged))in fact crossing into the US and firing at our border patrol.  Reports of this to the (obama) White house are going unheeded.

The shoe is on the other foot and the Mexicans from Sonora don't like it. Can you believe the nerve of these people? It's almost funny. State of Sonora, Mexico,is angry at the Flood of Mexicans returning to Mexico!

Illegal Immigration is costing us Billions!

About 2% do menial work and even they often send their paychecks back to Mexico.

The Illegal's Superhighway, pictures you will never see on your progressive biased  news outlet.

Your Congress, thinking of themselves first.

as always


The FDA is perhaps the most CORRUPT organization in all our federal government.

A powerful organization holding the fate of a trillion dollar industry in its hands would never allow a link like the one that was here to remain valid.


So much for Democracy, Are we using the worst voting procedure?

Correct Voting System?


"Those who vote decide nothing, Those who count the votes decide everything." - Josef Stalin, Russia.


Where does Terrorism come from?


Terrorists hate America because of, among other things, our blind support of Israel. Half of U.S. "https://www.wrmea.org/005-april/special-report-total-direct-aid-to-israel-conservatively-estimated-at-almost-$105-billion.html/" [URL Forbidden??] foreign aid goes to Israel (numbers 2 and 3 on the list are (were&$41; Egypt and Jordan to bribe them be nice to Israel[2006]) and they in turn have [Presidential Candidate 'Ron Paul' says 3 times goes to Arab nation] admitted to use it to build settlements on “Palestinian land” which they later plowed down when they turned some of the land back to the Palestinians. Somebody on TV said it was 18 Bil ($) they received from us last year (2001 ?) and they have already asked for 12 Bil ($) this year. (2002 I think) The U.S. news and politics is dominated by progressive and Jewish bias and (literally) overwhelming reports only positively on Israel and negatively toward their enemies e.g. the Palestinians. You are told of every incident of Palestinian violence against Israel is in great detail but the most you hear of the Palestinian side is a statistic I'm not necessarily taking the Palestinians side, I simply think that this problem will never be resolved unless we take time to look at See what some of the talk shows say. Check some of the discussions on the internet.

this particular debate no longer exists

Open Democracy Debate. except the debate portion is no longer there.


Al-Qaeda doesn't need to attack America, (debate went away)our own industry is doing everything they want to accomplish it for them, all in the name of capitalism. Industry is literally feeding us their garbage and telling us it is good for us, e.g. see poisoning below, and all with the blessing of your congressmen. Recently we find out that the Malaria medicine they have been giving our troops in Afghanistan is making them crazy. There have been 3 or 4 of them go nuts and kill family members at Fort Bragg. Check out some of our 'friends' we have in the Middle East. (link no longer works)


Why I think Bill Gates is a Selfish bastard



Bush passed this wonderfully <sic> pro Pharma Medicare prescription drug benefit (worth hundreds of billions to make direct payments to the Pharma) than proceeded to seize legally purchased pharmaceuticals purchased in Canada where they were much cheaper. One only has to look at his contributors (the ones you can see) to figure out why that happened.

By same token if one looks at who contributed the most on Hilary's election and you will see it is the health industry, the very industry she threatens to restrict. Does that scare you? It sure as hell scares me. The enemy in front of you is dangerous but not nearly as the so called "friend" standing behind you ready to stick you with a knife. Beware of a sweet talking lawyer. They are cold and calculating and they plan to come out on top.<sic>


Hilary's biggest benefactor is a crook, a felon and that is a fact nobody denies. So if she is getting paid off by crooks, just who do you think she is beholden too? Hillary, with no commodity experience, parlayed a few thousand dollars into several [www dot washingtonpost dot com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr940527.htm link unavailable] hundred thousand dollars in just a few months time. Do you really believe that? Integrity? Like I said, she is a lawyer, twisting the law is what she does. So if she is getting paid off by crooks, just who do you thing she is beholden too?  Now, how does "INTEGRITY" fit in there? A lawyer's job is collecting every bit of evidence that may help their case yet when it came to an investigation of Hilary's doings, she could not "recall" (which later turned out to be a blatant lie like almost everything she says) meetings she had with businessman Seth Ward (she had 15 meetings with him and claimed not to recall one) and when her records were subpoenaed she couldn't find them for months."


You've seen the movie, now read what is really going on. Conspiracy Theory


Mexico is Angry


The Pharmaceutical Industry

A trillion dollar business

and they have bought every necessary politician they need to do anything they want!

The Birth of Pharmaceuticals
Big Pharmaceutical companies, Billions are not enough

The profit margin for Big Pharma can exceed 3000%.

If you are the CEO of a (See guernicamag.com, article may be archived.) Big Pharma and you can figure out a way for a government to pass a law REQUIRING the populace to buy their drugs, you get a pretty big payout. [i.e. The Medicare Prescription Drug bill.] Remember their (the drug companies) argument, why we should be required to buy drugs at an) query dot nytimes dot com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C01E6DA113BF937A15752C1A9659C8B63 now requires an account. Ƒinflated price in the US? It was because they needed the money for investment, for finding cures. Yet they spend (B) billions on advertisement, they have been caught spending millions to promote a $500,000 investment. Their budget for lobbying congress is millions of dollars. So who do you suppose is going to benefit from this 'investment'? Pharmaceuticals get a Free Lunch and the US taxpayer picks up the bill for billions ($).

Pharma recently offered to buy an invention that has the potential to drastically reduce the abuse and -- link disappeared -- over use of drugs. Pharma wants to keep if off the market. They want the abuse; the overdoses, to continue, it is all money in their pocket.

Ex-Pfizer CEO to leave $180 million Richer

NEW YORK - Pfizer Inc. former chief executive, Henry A. McKinnell, who was forced into an early retirement in part because of investor anger about his rich retirement benefits, will get every penny of it and more, a new regulatory filing shows.

McKinnell's package, which the company disclosed in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission Thursday, totals more than $180 million. It includes an estimated $82.3 million in pension benefits, $77.9 million in deferred compensation, and cash and stock totaling more than $20.7 million.

The total value could grow to almost $200 million if McKinnell gets a $18.3 million stock award, but that is contingent on the future performance of the stock of the world's largest drug maker.

Transparency Hasn't Stopped Drug Companies From Corrupting Medical Research

2018-09-14, New York Times

In order to get prescription drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration, companies must conduct clinical trials to show that the drugs are safe and effective.
A review of 74 clinical trials of antidepressants, for example, found that 37 of 38 positive studies — that is, studies that showed that a drug was effective — were published. But 33 of 36 negative studies were either not published or published in a form that conveyed a positive outcome. Bias can also be introduced through the design of a clinical trial. It's often possible to make clinical trials come out the way you and your sponsors want. Disclosure is better than no disclosure, but it does not eliminate the conflict of interest. www dot nytimes dot com/2018/09/14/opinion/jose-baselga-research-disclosure-bias. Times wants you to pay now.. Full story



Are you glad so many companies are getting rid of MSG? MSG can legally be called by 35 different names.


The Cheeseburger Bill

This year (2009), congress is going to pass a law giving protection to the food industry against 'link no longer exists"lawsuits.

I wonder who got paid what for that?



Idiots like Pelosi, the reason we need personal firearms...

The right to keep and bear arms.

Gun Control Works
			Picture here
These people, e.g. Stalin, recommend strict "Gun Control"

Hidden state laws ban firearm sales, even possession, during crises!

Be ever Vigilant, there are bills (in congress) put forward every year to severely restrict, register (and eventually) totally ban some and eventually all guns. Remember what an unarmed person is? {besides defenseless} a 'subject'. So, are you going to get on your knees every time some politician goes by? I noted that in 1996 Australia decided to ban gun ownership. Since that time crime has increased in all sectors particularly in assaults. Interesting, isn't it? England, a country where --missing link-- handguns have been long banned; is now one of the most likely --article missing-- cities to be mugged in according to a (link missing) newscast.

Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own pantyhose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound.


link to more info

- - Homosexual? - -

The Politics of being Gay

In the 1970's the HOMOSEXUAL community LOBBIED the APA to be removed from their list of mental disorders.

This is hardly the way you make something a scientific fact.


Manly Alter Ego

So, you think being "GAY"is a matter of choice?

to find a solution.


I'm not alone with these conclusions.

This doesn't mean this is the only answer, there may be other possibilities, one should keep an open mind.

Infants pick up TOXIC CHEMICALS in Intensive Care.

Pollutants appears to affect boy's as well as girls sexuality.

Infant boys who were exposed in the womb to modest concentrations of certain common plasticizers and solvents developed genital changes including smaller then normal penises, a new study finds.

Science News vol 168 #7 pg 109 Aug 13, 2005

A father's legacy to a child's health may start before conception and last generations.

* ☠ *Hormone Disrupting Chemicals* ☠ *


Hormone Disrupting Chemicals

See this file.



It is not just for linoleum anymore.

The TruthAboutSoy web site no longer exists. Victim, no doubt, to big business for exposing the truth. However the last time I did a search on the WEB I found other sites that said many of the same things.

Soy,you won't believe what it really is. Ignored Estrogen in Soy. Estrogen in Paper Mill Waste. Soy, How it evolved into industry's bastard child.


My thoughts..


The Unintentional Conspiracy...


Interesting! Check out www.revcom.us/

Who pays for those signs? Any questions?

DO YOU KNOW who pays for the printed signs used in recent protests? 
See lettering at bottom of sign, or placard.

If you've been watching the news, you undoubtedly have seen many people holding up signs.

printed signs by who?  revcom.us
Those people did not print them themselves. On the bottom of the signs is the inscription: revcom.us   

To see who printed them, go to:  http://www.revcom.us/
Draw your own conclusions. And then forward this to everyone on the planet!

A little news of the Unusual:

10 or more years ago the Sierra Club received a grant of 150 million on the condition that they never mentioned over-population as a problem. My first thought was some religious nut but in reality it was probably George Soros. Search “‘Sierra Club’ overpopulation, 150 million dollars” for some interesting answers, at least when this was written.


• If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
• Some-how It's un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
• Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegal Mexicans voting in our elections are good.
• It was cool for Joe Biden to blackmail the President of Ukraine, but it's an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.
• Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
• Sexualizing children is bad, but 11-year-old drag queens are good.
• Illegals aren't required to show ID, but citizens can't buy cough medicine without it.
• Citizens are fined if they don't buy their own health insurance, and then they are forced to buy it for illegals.
• People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
• Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing people in restaurants is virtuous.
• People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for useless degrees.
• Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you'd better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
• Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate Central-American gang-banger who jumps the southern fence is welcome.
• $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care for illegals is not.
• If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
• Politicians who say that the President is not above the law put illegal immigrants and themselves above the law.
• People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
• Illegals don't pay taxes, but they get tax refunds.
• We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, and it seems like a great plan to us.
• Voter suppression is bad, but not allowing the President to be on the ballot is good.
• Fourth-of-July parades are bad, but parades of women dressed as vaginas are good.
• Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
• criminals are caught and released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad.

And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes you a "racist"? A word invented to suppress opposition.

Georgia's Own Doomsday Stonehenge Monument
The nearly twenty-foot granite slabs, known as the Georgia Guidestones, have sparked controversy around the world.
The nearly twenty-foot granite slabs, known as the Georgia Guidestones, have sparked controversy around the world — praised by Yoko Ono, defaced by conspiracy theorists, featured on the History Channel, and the subject of the conspiracy web series Guidestones. The monument — five upright stones topped by a capstone — weighs nearly 240,000 pounds and is inscribed in eight languages with ten instructions for humans post-apocalypse. Three decades after being erected, the monument's true purpose is still being argued, and its quasi-commandments can seem either sincere or satanic.
The most controversial instruction is the first: that humanity should be maintained under half a billion. Nearly as controversial is the sixth instruction, which proposes that nations resolve disputes in “a world court.” The stones also boast a few odd astronomical features — a hole through which you can see the North Star each night; a slot through which you can watch the sun rise during the summer or winter solstice; and a hole on the capstone which functions as a solar calendar at noon.
07-07-22 Georgia Guidestones thatGeorgia Guidestones Advocate for Depopulation Were Demolished after Explosion.

I'm not alone at this

  1. https://www.fakepandemic.com fake pandemic and political corruption news
  2. https://www.statnews.com Reporting from the frontiers of health and medicine
  3. https://www.patriotpost.us America's News Digest
  4. https://www.tgpfactcheck.com Fact Checking the media
  5. https://www.mrc.com Combating progressive Media lies
  6. https://www.thefederalist.com Be lovers of Freedom
  7. https://www.patriots4truth.org Voices of the American Intelligence Media
  8. https://www.allanivarsson.com Australian religious
  9. https://www.pjmedia.com/news-and-politics no ads, exclusive reporting
  10. https://www.thepatriotwatchdog.com broken 10-2-22
  11. https://www.thepatriotsource.com security concerns going to WEB site
  12. https://www.patriotpost.us America's news digest
  13. https://www.teaparty247.org teaparty - politics
  14. https://www.heritage.org Join the fight for America's future
  15. https://www.icyminews.com Must sign up
  16. https://www.statedepartmentwatch.org broken 10-22
  17. https://www.freedomnewsusa.com good site for news
  18. https://www.judicialwatch.org because no one is above the law
  19. https://www.conventionofstates.com Change the constitution for the bettter
  20. https://www.oregonwatchdog.com Oregon Politics
  21. https://www.lifenews.com Conservative news, anti abortion
  22. https://www.dcdirtylaundry.com Airing out America's dirty laundry
  23. https://www.libertynation.com Truth is makng a comeback
  24. https://www.news.spinquark.com includes a list of 20 more links.
  25. https://www.americanthinker.com untainted news
  26. https://www.outragedpatriot.com Conservative political News, malware detected
  27. https://www.truthandaction.org Conservative News
  28. https://www.stopworldcontrol.com World News, grate perspective
  29. https://www.vaccinehoax.com security issues to access
  30. https://www.independent.org Conservative news, religious view
  31. https://www.johnsmustache.com Conservative news letter sign up
  32. https://www.letsfixstuff.org election fraud, continually updated
  33. https://www.gab.com/TRUNEWS Conservative news, GAB version
  34. https://www.americanfreepress.net America's Last Real Newspaper
  35. https://www.steadfastloyalty.com Conservative News
  36. https://www.conservapedia.com The trustworthy enclypedia
  37. https://www.theexpose.uk News on the fake pandemic
  38. https://www.dogfaceponia.com It is not fake news, it is fairy tale news
  39. http://www.free-speechfront.info Security problems
  40. https://www.wethepeopleconvention.org Conservative podcast
  41. https://www.proudamerican.site Conservative news
  42. https://www.markhumphrys.com conservative by an Isralie in Israel
  43. https://www.bizpacreview.com/#home Conservative business & Politics
  44. https://www.openthebooks.com Where to search on government sites
  45. http://www.DCPatriot.com security issue to access.
  46. https://www.cleverjourneys.com Simple, Honest, Freedom and Fun.
  47. https://www.newstarget.com Uncensored and Independent Media News
  48. https://www.cnsnews.com the right news, right now
  49. https://www.allnewspipeline.com Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans
  50. https://deeprootsathome.com alternative medicines, natural health research
  51. https://wltreport.com Independent conservative news letter
About Islam specifically
  1. https://loganswarning.com exposing islam for what it is
  2. https://www.thereligionofpeace.com True facts about islam
  3. https://www.actforamerica.org stop the invasion, take action now
  4. https://www.politicalislam.com/tears/pages/tears-of-jihad
  5. https://www.islam-watch.org Telling the Truth about Islam
  6. https://www.islamicstatewatch.com New Zealand
  7. https://www.investigativeproject.org Investigative project on terrorism
In the interest of managing the file size I have moved some of the older files to archive.